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FALL LEAVES A fun project to learn multiple cool things about small beauty that is around us.

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Presentation on theme: "FALL LEAVES A fun project to learn multiple cool things about small beauty that is around us."— Presentation transcript:

1 FALL LEAVES A fun project to learn multiple cool things about small beauty that is around us

2 STANDARD:  V.A.5.4.4  Develop basic color theory (introducing warm colors this week, Cool colors next week)  VA.6.4.1  Create a representational drawing using mark marking with dry and wet media (dry this week, wet next)

3 TODAY WE WILL  Discuss leaves  Examine leaves  Sketch leaves  Start to create a final project

4 Why do leaves fall from trees? Leaves are tree’s “food factories”. They take Gas from the air called carbon dioxide. They turn that gas into oxygen and glucose, which is what plants use for energy to grow. The way plants turn water and Co2 to O is photosynthesis, which is combined “with light”, in which chlorophyll makes it green.

5 Scientific reason As autumn comes the days get shorter. There is not enough light for photosynthesis. They begin to shut down their food making factories, and we see the color change. Plants use the energy they stored all though the winter.

6 Shapes What kind of shape is a leaf?

7 What color schemes do we see in these pictures?


9 Now let’s Sketch Take a few leaves and lets sketch out some of the leaves. You may overlap. You can draw the contour lines. This is a sketch, there is no right or wrong way to draw them. Fold your sketch paper in 4 ways and practice drawing

10 Now we will 1) Draw your Contour lines on white paper, first with a pencil, draw lightly. 2) Using oil pastels, draw over your contour lines 3) 3) color the inside of your leaves \ Remember to use WARM colors. You may smudge the oils in your picture if you would like to try. Remember you have sketch paper to PRACTICE ON!!!


12 NEXT TIME WE WILL  Paint a “wash” with watercolor paint, using a Cool color, to contrast our Warm colors, to create an interesting picture!

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