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Database Design.  Define a table for each entity  Give the table the same name as the entity  Make the primary key the same as the identifier of the.

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Presentation on theme: "Database Design.  Define a table for each entity  Give the table the same name as the entity  Make the primary key the same as the identifier of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Database Design

2  Define a table for each entity  Give the table the same name as the entity  Make the primary key the same as the identifier of the entity ▪ May require the addition of a surrogate key  Create a column for each attribute in the entity  Apply the normalization process to remove any normalization problems (remember we did not worry about normalization issues when we created our data models)

3  Each column in a table has specific properties  Data type  Null status  Default value  Constraints  Column properties are usually set when the table is initially created

4  What is a data type?  Why is it important for the DBMS to know the data type of a column?  Give examples of data types  Each DBMS supports its own set of unique data types  Look at the documentation for your particular DBMS

5  Null Status of a column  Determines if a value must be entered when the row containing the column is created ▪ If the column MUST have a value, then use NOT NULL ▪ If the column can be left empty, then use NULL  The Null status: NULL or NOT NULL  Is set when the table is created  Are there any problems you could run into if you incorrectly set the Null status?  For example, if you use NOT NULL when you really meant NULL?  Or you used NULL when you meant NOT NULL?

6  What is a default value?  The DBMS will automatically set the value in a column to the default value, if one exists, when the new row is created

7  What is a data constraint?  A restriction on the values contained in a particular column  What fields (columns) can you think of that may benefit from data constraints?

8  Last step  Need to verify that your tables are normalized. Why? ▪ In the design phase we have not yet formally gone through the normalization process

9  Given CUSTOMER(ID, Street, City, State, Zipcode)  Should we break out Zip code into its own table? ▪ Does the functional dependency Zipcode State exist? ▪ Then by following the rules for normalization, we should create a Zipcode table and place the Zipcode as a foreign key in the CUSTOMER table ▪ Any concerns about this? ▪ How do you get the person’s address? ▪ Two tables must be read ▪ Programmers will not be happy campers! ▪ We usually think of the address as street, city, state and zip: all in one group  Therefore, we leave the Zip code in the CUSTOMER table and remove the new Zip table ▪ This is called Denormalization

10  What happens if we denormalize the Zip code?  i.e. Zip code is still in the Customer table  Consider the 3 basics operations  Insert ▪ What happens if you want to insert a new zip code? ▪ Is this ok?  Update ▪ What happens if a zip code changes? ▪ Is this ok?  Delete ▪ What happens if you delete the only customer with a particular zip code? ▪ Is this ok?  What is your conclusion about denormalizing Zip code?

11  The previous process for creating relational tables from entities works for all entities  However, weak entities sometimes require special attention  What is a weak entity?  An entity that logically depends on another entity  Look at Figure 5-8, page 266  Are there any weak entities in this diagram?  What about Commision_Check? What type of entity is this? Why?

12  If a weak entity is NOT ID-Dependent (what does this mean?)  It can be represented as a table using the previous process  What should happen if the parent of a non-id dependent weak entity is deleted?  If a weak entity is ID-Dependent (what does this mean?)  For example, SALES_COMMISSION on SALESPERSON ▪ Figure 5-8, page 266  The identifier of the parent and the weak entity both appear in the table for the weak entity ▪ What would be the primary key for SALES_COMMISSION? Why? ▪ Why not just CommissionPeriod?

13  See Figure 5-9 (a), page 267  Describe in English what the E-R diagram “says”  Is there a weak entity in this diagram? ▪ How do you know? ▪ Is it ID-Dependent or not ID-Dependent? Why?  Notice the primary key of LINE_ITEM in (b)  What would happen if InvoiceNumber was not included in the primary key for LINE_ITEM?

14  So far we have created a relational design for the entities in an E-R diagram by translating these entities into tables  Now we need to create relationships among these tables  Techniques to do this depend on the maximum cardinality of the relationships ▪ What is meant by maximum cardinality? ▪ 3 relationship possibilities exist ▪ One-to-one (1:1) ▪ One-to-many (1:N) ▪ Many-to-many (M:N)  In general, we create relationships by placing foreign keys in tables

15  Representing 1:1 Strong Entity Relationships  What is a 1:1 relationship? What does it mean?  See Figure 5-10 (a), page 270 ▪ What does this diagram “say” in English?  Simply place the primary key of one of the tables into the other table as a foreign key ▪ See Figure 5-10 (b) ▪ See Figure 5-10 (c) ▪ What is the difference? Does it matter? Why or why not?

16  Representing 1:N Strong Entity Relationships  What is a 1:N relationship? What does it mean?  See Figure 5-12 (a), page 272 ▪ What does this diagram “say”?  In a 1:N relationship, the terms parent and child are sometimes used ▪ The parent refers to the 1 part of the relationship ▪ The child refers to the N (many) part of the relationship ▪ In Figure 5-12 (a), what is the parent? The child?

