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Aim of this evening Introduction of staff Purpose of the trip Itinerary of the trip Emergency procedures Clothing and luggage Money Rules Questions.

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Presentation on theme: "Aim of this evening Introduction of staff Purpose of the trip Itinerary of the trip Emergency procedures Clothing and luggage Money Rules Questions."— Presentation transcript:


2 Aim of this evening Introduction of staff Purpose of the trip Itinerary of the trip Emergency procedures Clothing and luggage Money Rules Questions

3 Your Staff

4 Purpose of the Trip General Purpose RE Students Non-RE Students


6 Day 1 – Saturday 19 th February FLIGHT DETAILS 00:00 - Leave school (midnight on Friday/Saturday) 04:00 - Check in at Heathrow (with NST) 06:00 – Flight departs 09:30 – Flight arrives (Local Time) – met by NST 11:30 – Anticipated arrival at Hotel Lux 13:00 – The start of the tour!!

7 Day 1 – Saturday 19 th February WHEN IN ROME... 13:00 - Lunch – Pantheon (open) – San Luigi dei Francesi (2.30) – San Ignatazio di Loyola (3) – Chieasa dei Gesu (4) – Piazza Navona – Coffee & Gelato 18:00 – Latest to return to Hotel 19:30 Dinner: Archi Romane Restaurant (3 course) After Dinner: Rest

8 Day 2 – Sunday 20 th February The Empire Strikes Back 08:00 – Breakfast 09:00 – Leave – Domus Aurea – Colosseum – Arco di Costantino – Forum (tour tbc) 13:00 – Lunch

9 Day 2 – Sunday 20 th February The Empire Strikes Back 14:30 – Groups divide via Capitoline Hill – Keat’s Memorial – Carrivagio at San Popolo 17:00 – Meet at Baberini Metro 17:15 – Capuchin Crypt 18:30 – Back to Hotel 19:30 Dinner – La Famiglia Resurant ( course) After dinner – Trevi fountain & More gelato

10 Day 3 – Monday 21 st February If it ain’t Baroque don’t visit it 07:00 – Breakfast – bring everything you need for the day with you to breakfast. 07:30 – Leave (need to be at Vatican by 8:30) 09:00 – Tour of the Vatican – Tour of Vatican – Tour of Sistine Chapel – Tour of St. Peter’s Basilica 13:30 – Lunch – Cross the Ponte Sant Angelo

11 Day 3 – Monday 21 st February If it ain’t Baroque don’t visit it 14:30 – Bernini Tour – Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi – Palazzo Montecitorio (house of Italian Parliment) – Piazza del Quirinale to Sant’Andrea al Quirinale. – Quattro Fontane – Fontana del Tritone (and Fontana delle Api). – Santa Maria della Vittoria & The Ecstacy of St, Teresa 18:30 – Hotel 19:30 Dinner – Hard Rock Cafe After Dinner - Spanish Steps – Coffee & Gelato – RETURN AND PACK EVERYTHING!!!

12 Day 4 – Tuesday 22 nd February The Good Shepherds? 08:00 – Breakfast – All bags brought to front desk to be left in luggage room. 09:00 – Leave for Repubblica 09:30 – San Giovanni 10:30 – San Clemente 11:30 – Pietro in Vincoli 12:30 – Photo outside Santa Maria Maggiore 13:00 – Return to Hotel and collect luggage

13 Day 4 – Tuesday 22 nd February FLIGHT DETAILS 13:30 – Coach pick up time at Corner of Via Marsala and Via Solferino 15:20 – Check in at Rome Fiumicino Airport 17:20 – Depart Rome 19:10 – Arrive London (Local Time) 22:30 – Arrive back at HBK

14 Day 5 – Wednesday 23 rd February Lie in

15 Emergency procedures The trip has been organised through NST – an experienced school travel company. A full risk assessment has been carried out. The tour price includes insurance. Details available We have a NST Rep on hand at all times and 24/7 emergency contact details with NST should anything arise Students will be fully briefed at each site to make them aware of the potential hazards.

16 Kit List... Comfortable shoes Socks Underwear (clean) Trousers/Jeans Shirts/T-Shirts Jumper Warm Jacket/Coat Towel Toiletries/Wash bag Gloves & Hat Small day rucksack Music/ipod???? Camera Passport E111 Card Phone Money Food for outward journey A book (vs. music) Medication Plug adaptor Plastic Bag Limit yourself to a small/medium size bag/holdall and a small piece of hand luggage Church/Vatican dress policy – no bare knees or shoulders

17 Clothing and Luggage We are going for 4 days! Use the Kit list One luggage bag Hand luggage Try to keep to an absolute minimum and obviously no sharps, weapons, pets or more than 100 ml of liquid. Check perfumes!! Mobiles Bills? Staff will have mobiles in case of an emergency

18 Money The Italian currency is the Euro. The exchange rate is about £1 = € I.17 The tour covers breakfast and dinner Packed breakfast for Heathrow? Lunches Money will only be needed for: Snacks/Coffee/Gelato Lunch Gifts for teachers. I suggest between £50 and £75. Don’t bring travellers cheques & there are ATMs

19 Rules It is important that everyone enjoys their trip. It is even more important that everyone is safe. So, we need everyone to follow these simple rules: Any instruction given by a member of staff must be followed without question. When a member of staff is giving instructions all students must be silent immediately – this is especially important at airports and ‘in the field’. There is no alcohol – the good stuff is too expensive and the drinking culture is very different No smoking – it’s like a school day!!!

20 Any questions? Hoodies…

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