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1 ADEPT for Speech-Language Therapists. 2 ADEPT Web Site

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1 1 ADEPT for Speech-Language Therapists

2 2 ADEPT Web Site

3 3 ADEPT Cycle Successful Transition Quality Assurance Quality Improvement

4 4 ADEPT Levels Induction Formal Evaluation Diagnostic Assistance (optional) Informal Evaluation

5 South Carolina Department of Education Teacher Contract Levels Effective 7/22/04

6 6 Performance Dimensions Are South Carolina’s professional practice standards for school-based SLTs. Were developed by a statewide group of speech-language professionals representing public schools and institutions of higher education Are aligned with established standards for the profession. Apply to SLTs throughout their career continuum

7 7 Key Considerations (Evidence Documentation) Are examples of components of each performance dimension Are not necessarily all of equal importance Are not universally applicable to all SLTs in all settings Are context-specific

8 8 PD 1: Long-Range Planning The speech-language therapist develops a long- range plan that describes and/or references appropriate procedures for identifying, assessing, and providing comprehensive services to speech-language-impaired children and for establishing and maintaining the ongoing program operations that are necessary to effectively address the specific needs of the students and the school.

9 9 PD 1: Key Considerations (Evidence Documentation) Description of students on caseload and/or in school population. Methods for identifying students. Procedures for making program eligibility and placement decisions. Considerations in aligning speech- language goals and objectives with curriculum, developmental, and/or functional standards.

10 10 PD 1: Key Considerations (Evidence Documentation) Key assessment and therapy materials. Methods for evaluating and recording student progress. Rules and procedures for managing student behavior and non-instructional routines. Program communications.

11 11 PD 2: Complying with Guidelines and Regulations The speech-language therapist follows applicable federal, state, and local regulations and guidelines that relate to procedural due process, program eligibility, Medicaid, and program documentation.

12 12 PD 2: Key Considerations (Evidence Documentation) Complies with due process, program eligibility, and Medicaid requirements. Adheres to applicable timelines. Completes the required paperwork accurately. Maintains files in an organized and confidential manner.

13 13 PD 3: Short-Range Planning of Therapy The speech-language therapist develops, evaluates, and revises short-term objectives— including aligned treatment strategies, resources, and schedules—that facilitate the accomplishment of the IEP goals for each student.

14 14 PD 3: Key Considerations (Evidence Documentation) Develops appropriate student objectives. Bases objectives on SC curriculum standards and/or appropriate norms. Sequences objectives in a logical manner. Presents a solid rationale for the speech schedule.

15 15 PD 3: Key Considerations (Evidence Documentation) Targets specific student needs in selecting treatment techniques, activities, and materials. Promotes transfer and carryover. Communicates effectively to IEP team members and others.

16 16 PD 4: Short-Range Planning of Assessment The speech-language therapist demonstrates the ability to select/develop, interpret, and use the results of appropriate formal and informal measures to conduct comprehensive and ongoing student assessments.

17 17 PD 4: Key Considerations (Evidence Documentation) Selects appropriate formal and informal assessments. Accurately scores and interprets assessments. Makes appropriate program eligibility and therapy recommendations. Develops appropriate plans to measure and record student progress.

18 18 PD 4: Key Considerations (Evidence Documentation) Determines appropriate dismissal criteria. Accurately and effectively communicates assessment information to others.

19 19 PD 5: Establishing and Maintaining High Expectations for Students The speech-language therapist establishes, maintains, and reinforces appropriate expectations for the performance and participation of each student, both within and outside of the therapy setting, and appropriately involves others (e.g., parents, teachers, other IEP team members) in the various aspects of the therapy process.

20 20 PD 5: Key Considerations (Evidence Documentation) Targets functional, relevant, and important communication skills in terms of “educational impact.” Selects appropriate strategies and activities. Facilitates student engagement. Establishes and conveys appropriate expectations. Encourages students to gain independence in applying their skills.

21 21 PD 6: Using Strategies That Facilitate Communication Skills The speech-language therapist selects and effectively uses a variety of appropriate methods, strategies, and techniques to enhance each student’s communication skills.

22 22 PD 6: Key Considerations (Evidence Documentation) Selects a variety appropriate intervention methods, strategies, and techniques. Uses methods, strategies, and techniques effectively. Uses techniques such as scaffolding to build student independence. Ensures that students are actively and meaningfully engaged.

23 23 PD 7: Monitoring and Enhancing Communication The speech-language therapist effectively and continuously monitors each student’s performance and uses this information to make appropriate decisions regarding the immediate and long-term course of therapy.

