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Thomas Jefferson was the 3 rd president of the United States of America John Adams was the 2 nd president and 1 st vice president of the United States.

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Presentation on theme: "Thomas Jefferson was the 3 rd president of the United States of America John Adams was the 2 nd president and 1 st vice president of the United States."— Presentation transcript:


2 Thomas Jefferson was the 3 rd president of the United States of America John Adams was the 2 nd president and 1 st vice president of the United States of America John Jay signed the treaty of Paris Benjamin Franklin was a scientist and a politician

3 Blacksmiths work with metal Brick makers make bricks with clay Milliners work with fabrics to make clothes

4 New England’s industry includes fishing, whaling, trapping, shipbuilding and logging Southern Colonies industry’s include rice, indigo, tobacco, sugarcane and cotton Middle Colonies industry’s include agriculture, logging, shipbuilding and paper making

5 Men wore shirts, hats and breeches Women wore gowns, ruffles and coats Education was widely accessible Education was widely accessible. You would learn your letters, do educational puzzles and to read

6 Some foods they ate were peanut soup and shepherds pie The Southern Colonies were most dependent on slaves

7 Kids played games like cards, puzzles and board games Rich peoples lived in houses like ours now and

8 Some literature is newspapers and factual books Some instruments were fifes and drums

9 Some crafts and games that they played were puzzles, cards and board games

10 Some tools people back then used were forges, anvils and hammers which the blacksmith used.

11 "Founding Fathers of the United States." October 7th 2014. Wikimedia Foundation Inc. 29 October, 2014. "Thirteen Colonies." April 13th 2014. Conservapedia. 29 October, 2014.. 13 colonies." Mr. Naussbaum fun+learning. 5/17/13. Naussbaum Education Network,LLC. 29 October, 2014. "Colonial Williamsburg." 2004. The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. 29 October, 2014. Guterba, Linda. "Colonial Life:Life in Colonial America." 2014. kidinfo. 29 October, 2014. White, David. "Life in the 13 Colonies Compared to life today." Social Studies for Kids. 2011.. 29 October, 2014.. Qqi4oAg

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