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+ Learn IT 2014: Python Basic programming. + Agenda Python, PyCharm CE Basic programming concepts Creating an executable file using Py2Exe Where to go.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Learn IT 2014: Python Basic programming. + Agenda Python, PyCharm CE Basic programming concepts Creating an executable file using Py2Exe Where to go."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Learn IT 2014: Python Basic programming

2 + Agenda Python, PyCharm CE Basic programming concepts Creating an executable file using Py2Exe Where to go from here

3 + Python Python version 2.7.6 (an interpreter) Py2ExePy2Exe version 0.6.9 win32-py2.7.exe PyCharmPyCharm Community Edition (an IDE)

4 + Python Easy to learn (simple syntax) High-level scripting language Available on PC, Mac, Unix and Linux systems Drawing shapes using Turtle Module Create web apps, games, or search engine (such as Google) Lists of applications developed in Python

5 + Programming Basic Elements Comments Data Types, Variables and Variables Declaration Functions Turtle Loops

6 + Comments Are used to describe the meaning and purpose of your source code or program Can be thought of as notes for ourselves and others Are ignored by compilers and interpreters Should be included in all programs

7 + Comments TypesExamples Single# This is a single line comment. Multiline# This is multiline comments # comments line 2…

8 + Programming Basic Elements Comments Data Types, Variables and Variables Declaration Functions Turtle Loops

9 + Data Types Common data types: String – letters, numbers, and symbols name = “Ros” Numbers – integer and float a = 1 # integer or int b = 3.5 # float Boolean – True or False x = True y = False List – array in other languages a_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

10 + Variables & Variables Declaration Used to store value or a piece of data Declaring variables: Should be something meaningful Can start with alphabet, and underscore but not number Case sensitive, i.e., name is not the same as Name

11 + Examples Data TypesVariable DeclarationExplanations Stringmy_str = “Ros”my_str = variable; “Ros” = string value (notes the use of quotations) Integermy_int = 90 Floatmy_float = 90.87 Booleanmy_bool = True my_bool2 = False True is a value (note the use of an uppercase T and F) Listmy_list = [] my_list2 = [1, 2, 3] my_list = varialbe [] = an empty list, which you can use append to add to the list [1, 2, 3] = a list with some values

12 + Comments and Variables Example

13 + Programming Basic Elements Comments Data Types, Variables and Variables Declaration Functions Turtle Loops

14 + Function A building block of code or a chunk of code that can be reused To define a function in Python, we used a keyword “def” Example

15 + Function in Python LanguageDefining a functionExplanations Pythondef drawline(): # your code here drawline() colon (:) tells Python that a block of code is coming next block of code (recommended 4 spaces indentation) calling drawline() function

16 + Programming Basic Elements Comments Data Types, Variables and Variables Declaration Functions Turtle Loops

17 + Turtle Turtle (cursor) graphics is a Python graphic package for creating vector graphics (scalable graphics) Turtle graphics module is included in Python Three things we need to know: Positions (distance) Directions (angle) States of the pens (line color, shape filled, line width, etc.)

18 + Directions in Turtle Facing Left Facing Right

19 + Degrees in Turtle 0 90 180 270 45 135225 315

20 + Turtle Commands CommandsDescriptions forward()Moves the turtle forward left()Moves the turtle counter clockwise right()Moves the turtle clockwise penup()Picks up the turtles tail pendown()Puts down the turtles tail color()Changes the color of the turtle ( s.htm) s.htm heading()Returns the current heading shape()Shape of the turtle, can be arrow, classic, turtle, or circle done()End turtle module Visit for more information.

