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Rotary District 7770 Youth Exchange 7770 6/06 Criminal Background Checks Protecting You, Rotary, and Our Students.

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Presentation on theme: "Rotary District 7770 Youth Exchange 7770 6/06 Criminal Background Checks Protecting You, Rotary, and Our Students."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rotary District 7770 Youth Exchange 7770 6/06 Criminal Background Checks Protecting You, Rotary, and Our Students

2 Rotary District 7770 Youth Exchange 7770 6/06 Rotary District 7770 and its member districts are committed to the safety and security of each of the young people who is in our care through the Rotary Youth Exchange Program. Our Commitment

3 Rotary District 7770 Youth Exchange 7770 6/06 Our Procedures  Personal references  In-home interviews  Orientation and training  Criminal background checks  Monthly student contacts

4 Rotary District 7770 Youth Exchange 7770 6/06 Who do we check?  Anyone volunteer who has direct one-on-one unsupervised contact with students  Host family members 18 or over

5 Rotary District 7770 Youth Exchange 7770 6/06 Ineligible  Anyone who does not provide references  Anyone who does not authorize a criminal background check  Any host who is not visited at home before and during the exchange

6 Rotary District 7770 Youth Exchange 7770 6/06 Our Primary Concern  The primary concern is always to safeguard the best interests of the exchange students.

7 Rotary District 7770 Youth Exchange 7770 6/06 Exclusion Discretion  To exclude altogether or limit a prospective volunteer’s/host’s participation in the District is exclusively at the discretion of the District

8 Rotary District 7770 Youth Exchange 7770 6/06 Decision Factors  Considerations of the criminal conduct include, but are not limited to: Nature of offense(s)Nature of offense(s) SeveritySeverity Lapsed timeLapsed time

9 Rotary District 7770 Youth Exchange 7770 6/06 Procedures  Volunteers and hosts must sign a Youth Exchange Volunteer Affidavit authorizing District 7770 to conduct a background check

10 Rotary District 7770 Youth Exchange 7770 6/06 Procedures  Application must be accurate False information means automatic exclusionFalse information means automatic exclusion

11 Rotary District 7770 Youth Exchange 7770 6/06 Procedures  District will rely on information in background report District has no control of or liability for information receivedDistrict has no control of or liability for information received

12 Rotary District 7770 Youth Exchange 7770 6/06 Procedures  District requests National Criminal Background and Sex Offender Registry checks plus Social Security verification District is currently paying for all background checksDistrict is currently paying for all background checks

13 Rotary District 7770 Youth Exchange 7770 6/06 Procedures  District obtains report from Spectrum Security and communicates results to Club YEO Positive reports notified by e-mailPositive reports notified by e-mail Negative reports sent to Alan Walters – his committee will review report and make a determination of the proper course of actionNegative reports sent to Alan Walters – his committee will review report and make a determination of the proper course of action

14 Rotary District 7770 Youth Exchange 7770 6/06 Procedures  Discussion and Decision by Alan Walter's Committee In some cases, may discuss disqualification with DG, District Chair, and Club YEOIn some cases, may discuss disqualification with DG, District Chair, and Club YEO

15 Rotary District 7770 Youth Exchange 7770 6/06 Procedures  Automatic disqualifications Crimes against childrenCrimes against children Felony offenses against personsFelony offenses against persons Felony offenses against the familyFelony offenses against the family Crimes of public indecencyCrimes of public indecency Crimes using weaponsCrimes using weapons ArsonArson Violent Crime or felony drug-related offensesViolent Crime or felony drug-related offenses Residing with a registered sex offenderResiding with a registered sex offender

16 Rotary District 7770 Youth Exchange 7770 6/06 Procedures  Possible disqualifications First offense DWI, DUI, or possession of a controlled substance under two ouncesFirst offense DWI, DUI, or possession of a controlled substance under two ounces Crimes involving theft, fraud, embezzlement, and forgeryCrimes involving theft, fraud, embezzlement, and forgery For all other criminal offenses (except traffic violations classified as misdemeanors)For all other criminal offenses (except traffic violations classified as misdemeanors)

17 Rotary District 7770 Youth Exchange 7770 6/06 Procedures  Notification Provide notice of possible action to volunteer before and after adverse decisionProvide notice of possible action to volunteer before and after adverse decision Include the individual's rights under the Fair Credit Reporting ActInclude the individual's rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act

18 Rotary District 7770 Youth Exchange 7770 6/06 Procedures  Contesting Information Provide a written notice to the Alan Walters within ten days of being advised that participation has been denied.Provide a written notice to the Alan Walters within ten days of being advised that participation has been denied. Individual's responsibility to challenge the report received from Spectrum Security and to arrange for any corrections, if necessary.Individual's responsibility to challenge the report received from Spectrum Security and to arrange for any corrections, if necessary.

19 Rotary District 7770 Youth Exchange 7770 6/06 Procedures  Confidentiality Background check information kept by Spectrum Security and DistrictBackground check information kept by Spectrum Security and District Reference checks done and kept by Club YEO and DistrictReference checks done and kept by Club YEO and District Criminal checks done and kept by Spectrum Security, Inc. and maintained by individual checkedCriminal checks done and kept by Spectrum Security, Inc. and maintained by individual checked

20 Rotary District 7770 Youth Exchange 7770 6/06 Procedures  Records Retention Retained in secure files for ten yearsRetained in secure files for ten years Electronic files are acceptableElectronic files are acceptable Hard copies are alternativeHard copies are alternative

21 Rotary District 7770 Youth Exchange 7770 6/06 Procedures  Frequency of Background Checks Every five years for volunteers with continuous serviceEvery five years for volunteers with continuous service Significant change requires a new check (e.g. change of residence or Rotary club)Significant change requires a new check (e.g. change of residence or Rotary club) Host families annually unless continuousHost families annually unless continuous Host family members who are also volunteers are rechecked every five yearsHost family members who are also volunteers are rechecked every five years

22 Rotary District 7770 Youth Exchange 7770 6/06 Procedures  Criminal Background Checks by District 7770 Checks must be national and will be coordinated by District 7770 acting with authorizations obtained by Rotary Clubs.Checks must be national and will be coordinated by District 7770 acting with authorizations obtained by Rotary Clubs.

23 Rotary District 7770 Youth Exchange 7770 6/06 Procedures  Selection of Agent to Conduct Background Checks State authorities are not acceptableState authorities are not acceptable District is currently using Spectrum Security, but reserves the right to use another agent in the futureDistrict is currently using Spectrum Security, but reserves the right to use another agent in the future

24 Rotary District 7770 Youth Exchange 7770 6/06 Procedures  Rates for Background Checks District 7770 will work with to develop the lowest possible rates that meet acceptable standards.District 7770 will work with to develop the lowest possible rates that meet acceptable standards.

25 Rotary District 7770 Youth Exchange 7770 6/06 Protecting You, Rotary, and Our Students Criminal Background Checks

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