17  To represent a 1:N strong entity relationship, simply place the primary key of the parent entity into the table representing the child entity as a foreign key  See Figure 5-12 (b) ▪ Don’t forget the referential constraint ▪ ItemNumber in QUOTATION must exist in ItemNumber in ITEM  What would happen if you placed the child key into the parent entity as a foreign key? Would this work also? Why or why not?

18  Representing M:N Strong Entity Relationships  What is an M:N relationship? What does it mean?  See Figure 5-13 (a), page 273 ▪ What does this diagram “say”?  Let’s try to use our previous approach with foreign keys ▪ What happens if we try to place the student identifier (SID) into the CLASS table as a foreign key? ▪ What happens if we try to place the class identifier (ClassNumber) into the STUDENT table as a foreign key?

19  Let’s try another approach  See Figure 5-14, page 274  We add a row for each student enrolled in a class into the CLASS table  So we have two records for Class 10 and Class 30, for example  This means that two students have enrolled in Class 10 and two students have enrolled in Class 30  Any problems with this approach?  What about if student 300 drops out of class 40?  We have just lost this class  This approach does not work

20  The solution is to create a third table, called an intersection table (or sometimes a junction table)  This new table represents the relationship itself  Therefore it contains the primary key from each of the two original tables ▪ This new table now contains two foreign keys, which together form its composite primary key STUDENT (SID, StudentName, Phone, EmailAddress) CLASS (ClassNumber, ClassTime, ClassName, Description) STUDENT_CLASS (SID, ClassNumber) Where SID in STUDENT_CLASS must exist in SID in STUDENT ClassNumber in STUDENT_CLASS must exist in ClassNumber in CLASS

21  See Figure 5-15 (a), page 274  What does this diagram “say”?  We have taken an M:N relationship and decomposed it into two 1:N relationships  The key for an intersection table is ALWAYS the combination of parent keys  Both parent key values are required for each intersection table row  Contains ONLY the columns that make up its composite key ▪ Stay tuned…  STUDENT_CLASS is an ID-Dependent weak entity on both STUDENT and CLASS  We started with an M:N strong entity relationship and in order to create a database design, we had to create an ID-Dependent weak entity

22  Now, after I just said that all intersection tables contains ONLY the columns that make up its composite key….  Another type of ID-Dependent weak entity occurs when we take an intersection table and add entity attribute(s) (table columns) beyond those of the composite primary key ▪ See Figure 5-18, page 277 ▪ The STUDENT_CLASS entity now contains data uniquely its own  This entity is now called an association entity and the relationship is called an association relationship

23  The identifier of a subtype entity is the identifier of the associated supertype entity  Huh? What does this mean?  The identifier of the subtype becomes the primary key of the subtype and the foreign key linking the subtype to the supertype  See Figure 5-20 (a) and (b), page 278

24  A recursive relationship is a relationship among entities of the same class  There relationships can be represented using the same techniques we have already used  3 types of recursive relationships exist  1:1  1:N  N:M  See Figure 5-21, page 279 for an example of each ▪ What do each of these diagrams “say”?  Know that these types of relationships exist, how to describe them and how to recognize them

25  To transform an E-R data model into a relational database design  Create a table for each entity ▪ Attributes of the entity become the columns of the table ▪ Identifier of the entity becomes the primary key of the table ▪ For each column ▪ Define data types, null status, any default values, any data constraints ▪ Apply the normalization process to the table ▪ Creating additional tables if necessary ▪ Use denormalization if necessary  Keep in mind that denormalization will introduce insert, update and delete problems

26  Weak entities are represented by a table  Supertypes and subtypes are each represented by separate tables  The E-R model has 3 types of relationships  1:1  1:N  N:M

27  The M:N relationship requires the adding of a third table  Called the intersection or junction table ▪ This new table represents the relationship itself ▪ This new table now contains two foreign keys, which together form its composite primary key  Recursive relationships are relationships in which the participants in the relationship arise from the same entity class

28  Review for Exam #1  Project #7 is due  No quiz  Exam #1 is on February 24 th  See next slide

29  Exam #1  If you do not attend class, I will place a make-up exam in the test center by 9:30 Tuesday morning ▪ NOTE: I will subtract 20 points from your test score ▪ This is your responsibility! I will not send emails or phone you or visit your favorite haunts to let you know that you need to take the exam… ▪ You will have until 12:00 p.m. (noon) on Wednesday, February 26 th to complete the exam in the test center ▪ I will pick up any completed exams at 12:00 on Wednesday so I can have them graded for class on Wednesday ▪ If you do not complete the exam, you will earn 0 points for this exam score

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