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Biomass in Utah Using the current biomass opportunities available in Utah, a relationship may be developed between Olympus Carbon and the BLM, State, and.

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Presentation on theme: "Biomass in Utah Using the current biomass opportunities available in Utah, a relationship may be developed between Olympus Carbon and the BLM, State, and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biomass in Utah Using the current biomass opportunities available in Utah, a relationship may be developed between Olympus Carbon and the BLM, State, and Federal Divisions of Forestry, to reduce carbon footprints, produce energy, and reduce pollution.

2 Why Utah Biomass Currently there are several programs for removal of offensive overgrowth and fire abatement programs in forests and on BLM land. Programs also exists to thin state and federal forests of beetle kill, etc.. All of these programs provide large amounts of usable biomass

3 There are no current uses for these biomass in energy use, except firewood. There are no current uses for these biomass in carbon reduction The state energy policies are currently overlooking this biomass usage Olympus Carbon has an answer.

4 No. 1 Biomass to Carbon

5 Juniper to Carbon Utah Juniper is being tested and carbonized for production as an activated carbon This carbon powder, when activated has the ability to remove mercury from the flue gas of coal fired furnaces. Many other uses are also available.

6 Carbonization Process Flash Carbonization is a patented process currently being licensed to Olympus Carbon, from the University of Hawaii, in the Intermountain west. License will cover UTah, more than half of Nevada, northern Arizona, and the western third of Colorado, plus some of Idaho,Oregon and New Mexico. Utah juniper is the most predominant single species of trees in Utah as far as total cover is concerned; nearly one-fifth of the land area of the state is covered by Utah juniper. Process will use very little energy to produce charcoal. Biofuels co-produced will be used for energy needs of process. Flash Carbonization puts all other carbon production facilities to shame on energy use. Unit could use 10 times less energy than other carbon units. Unit may qualify for small source exemption with state air quality board. Will need boiler permit for emissions.

7 There are currently several carbon companies that sell activated carbon injection (ACI)sytems for mercury removal. ADAes, Norit and Calgon are the three largest. ACI is recognized as the superior method for mercury removal. With up to 95% reductions achieved, ADAes is recognized as the leader. Olympus Carbon has an LOI from ADAes to purchase 15 million pounds of AC for mercury removal just the first year with the possibility of double that amount in 2010.

8 Here in our state, we can use one problem( juniper)to solve another and reduce CO2 to the atmosphere and mercury poisoning too! These problems can be very locally solved considering the number of coal burning plants in Utah and Nevada. This scenario can be win- win for industry and community. Jobs, cleaner air, water and soil. Savings alone to coal fired plants are exceptional.

9 No.2 Biomass to Energy

10 The many other biomass types can also be very useful to reducing our carbon footprint and solving other pollution problems Many of the intermountain forests have experienced ravaging beetle kill. These tress need to be thinned out as well as the overgrowth contributing to fire problems and healthy forrest growth. There is now a process that can take all this other biomass and change it to a torrefied biomass. Torrefied biomass will co-burn with coal. This is the solution that coal burners have been seeking.

11 Torrefaction is the process of removing just enough of the VOC’s from the biomass and changing the structure just enough to produce a product that is not a char but a material similar to coal in all aspects except for the pollutants and chemicals that are associated with coal. When burned, there is very little CO2. No SO2. No mercury. And very minute amounts of other off gases,including NOX. It is clean burning and has a BTU value equal to most coals. TORREFACTION

12 Torrefied Biomass

13 Imagine taking all the forrest and other plant and animal biomass and making a fuel that will reduce GHG emissions right here in the intermountain west. This product can replace fossil fuel burners in all homes, businesses and small commercial. When co- burned with coal in large plants, it will eliminate the percentage of pollutants that foul our air, water and soil,in proportion to its use. 5%, 10%, 20%. On the big coal burners, we burn torrified biomass and use ACI from the Utah Juniper to eliminate almost all of the mercury emissions.

14 Green means more than just eliminating bad users. We should be trying to find as many ways as possible to work together so our children can breath, drink and eat better for many generations. Green means more than just eliminating bad users. We should be trying to find as many ways as possible to work together so our children can breath, drink and eat better for many generations. It is the purpose of Olympus Carbon to work with the State, Federal,and local communities to use the natural resources to become an energy efficient community and help eliminate GHG.

15 Our letter of intent from ADAes requires that we start delivering AC to them at their specs in the second quarter of 2009. If we meet their specs, they require 15M pounds in the first year. To make 15M pounds or 7500 tons requires 42,000 tons of Juniper. Best info available to OC is density of Juniper per hectare is approximately 30-45 trees. Using this figure and the weight of the average usable biomass at 800LBS/tree, it would take: 42,000*2000/800 = 105,000 trees. 30t/ha require 3500 ha or 8435 ac. 45t/ha require 2333 ha or 5623 ac. Question? Can OC expect to reach this level in feedstock for the first year starting second quarter 2009? What is the future region wide?

16 Using the formal of 70% weight is too high for torrified product. We will use 50% and still keep the 90% of original energy. A coal plant using 5000T/day of coal would need to burn 500T/day of torrified biomass to reduce its GHG by 10%. This is extremely significant by comparison of targets to be achieved by 2010 here in the west. The savings alone in less pollution can not be underestimated. The cost savings to coal fired power plants is also extremely significant. 500T/day of torrified biomass would require 1000T/day of feedstock. The beetle kill alone should suffice this amount. It needs to be determined yet the feasibility of reaching the beetle kill and achieving amounts to be made up with forest thinning projects. It should be possible in the near future to use valleys in southern Utah on BLM or private land to grow large rotational biomass feedstock crops currently being developed by CERES. Torrified Biomass and Activated Carbon. Two Utah products produced to achieve huge reduction in pollution and saving energy too.

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