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Lesson: Elements. Science Differentiation in action An element cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means. Copper.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson: Elements. Science Differentiation in action An element cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means. Copper."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson: Elements

2 Science Differentiation in action An element cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means. Copper

3 Science Differentiation in action Gold nuggets are made up of gold atoms. Elements are made up of one type of atom. A sheet of copper is made up of copper atoms.

4 Science Differentiation in action Elements are listed on a special table called the Periodic Table. If a substance is not listed on the Periodic Table, it is not an element e.g. water (H 2 O), glass or wood. If a substance is listed on the Periodic Table, it is an element e.g. copper (Cu).

5 Science Differentiation in action The Periodic Table places elements that are metals on the left while non-metals are on the right. metals non-metals

6 Science Differentiation in action Two examples of metals Iron (Fe) is a hard silver grey solid Copper (Cu) is a reddish brown solid

7 Science Differentiation in action Two examples of non-metals Carbon (C) can be a grey black solid or a transparent solid Sulfur (S) is a yellow solid

8 Science Differentiation in action Metals conduct heat and electricity. i.e. metals allow heat and electricity to pass through them.

9 Science Differentiation in action You must learn the symbols for these metals. Copper Zinc Aluminium Iron Silver Gold (Cu) (Zn) (Al) (Fe) (Ag) (Au)

10 Science Differentiation in action You must learn the symbols for these non-metals. Carbon Oxygen Sulfur Hydrogen Nitrogen (C) (O) (S) (H) (N)

11 Science Differentiation in action Metals are used in industry to make: radiators electrical wire saucepansjewellery

12 Science Differentiation in action 1. Can copper be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means? Review Questions. 2. What two types of substance does the Periodic Table divide elements into? ___________ and ____________ 3. Metals conduct (allow to pass through) ___________ and ________________.

13 Science Differentiation in action How could you check if a substance was an element? Question to think about! hydrogen oxygen

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