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Loyalsock Township School District 1605 Four Mile Drive Williamsport, PA 17701 Chapter 339 Showcase March 31, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Loyalsock Township School District 1605 Four Mile Drive Williamsport, PA 17701 Chapter 339 Showcase March 31, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Loyalsock Township School District 1605 Four Mile Drive Williamsport, PA Chapter 339 Showcase March 31, 2015

2 District Counseling Team & Counselor/Student Ratio:
Christina L. Herman, Director Student Services/Career Development Jennifer K. Cooley, Elementary Counselor (350) Allison L. Morehart, Elementary Counselor (350) Kathryn S. Preisch, Middle School Counselor (37) Monica A. McCarty, High School Counselor (245) Diane D. Stanzione, High School Counselor (245) Tim Smith, K-12 School Outreach (MS/HS)

3 District Demographic Data
Graduation Rate: 5yr ave. = 94%? (490 HS Students) LifeTrack Services Senior Exit Survey Data: 4-Year College: 78% Work Full Time: 7% 2-year or Vo Tech: 8% Work Part Time: 8% Military: 10% 2-Year Postgraduate Data: Class of 2012 Coming Soon Academic/Career Plan: Begins in Grade 8 Formally Documented Grades 9-12 Nureva Troove College & Career Readiness Portfolio System CTC Data: 38 Students attend Lyco CTC (dramatic increase) Awareness: 8th Grade Hands-on Classroom Freshmen Seminar Career Assessment Freshmen Presentation & Tour

4 ePortfolio

5 2015-16 Career Domain Program Goals:
Elementary (Self Awareness): All Students will identify their Spark Middle (Career Exploration): Vertically Align Futures Curriculum with 8th Grade Integrated Career-based Curriculum High School (Career Planning): College & Career Readiness ePortfolio Implementation

6 Parent: Big Idea: Sustain the level of parent engagement from Kindergarten through graduation Intervention:; Empower parents to nurture students’ “Sparks” Attend relevant school-sponsored educational events providing input and support Initiate and respond to communication via websites, parent portal, student conferences, telephone, Outcome Measure: collect parent attendance as baseline data. Measure attendance with intent of increasing participation by 10% during the school year

7 Educator: Big Idea: Expand educator involvement in integration and delivery of guidance programming Intervention: Cultivate and sustain a common language for program initiatives relating to career development, classroom guidance lessons, mental health initiatives, school wide behavioral support programming and academic success. Outcome Measure: Use Survey Monkey to gather baseline data to assess common language/understanding of current programming

8 Business/Community: Big Idea: Nurture, and continue to expand, business/community involvement in all career-based programming experiences Intervention: Actively serve on the K-12 School Counseling Advisory Council. Provide insight and support for college and career counseling program services such as Career Experts in the Classroom, Job Shadowing Opportunities, Internships, Work-based experiences, Curriculum Development and College and Career Expos. Provide funding, and resources to support programming where possible. Outcome Measure: Develop/utilize a QR Code System to facilitate feedback (“Tell us what you think!” business card) at 100% of career-based opportunities and other relevant venues

9 Postsecondary: Big Idea: Foster existing postsecondary partnerships and create opportunities for additional exposure Intervention: Postsecondary partners will be connected to students at all three levels. Postsecondary partners will be integrated within school-based experiences, college and career counseling curriculum experiences. Outcome Measure: we will create a baseline of postsecondary opportunities provided to students K-12

10 Advisory Council Status:
Year One: 2x’s per year 11/19/15 – Effective K-12 Guidance Programming - Baseline 3/18/15 – Success in the New Economy/Counseling Services Overview/Goals Year Two: Meet more regularly (3-4x’s per year) Action Planning

11 Mr. Gerald McLaughlin Superintendent
Name Mr. Gerald McLaughlin Superintendent Mr. Justin VanFleet Loyalsock High School Teacher Mrs. Sheila Yates School Board of Directors Paul Watson II Penn College Mr. John Raymond School Board of Directors Mrs. Nancy Wood (Parent) Penn College Mrs. Christina Herman, Director Student Services & Career Development Mr. Clay DuPree Halliburton Dr. Matt Reitz Loyalsock High School Principal Mrs. Anna Griffith (Parent) Discovery Machine, Inc. Mrs. Brooke Beiter Loyalsock High School Assistant Principal Mr. Todd Griffith (Parent) Discovery Machine, Inc. Mrs. Suzy Foresman Schick Elementary School Principal Mr. Dave Machamer PMF Industries, Inc. Mrs. Jennifer Cooley Schick Elementary School Counselor Mr. AC Cruz (Parent) State Farm Insurance Mrs. Allison Morehart Schick Elementary School Counselor Farrin Khan (9th) Loyalsock High School Student Mrs. Kathryn Preisch Loyalsock Middle School Counselor Mitchell Klingerman (9th) Loyalsock High School Student Mrs. Monica McCarty Loyalsock High School Counselor Luke Jordan (8th) Loyalsock Middle School Student Mrs. Diane Stanzione Loyalsock High School Counselor Evelyn Griffith (7th) Loyalsock Middle School Student Mrs. Kym Dunlap Schick Elementary School Teacher Natalie Johnson (5th) Schick Elementary School Student Mrs. Becky Casale Loyalsock Middle School Teacher John Nickolaus (5th ) Schick Elementary School Student Mr. Matt Johnson (Parent) Loyalsock Middle School Teacher

12 339 Impact: 1. Students will identify their Spark at the elementary level, and it can only grow from there. 2. Developed ePortfolio System and have begun implementation 3. Counselors – Absolutely increased passion and determination to integrate career development programming throughout the district – especially at the elementary level 4. Staff – Invitations have already been extended in new curricular areas regarding implementation of CEW Standards 5. Community – deeper integration and awareness of what we do and how they can get involved 6. Advisory Council recommendation - MARKETING

13 Where do we go from here

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