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October 21 st and 22 nd, 2014. To present the Helping 100,000 Babies Survive and Thrive Initiative to key stakeholders To define a path towards implementation.

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Presentation on theme: "October 21 st and 22 nd, 2014. To present the Helping 100,000 Babies Survive and Thrive Initiative to key stakeholders To define a path towards implementation."— Presentation transcript:

1 October 21 st and 22 nd, 2014

2 To present the Helping 100,000 Babies Survive and Thrive Initiative to key stakeholders To define a path towards implementation of selected modules to meet the needs of Nigeria’s health system and integrate with existing efforts at all levels To identify core elements, timelines and implementing teams for country workplan review and harmonize maternal care training modules for implementation; To build consensus and secure commitments around implementation Meeting objectives

3 Reduction in U5MR, IMR and NMR 3

4 4

5 Opportunities to save newborn lives in Nigeria

6 Post-Natal Examinations/Visits Facility Based Delivery Home Delivery Source: Nigeria DHS 2013

7 Early Breastfeeding Breastfeeding InitiationPrelacteal Feed (5,157) (5,396) (1,616) Source: Nigeria DHS 2013

8 Background to the Helping 100k Babies Survive and Thrive A special initiative of the Survive & Thrive alliance Survive & Thrive is a global public-private partnership that was launched in 2012 with aim to increase utilization and impact of high quality, high impact maternal, newborn and child health interventions in health facilities by focusing on 3 countries - Ethiopia India and Nigeria. Objective of 100K: To save newborn lives in partnership with health professional associations and other stakeholders in Ethiopia, India, and Nigeria. Core partners for Helping 100,000 Babies Survive & Thrive:

9 Strategies for Helping 100,000 Babies Survive & Thrive Support clinical competencies and quality improvement by adapting and integrating the Helping Babies Survive and QI educational program into existing program structures and systems Strategy 1 Quality Improvement Commodities Equipment Evaluation Helping Babies Survive Scale Up Train Mentor Community of Practice Mobilize and equip members of professional associations to improve the quality of newborn interventions in health facilities and to be champions in MNH Strategy 2 Helping Health Providers Strengthen 73 countries 12 countries Under review Under development March 2015

10 Under development

11 Partnerships for the Helping 100,000 Babies Survive&Thrive American partners Professional Association: American Academy of Pediatrics American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists American College of Nurse- Midwives Funders: USAID Laerdal Global Health Johnson & Johnson NORAD Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Others in discussion Nigeria partners Professional Association: Pediatric Association of Nigeria NISONM Everyone is important but not all could have signed the MOU. We expect skills to be stepped down and transferred

12  Nigeria ENBC modules  Nigeria LSS training materials What materials can we use? Quality Improvement Commodities / Equipment Evaluation Helping Babies Survive

13  Complete Nigeria adaptation of ECEB modules  Use LSS as reference material  Proposed inclusion of ENBC/HBS into pre-service curricula a.Medical schools b.Schools of Nursing and Midwifery c.School of Health Technology How can we improve skills?

14  Service providers  Focus on frontline health workers  Cascade training from TOT to facility  USA Professional Associations to provide support  Use of HBS modules post adaptation  Nigerian health professional associations  PAN/NISONM coordination under leadership of FMOH  Pre-conference workshops on HBS  Mainstream QI into training, monitoring and supervision  Newborn indicators from HMIS, SMART surveys insufficient for tracking quality of NB care Training plan

15  Development partners  State governments  Federal government Committments


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