21 + Drawing Square

22 + Output

23 + Activity Draw other shapes like triangle, rectangle, etc. Formula ShapeSidesRange()Angle Triangle33360/3 = 120 Square/Rectangle44360/4 = 90 Octagon88360/8 = 45

24 + Programming Basic Elements Comments Data Types, Variables and Variables Declaration Functions Turtle Loops

25 + Looping means repeating the same thing over and over again. Two kinds of loops: For loop – repeat a certain number of times While loop – repeat until a certain thing happens (or as long as some condition is met)

26 + For Loop ExamplesFor loopOutputs 1for i in [1,2,3,4]: print i 12341234 2for i in [0,1,2]: print “Hi” Hi HI Explanations: The variable i (loop index; loop counter) The sequences in example started with the value 0 or 1 (example 1 and 2) and ended with any numbers (in example 1 and 2 the numbers were 4 and 2 respectively)

27 + For Loop Range(start, stop, step) function is a short cut for entering starting and ending numbers range() function returns the numbers between the start and stop step in range() function is optional argument An argument is a value that we put inside the parentheses and pass it to the function

28 + For Loop ExamplesOutputs 1for i in range (1, 4): print “Hello world” Hello world 2for i in range(2): print “Learn IT 2014!” Learn IT 2014 Explanations: range(1, 4) means our program will print out the words “Hello world” 3 times starting from 1 and ending before 4, which is 3. Note, step is optional. In this case we didn’t specify step so it will count by 1 If you want to print out 5 Hello world, how would you do that using range(n1, n2)? Example 2 showed another way of specifying a number of loops you want using just range(n) range(2) in example 2 is the same thing as range(0, 1)

29 + For Loop Examplesfor i in range (start, stop, step):Outputs 1. Counting by 2for i in range(1, 10, 2): print "i =", i i = 1 i = 3 i = 5 i = 7 i = 9 2. Counting by 5for i in range(1, 10, 5): print "i =", i i = 1 i = 6 3. Counting backwardfor i in range(5, 0, -1): print "i =", i i = 5 i = 4 i = 3 i = 2 i = 1 Using “step” examples

30 + For Loop We can also use a for loop to count something else other than numbers Examplefor i in [item, item, item, so on]:Outputs for i in [“coffee”, “hot chocolate”, “tea”]: print “I like to drink ” + i + “.” I like to drink coffee. I like to drink hot chocolate. I like to drink tea.

31 + While Loop While loop is used to repeat a block of codes an unknown number of times until a specific condition is met (conditional loop) While loop is similar to if-else condition (Code from LinesWhile loopExplanations 1234567812345678 temperature = 115 # set initial condition while temperature > 112: # first while loop print temperature temperature = temperature – 1 print “The tea is cool enough.” 115 > 112 Print 115 115 – 1 = 114, loop back until 112 > 112, which is false Print “The tea is cool enough.” What happen if you leave out line 4?

32 + Activity Draw a square using a for loop Formula ShapeSidesRange()Angle Triangle33360/3 = 120 Square/Rectangle44360/4 = 90 Octagon88360/8 = 45

33 + Square Code

34 + Py2Exe Creating an executable file or standalone file using python script Py2exe, tutorials/44-how-to-create-windows-executable-exe-from- python-script tutorials/44-how-to-create-windows-executable-exe-from- python-script Mac user,

35 + Py2Exe Create in the same folder where you want your python script to be executable Example: from distutils.core import setup import py2exe setup(console=[‘'])

36 + Creating an EXE File Go to Start and type “cmd” and press enter to open a command prompt Note: Visit, for more information

37 + Creating an EXE File Navigate to the folder that we want to create a python file into an executable file Example: 1. Create a directory called, “LearnIT2014” under C drive and copy the python file you want to create an executable file to that directory 2. In the command prompt window, type the following command to change the directory to LearnIT2014 c:\Users\n10rxa1> cd\ c:\> c:\>cd LearnIT2014 3. This will take you to c:\LearnIT2014 4. Type the following command after c:\LearnIT2014> c:\LearnIT2014> py2exe 5. When it is done creating, you will see two subfolders called “build” and “dist” created under LearnIT2014 6. Double click “dist” folder to open, you should see an exe file 7. The “dist” folder is the folder that you can pack and send it your friends and family

38 + Where to go from here Python books: lists of free books about Python Hello World Book How to think like a computer scientist Python for Kids

39 + Where to go from here CodeAcademy: Python 2 GrokLearning: Python 3 Mobile app using Python Udemy (free Python on iPad) Develop games with Python development-fundamentals-with-python/ development-fundamentals-with-python/

40 + Happy Coding

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