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Created 4-4-10 Revised 6-10-10 Office of Information, Technology and Accountability Introduction to Podcasting.

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Presentation on theme: "Created 4-4-10 Revised 6-10-10 Office of Information, Technology and Accountability Introduction to Podcasting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Created 4-4-10 Revised 6-10-10 Office of Information, Technology and Accountability Introduction to Podcasting

2 Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 2 Created 4-4-10 Revised 6-10-10 While Waiting (Do Now) Make sure you have a computer microphone or an integrated microphone Open the Audacity software Name the project “My first podcast”

3 Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 33 Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship Student Learning and Academic Performance 1. Digital Access: full electronic participation in society 2. Digital Literacy: the process of teaching and learning about technology and the use of technology 3. Digital Communication: electronic exchange of information School Environment and Student Behavior 4. Digital Security & Safety: electronic precautions to guarantee safety/physical well-being in a digital technology world 5. Digital Etiquette: electronic standards of conduct or procedure 6. Digital Rights and Responsibilities: those freedoms extended to everyone in a digital world Student Life Outside the School Environment 7. Digital Commerce: electronic buying and selling of goods 8. Digital Health and Wellness: physical and psychological well-being 9. Digital Law: rights and restrictions Created 4-4-10 Revised 6-10-10

4 Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 4 Created 4-4-10 Revised 6-10-10 4 Digital Citizenship Links spx spx

5 Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 5 Created 4-4-10 Revised 6-10-10 Standards Addressed  Standard 1: Demonstrate proficiency in the use of computers and applications as well as an understanding of concepts underlying hardware, software, and connectivity.  Standard 3: Demonstrate ability to use technology for research, problem-solving, and communication.

6 Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 6 Created 4-4-10 Revised 6-10-10 Introduction to Podcasting By the end of this session you will know and be able to:  Demonstrate basic steps in using available free hardware and applications (e.g., use audacity and edit audio to use it as a way to create podcast in the classroom. Turn a computer, launch a the program, use the recording audio features, edit.  Recognize the functions of basic audio recording and edit, delete, and edit audio.  Record a sample podcast for your school or your classroom.  Save as project and export in various formats for example: MP3, WAV or AIFF sound files.  Digitally sign your podcast for copyrights signature for your own MP3 audio sample.

7 Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 7 Created 4-4-10 Revised 6-10-10 You Will Demonstrate This By ~ Creating a podcast  Making sample recording Save appropriate audio recording to your desktop as a project.  Then after editing the audio you will learn how to covert it in various formats. Save appropriate audio to include it in a PPT or Movie Maker file.

8 Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 8 Created 4-4-10 Revised 6-10-10 To install download Audacity in your computer: Install both the download for windows XP, Vista, or the OS your computer has and install the library software. This will help with the converting into different format Download Audacity 1.2.6 for Windows® 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista

9 Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 9 Created 4-4-10 Revised 6-10-10 Download Lama MP3 Encoder. Most of the plug-ins are optional except the Lame MP3 converter… LAME MP3 encoderLAME MP3 encoder - Allows Audacity to export MP3 files. Plug-ins and Libraries LADSPA plug-ins 0.4.15 installerLADSPA plug-ins 0.4.15 installer (.exe file, 1.5 MB) - over 90 plug-ins. VST EnablerVST Enabler - Allows Audacity to load VST effect plug-ins. Plug-InsPlug-Ins - Download additional effects and filters.

10 Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 10 Created 4-4-10 Revised 6-10-10 Find Audacity Icon Shortcut Bar Start Menu Find Programs then click on Audacity Launch a Program

11 Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 11 Created 4-4-10 Revised 6-10-10 Audacity Basics Digital Rules Setup Recording with audacity Editing for Beginners Common Editing Tasks Effects for Beginners

12 Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 12 Created 4-4-10 Revised 6-10-10 Creating a podcast Do a story board to organize your topic in sections. Practice reading it out loud and decide which sections can be excluded to make it shorter. Don’t make it to long unless it has a purpose with instructions.

13 Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 13 Created 4-4-10 Revised 6-10-10 Rules of Audacity … more about this later… 1. One clip per track 2. Audacity always records to a new track 3. Edit/Duplicate will not create a new audio file

14 Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 14 Created 4-4-10 Revised 6-10-10 To create a new project Click on the icon Click on the record red button

15 Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 15 Created 4-4-10 Revised 6-10-10 Before you begin you need a computer microphone Some newer laptops have a microphone integrated If you don’t have one then connect it to your audio port Then make sure that you do a practice recording to make sure the voice is clear and it works.

16 Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 16 Created 4-4-10 Revised 6-10-10 To begin recording …… Click this button to record

17 Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 17 Created 4-4-10 Revised 6-10-10 The voice will be recorded if you see the lines moving up and down The line should be moving up and down

18 Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 18 Created 4-4-10 Revised 6-10-10 Delete part of you audio Go to the Edit menu highlight the part and scroll down to delete.

19 Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 19 Created 4-4-10 Revised 6-10-10 Silencing parts of an audio Click on the Edit Menu Highlight the part you want to silence Scroll down and click on Silence or use Shortcut by holding ctrl (control key) and the letter L. Crtl+L

20 Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 20 Created 4-4-10 Revised 6-10-10 Saving the project First save project as draft and give it a name When you are happy with the recording click save.

21 Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 21 Created 4-4-10 Revised 6-10-10 Exporting project into different formats Chose Export as Wav Export as MP3 or your desire format

22 Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 22 Created 4-4-10 Revised 6-10-10 Sharing it with other To share your audio save it as you do with any other file. You can put it in your project folder and then import it as an audio file in any of these programs: Power Point, Movie Maker, or a Web Page. It will play with any of your desire audio players. The audio will play in your default player. For example, I-tunes, Media Player, or Real Player

23 Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 23 Created 4-4-10 Revised 6-10-10 Your Turn Create a podcast for your classroom Save the project with the name “my first podcast” Export the audio in an MP3 format Present the audio to everyone in the workshop

24 Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 24 Created 4-4-10 Revised 6-10-10 PodcastPodcast was completed with all the conversations required as part of the assessment. Podcast was completed with most of the conversations required as part of the assessments. Podcast was completed with some of the conversations required as part of the assessments. Podcast wasn’t completed. ContentThe content is clear and understandable in any Spanish audience, Most of the content was clear and was a little confusing for any Spanish audience. Some of the content was clear but wasn’t understandable to any Spanish audience. None of the content was clear. EditingAble to silent parts of the podcast, delete sections, save in different audio levels, and save as project. Exported podcast in various formats. Able to silent parts of the podcast, delete sections, save in different audio levels, and save as project. Exported podcast in one format. Able to silent parts of the podcast, delete sections, save in different audio levels, and save as project. No editing was done. Final MP3 FormatStudent has record a podcast with a partner. An MP3 file has been completed. Students has record a podcast but didn’t complete the MP3 conversion and didn’t work with a partner, Student record a podcast but didn’t finish. Students hasn’t completed a podcast nor worked with a partner. RUBRIC

25 Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 25 Created 4-4-10 Revised 6-10-10 Resources for learning audacity ISTE Publications, Digital Citizenship in Schools by Mike Ribble and Gerald Bailey, copyright 2007, ISBN No: 978-1-56484- 232-9 Audacity download Tutorials 1.2/tutorials.html 1.2/tutorials.html

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