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If you died tomorrow, what would you most be remembered for? Explain why. Fill The Box San Francisco -Founded in 1884 -Chinese fortune cookie created in.

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Presentation on theme: "If you died tomorrow, what would you most be remembered for? Explain why. Fill The Box San Francisco -Founded in 1884 -Chinese fortune cookie created in."— Presentation transcript:

1 If you died tomorrow, what would you most be remembered for? Explain why. Fill The Box San Francisco -Founded in 1884 -Chinese fortune cookie created in S.F. -Alcatraz started out as military fort. -More homeless live in S.F. than any other U.S. city. -13 th largest city in the U.S. February 28th

2 Using the Higher Level Words in the back of class, define the following words. – Cryptic, Tangible, Hamper, Headstrong. CHICAGO -Founded in 1833 -1871 fire destroyed 1/3 of the city. -Home of more than 40 museums. -Nickname, “Windy City” not because its windy. -3 rd largest city in the U.S. February 29th

3 Who is the one relative that I miss the most? What would I say to them if I could see them again? New York City -Founded in 1664 as New York. -1 st Boys club was established in NYC - 1876 -Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens, Staten Island -Largest city in the U.S. March 1st

4 Describe your typical day from wake to sleep. Boston -Founded in 1630. -Site of Americas 1 st Subway system. -Fenway Park is the oldest stadium in major leagues (1912). -22 nd Largest city in the U.S. March 2nd

5 What is your earliest or happiest memory ever, explain and describe it. Philadelphia -Founded in 1701. -Greek translation of word Philadelphia is “city of brotherly love” -1946 – was the home of the 1 st computer. -5th Largest city in the U.S. March 9th

6 If you were born in another time, what time would you choose and why? Dallas -Founded in 1856. -JFK assassination took place November 22, 1963 in Dallas. -First convenient store, 7eleven, started in Dallas in 1922. -9th Largest city in the U.S. March 12

7 What are you most passionate about in life and why? Denver -Founded in 1858. -On average receives 300 days of sunshine a year, more than San Diego and Miami. -Colfax is the longest street in America. -26th Largest city in the U.S. March 14

8 Where do you see yourself in 10 years? What are you doing now to get there? March 15 Seattle -Founded in 1869. -More people bike to work than any other city and first city to put cops on bikes. -Starbucks was started in Seattle. -23rd Largest city in the U.S.

9 March 16 New Orleans -Founded in 1718. -Poker was invented in New Orleans in the 1700’s. -Cemeteries are all above ground because being at sea level caskets would rise back above ground during heavy rains. -52nd Largest city in the U.S. Using the Higher Level Words in the back of class, define the following words. – Hedonist, renown, Kindle, Cringe.

10 What would you do to change the country and the world for the better if you were elected president? March 17 Los Angeles -Founded in 1781. -Considered the birth place of the internet. -The most diverse city in the United States. -2nd Largest city in the U.S.

11 What’s your motto? How would you like to be remembered? April 3 Las Vegas -Founded in 1905. -Las Vegas = “the meadows”. Now a desert, when Vegas was discovered it was a marsh land but as time passed it become the desert we know today. -Visitors are twice as likely to commit suicide in Vegas vs. elsewhere. -30th largest city in the U.S.

12 You have one week to do whatever you want, all-expenses-paid, what things would you want to do? Where would you go? April 4 Honolulu -Founded in 1836. -Is the birth place of our current president, Barack Obama. -2 nd most expensive city in the U.S. and is bordered by over 100 world renowned beaches. -53rd largest city in the U.S.

13 “Be the difference you want to see in the world” is a famous ghandi saying. What things have you done or could you do to help make a difference at ALHS, explain how it makes a difference. April 5 Detroit -Founded in 1701. -Published first U.S. newspaper in 1837, “Detroit Free Press”. -Oldest city in Midwest and only city you can look South and see Canada. -18th largest city in the U.S.

14 April 10 Phoenix -Founded in 1881. -Average rainfall is around 7 inches per year. -The average yearly temperature is 72 degrees. Denver is 50 degrees. -6th largest city in the U.S. Using the Higher Level Words in the back of class, define the following words. – Nuance, tentative, bigot, tenacious.

15 April 12 San Antonio -Founded in 1691. -The Alamo is the #1 visited attraction in Texas. -Chili was invented in San Antonio during the 18 th century. -7th largest city in the U.S. Tell about an event in your life that has caused a change in you.

16 April 17 -Founded in 1729. -The birth place of Babe Ruth. -Because of its proximity to the crab filled Chesapeake Bay, is known affectionately as “Crab City”’ -21st largest city in the U.S. Who is one of the most courageous people you have ever met? Why? Baltimore

17 April 19 -Founded in 1871. -Is 70 miles from Denver. -Shortly after 1900 was said to be the wealthiest city per capita in the United States. Earned the nickname “Little London”. -41st largest city in the U.S. Name three people whose lives have been improved by knowing you, and explain why. Colorado Springs

18 April 25 -Founded in 1845. -One of the few places in U.S. where you are not allowed to pump your own gas.. -Was very close to being named Boston, coin flip decided between Boston and Portland. -29th largest city in the U.S. How old were you four years ago? Describe some things you can do now that you could not do then. Portland

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