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Distribute It! Using the Distributive Property to Multiply Intermediate Math CCS: 3.OA.5 Apply properties of operations as strategies to multiply and divide.

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Presentation on theme: "Distribute It! Using the Distributive Property to Multiply Intermediate Math CCS: 3.OA.5 Apply properties of operations as strategies to multiply and divide."— Presentation transcript:

1 Distribute It! Using the Distributive Property to Multiply Intermediate Math CCS: 3.OA.5 Apply properties of operations as strategies to multiply and divide. (Distributive Property) 4.NBT.5 Multiply a whole number of up to four digits by a one-digit whole number, and multiply two two-digit numbers, using strategies based on place value and the properties of operations. Additional Information for teacher about activity: Included in this activity are 3 sets of word problem cards. One set is multiplying 1 digit by 1 digit, the second is 1 digit by 2 digits and the third is 1 digit by 3 digits. Also included are extra cards for teacher use. What’s included: □ Task Card in WORD □ Activity Sheet for solving 6 problems – can be copied back-to-back for additional problems. □ Anchor Charts – should be available at the station for child review. □ Student Activity Cards □ Materials Needed: Challenge Question Answer Sheets □ Technology Connection: numbers Copyright © 2013 Innovative Educational Programs. Reproduction rights granted to CHILD Teachers and permitted only for use as instructional material.

2 Copyright © 2013 Innovative Educational Programs. Reproduction rights granted to CHILD Teachers and permitted only for use as instructional material.

3 Multiplying with the Distributive Rule 1-Digit x 1-Digit Problem: Each year for his birthday Bart’s uncle gives him 8 new baseball cards. How many baseball cards will Bart have after 3 years? Number Sentence: 8 x 3 = ? Distributive rule lets you multiply a sum by multiplying each addend separately and then adding the products. Copyright © 2013 Innovative Educational Programs.

4 Multiplying with the Distributive Rule 1-Digit x 2-Digits Problem: Princess Grace loves to walk her dog. She has been keeping a chart of how far she has walked over the past 18 days. Every day she walks the dog 5 miles! How many miles has she walked her dog ? Number sentence: 18 x 5 =? Copyright © 2013 Innovative Educational Programs.

5 Multiplying with the Distributive Rule 1-Digit x 3-Digits Problem: Margie and her best friend like making cookies. They make them to give to the homeless shelter. Every day they make 115 cookies. How many cookies do they make in 6 days? Number sentence: 115 x 6 = ? Copyright © 2013 Innovative Educational Programs.

6 Jason has 3 bags of marbles. Each bag contains 8 marbles. How many marbles does Jason have? Eric collects sea shells. His collection is small. He has 9 shells. His dream is to have 6 times as many as he has now. How many will Eric have when he gets all the shells he wants? Lisa received 4 boxes of candy for her birthday. Each box holds 8 candies. How many candies did Lisa get for her birthday? Teddy and his brother share everything. Between them they have 6 boxes of color markers. Each box has 8 markers. How many markers do they share? The grocery store has many types of cereals. The clerk stacks the Sweet O’s in 4 rows of 9 boxes. How many boxes of Sweet O’s did the clerk stack? Steph loves flowers. Her favorite aunt bought her 6 bunches. Each bunch had 3 flowers in it. How many flowers did Steph’s aunt give her? Sasha loves her cats. She wants to make little booties for them for the winter. She has 6 cats! How many booties will she have to make for her cats? Perry is a cookie monster. He especially loves chocolate covered cookies. His mom buys him one pack a week. Each pack contains 9 cookies. How many cookies will Perry eat in 7 weeks? Camie’s mom makes her a turkey sandwich every day. She puts 3 slices of turkey on each sandwich. How many slices of turkey will Camie eat in 7 days? 1 2 3 456 7 8 9

