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Presenter: Frank Kessler Water and Energy Conservation for the Dallas Metropolitan YMCA.

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Presentation on theme: "Presenter: Frank Kessler Water and Energy Conservation for the Dallas Metropolitan YMCA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presenter: Frank Kessler Water and Energy Conservation for the Dallas Metropolitan YMCA

2 Locations 19 Owned Locations

3 By encorporating the following recommendations, YMCA Dallas can: Become an institution committed to sustainability. Become an institution committed to sustainability. Operate more efficiently. Operate more efficiently. Use these savings for other programsUse these savings for other programs Become a model for other YMCA’s. Become a model for other YMCA’s. The criteria used to prepare this report centered around energy and water conserving measures that: Can be readily identified. Can be readily identified. Can provide a reasonably short payback and ROI. Can provide a reasonably short payback and ROI. Goals

4 Water and Energy savings strategies: Replace plumbing fixtures at 19 facilities. Replace plumbing fixtures at 19 facilities. Install swimming pool covers at 8 facilities. Install swimming pool covers at 8 facilities. Install laundry ozone generators at 8 facilities. Install laundry ozone generators at 8 facilities. Install energy controllers at vending machines. Install energy controllers at vending machines. Install a water treatment system at cooling tower. Install a water treatment system at cooling tower. Strategies

5 Savings generatedplumbingfixtures $ 190,568 $ 134,611 1.5 yrs. 1.5 yrs.poolCovers $ 96,280 $ 66,192 1.5 yrs. 1.5 yrs. ozoneGenerator $ 86,120 $ 22,874 3.8 yrs. 3.8 yrs. *vendingcontrollers $ 5,907 $ 3,465 1.7 yrs. 1.7 yrs. cooling tower $ 22,016 $ 5,286 4.2 yrs 4.2 yrs Cost Savings Payback I II III IV V $ 403,931 $ 232,846 1.7 yrs * ‘Snack Miser’ controllers included

6 Strategies

7 Plumbing Fixture - Inventory

8 Plumbing Fixtures – (7 older facilities)


10 Plumbing Fixtures – (12 newer facilities)


12 7 OLD facilities - all fixtures replaced 7 OLD facilities - toilets & urinals replaced +aerators & showerheads 12 NEWER Facilities - aerators & showerheads Plumbing Fixtures – Costs

13 Swimming Pool Covers T Boone Pickens – Indoor Pool

14 Swimming Pool Covers Outdoor Pool cover Indoor Pool cover Single reel Double reel Triple reel

15 Swimming Pool Covers – 8 facilities

16 Pool Cover – savings at Coppell ROI for Coppell Indoor Pool Ref.: ‘Pool Energy Use Calculator’ Washington State University

17 Pool Cover ROI – all 8 facilities

18 Laundry Ozone System larger installation smaller installationT Boone Pickens laundry

19 Ozone Laundry System ROI for T Boone Pickens Yearly savings of $22,874 for 8 facilities

20 Vending Miser Vending Machines at all 19 facilities ‘Vending Miser’ controller & sensor

21 ‘Vending Miser’ Manufacturer’s Data Yearly savings of $3,480 for 33 ‘Vending Misers’ ‘Snack Miser’ controllers at 19 non-refrigerated snack machines saved $418 per year with a simple payback of 7.3 years

22 ‘Vending Miser’ ROI for one ‘Vending Miser’

23 Cooling Tower Water Treatment 450 Ton Cooling Tower at T Boone Pickens YMCA

24 Cooling Tower Water Treatment Existing system: Dissolved minerals precipitate and deposit themselves on cooling tower surfaces. ‘Dolphin WaterCare’: Electric field strips suspended particles of static charge. The particles then become the preferred surface for minerals to precipitate to.

25 Cooling Tower Water Treatment Yearly savings of $ 5,286 ROI at T Boone Pickens

26 Grant Writing The Richardson Family YMCA was selected as an individual project and used to develop a Grant Proposal to the (GP) Georgia-Pacific Foundation for water (resource) conservation. GP’s funding limitation is $25,000. Why was Georgia-Pacific selected as a funding source?  they have a strong interest in the Environment and Resource Conservation.  their grant program fits the goals and objectives of the Project.  our project satisfies their funding requirements.

27 YMCA Project Review “This report is detailed, thorough, and comprehensive. We will be reviewing it with Senior Management and we will be implementing some of these items immediately…” Stanley G. Thomas, AIA Vice President of Properties & Facilities YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas

28 Questions?

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