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Polio Eradication The Good News The Bad News The Good News.

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Presentation on theme: "Polio Eradication The Good News The Bad News The Good News."— Presentation transcript:

1 Polio Eradication The Good News The Bad News The Good News

2 Polio Eradication “…this close…”

3 Polio Eradication The Global Polio Eradication Initiative works to ensure that every last child is protected from polio

4 Polio Eradication WHO – World Health Organisation A WHO jeep, for use in the national polio surveillance project, is transported across a river in Bihar, India Spearheading Partners Rotary International More than one million Rotary members have volunteered their time to polio eradication

5 Polio Eradication The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC ) CDC uses state-of-the-art virological surveillance expertise to investigate polio outbreaks Spearheading Partners United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Children listen to UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Mia Farrow speak about polio eradication at a community meeting in Bol, Chad to raise awareness about the upcoming vaccination campaign.

6 Polio Eradication Other Partners The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation The United Nations Foundation Other Private Foundations Development Banks (eg The World Bank) Donor Governments The European Commission Humanitarian & Nongovernmental Organizations Corporate partners (eg Aventis Pasteur, De Beers) Volunteers in Developing Countries

7 Polio Eradication


9 Total cases Year-to- date 2013 Year-to-date 2012 Total in 2012 Globally322177223 - in endemic countries110172217 - in non-endemic countries21256 As of 30 October 2013

10 Polio Eradication Rajashree Birla

11 Polio Eradication Women transport polio vaccine by boat to remote villages in northern India Since 1988, an estimated five million children who would have been paralysed, are walking because of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative.

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