7 Jose loves peanut butter sandwiches with pickles slices. He puts 3 pickle slices on each sandwich. He eats one sandwich a day for 6 days. How many pickles does he eat. Iris has invited 7 of her friends to her birthday party. She wants to buy party gifts for each friend that cost $4 each. How much money will she need to buy all the gifts? Myra loves fresh tomatoes. So her mom planted 3 tomato plants on their balcony. Each plant has 9 tomatoes on it. How many tomatoes will Myra get to enjoy? Billy loves fruit. He eats 6 pieces of fruit every day. How many pieces of fruit will Billy eat in 7 days? Barney’s toy store has lots of different small toys. They have 7 packages of balloons with 8 balloons in each package. How many balloons do they have to sell? Foxy Blue is feeling a bit down so he is going to have a dinner party. He is inviting 7 of his best animal friends. He plans on having 9 tiny cakes for everyone. How many tiny cakes does Foxy need to bake? Isaiah gave his brother 7 toy cars each month for 6 months. How many toy cars does his brother have? Angel’s dad gave her 8 choco drop candies each day for 7 days. How many choco drops did Angel get from her dad? Beth was building a walk with large stones in front of her house. She made it 7 rows long with 7 stones in each row. How many stones did Beth need to make the walk? 10 11 12 131415 16 17 18

8 Text # # # ### # # #

9 Jason has 3 bags of marbles. Each bag contains 28 marbles. How many marbles does Jason have? Eric collects sea shells. His collection is small. He has19 shells. His dream is to have 6 times as many as he has now. How many will Eric have when he gets all the shells he wants? Lisa received 4 boxes of candy for her birthday. Each box holds 13 candies. How many candies did Lisa get for her birthday? Teddy and his brother share everything. Between them they have 16 boxes of color markers. Each box has 8 markers. How many markers do they share? The grocery store has many types of cereals. The clerk stacks the Sweet O’s in 4 rows of 21 boxes. How many boxes of Sweet O’s did the clerk stack? Steph loves flowers. Her favorite aunt bought her 6 bunches. Each bunch had 18 flowers in it. How many flowers did Steph’s aunt give her? Sasha loves cats. She helps out at the local shelter. There are 23 cats at the shelter. Sasha is going to make them booties to keep their feet warm. How many booties will she have to make? Perry is a cookie monster. He especially loves chocolate covered cookies. His mom buys him one pack a week. Each pack contains 9 cookies. How many cookies will Perry eat in 27 weeks? Camie has a great rubber band ball started. She has 31 rubber bands already. Her dad bought her enough for her to make the ball 4 times bigger. How many rubber bands does it have now? 19 20 21 222324 25 26 27

10 Jose loves peanut butter sandwiches with pickles slices. He puts 3 pickle slices on each sandwich. He eats one sandwich a day for 23 days. How many pickles does he eat. Iris is having a birthday party. She has invited 17 of her friends to the party. She wants to buy party gifts for each friend that costs $4 each. How much money will she need to buy all the gifts? Myra loves fresh tomatoes. So her mom planted 34 tomato plants on their balcony. Each plant has 9 tomatoes on it. How many tomatoes will Myra get to enjoy? Billy loves fruit. He eats 6 pieces of fruit every day. How many pieces of fruit will Billy eat in 13 days? Barney’s toy store has lots of different small toys. They have 47 packages of balloons with 8 balloons in each package. How many balloons do they have to sell? Foxy Blue is feeling a bit down so he is going to have a dinner party. He is inviting 14 of his best animal friends. He plans on having 7 tiny cakes for everyone. How many tiny cakes does Foxy need to bake? Isaiah gave his brother 7 toy cars each month for 16 months. How many toy cars does his brother have? Angel’s dad gave her 8 choco drop candies each day for 27 days. How many choco drops did Angel get from her dad? Beth was building a walk with large stones in front of her house. She made it 17 rows long with 7 stones in each row. How many stones did Beth need to make the walk? 28 29 30 313233 34 35 36

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12 Jacob was packaging stones for sale. He had 137 packages each costing 3 dollars. How much money will he make? The local market sold 127 bags of candy for Halloween. If each bag cost $6, how much money did they make on the candy? An energetic inch worm travels 113 inches each day. How many inches will it travel in 4 days? Peppy Peanut company packages 154 peanuts in each bag. A case has 8 bags in it. How many peanuts are in the case? Juan walks his dog around the block every morning. He measured 144 feet around the block once. How many feet do they walk in 7 days? At school they serve 154 lunches every day. How many lunches do they serve in 5 days? Bart the bird flaps his wings 163 times each day. How many times will he flap his wings in 3 days? Justin wants to be a basket ball pro, so after school each day he dribbles the ball 125 times to practice. How many dribbles does he do in 5 days? The candy store has 168 pieces of gummy fish in a case. The owner has 4 cases on display. How many gummy fish are on display? 37 38 39 404142 43 44 45

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14 Worksheet for Distribute It! Name ___________ Date ________ Card no: _____


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