24 24 PD 7: Key Considerations (Evidence Documentation) Monitors student performance throughout the session. Adjusts level of difficulty, strategies, and/or pace of session, as needed. Provides effective prompts, cues, and feedback. Makes appropriate decisions regarding future interventions.

25 25 PD 8: Maintaining an Environment That Promotes Communication The speech-language therapist maintains an engaging physical environment and establishes a positive, inviting climate that is designed to enhance each student’s communication interactions.

26 26 PD 8: Key Considerations (Evidence Documentation) Maintains a safe, well-organized therapy setting. Arranges therapy setting to facilitate interactions. Keeps necessary materials and equipment accessible and in working order. Models appropriate oral and written language.

27 27 PD 8: Key Considerations (Evidence Documentation) Displays appropriate verbal and nonverbal behaviors. Is confident, positive, enthusiastic, and patient. Provides appropriate and effective intrinsic and extrinsic incentives.

28 28 PD 9: Managing the Therapy Setting The speech-language therapist establishes, communicates, and enforces appropriate rules for student behavior and procedures for managing noninstructional routines.

29 29 PD 9: Key Considerations (Evidence Documentation) Establishes and clearly communicates appropriate rules for behavior. Applies behavior rules fairly and consistently. Uses effective methods to prevent and/or manage discipline problems. Manages transitions efficiently. Follows efficient routines for completing essential tasks.

30 30 PD 10: Fulfilling Professional Responsibilities The speech-language therapist consistently demonstrates ethically based professional behavior and participates in continuous professional development.

31 31 PD 10: Key Considerations (Evidence Documentation) Maintains positive professional relationships. Adheres to ethical standards. Balances “other assigned duties” with professional responsibilities. Demonstrates positive work habits (self- management; quality of work).

32 32 PD 10: Key Considerations (Evidence Documentation) Contributes to the well-being of students, the benefit of the overall school community, and the advancement of the profession. Identifies own professional strengths and weaknesses. Displays professional insight and vision. Sets purposeful professional goals.

33 33 Year 1 Teaching Certificate  “License” issued by the State Department of Education. Initial Certificate Contract  Employment agreement issued by the local school district. Induction  One year; nonrenewable.  Provisions of the Employment and Dismissal Act do not apply.) ADEPT Process Induction

34 34 Induction

35 35 INDUCTION (Successful Transition) ASSISTANCE (Transitional Support) DEVELOPMENT (Skill Acquisition/Refinement) EVALUATION (Formative Feedback)

36 36 Induction Comprehensive orientation Trained assistance team (building administrator and SLT mentor) Regular opportunities to observe and consult with experienced SLTs

37 37 Induction Regular opportunities to receive feedback from and to consult with assistance team members. Regular opportunities to meet with other new professional staff members.

38 38 Year 2 (+) Teaching Certificate  “License” issued by the State Department of Education. Initial Certificate Contract  Employment agreement issued by the local school district. Annual  Up to four years.  Provisions of the Employment and Dismissal Act do not apply; teacher may request informal hearings. ADEPT Process Formal Evaluation OR OR Diagnostic Assistance

39 39 Formal Evaluation

40 40 FORMAL EVALUATION (Quality Assurance) “PACT” for SLTs EVALUATION (Summative) ASSISTANCE (Remedial support) DEVELOPMENT (Remediation of deficiencies)

41 41 Formal Evaluation Materials Available online at Include –Guidelines –Documentation –Interview Form –Reflection on Speech-Language Therapy Session –Professional Performance Description –Professional Self-Report –Evaluation Summary

42 42 FORMAL EVALUATION Must address the ten performance dimensions (PDs) for SLTs. Must provide clear, convincing evidence of typical performance relative to each PD.

43 43 Typical Performance Rationale: Typical performance is the best overall indicator of an SLT’s knowledge, skills, and dispositions. Judgments about typical performance must be based on evidence obtained from multiple evaluators, multiple sources, multiple samples over time, and unannounced, as opposed to “showcase,” samples.

44 44 Evaluation Teams Each evaluation team must include a minimum of two members. All evaluation team members must be certified ADEPT evaluators. All evaluation team members must have successfully completed training in the ADEPT for Speech-Language Therapists evaluation process.

45 45 Evaluation Teams At least one member of the evaluation team must be a certified speech-language therapist. At least one member of the evaluation team must be qualified to serve as a district- or school-level supervisor for speech-language therapists.

46 46 Expert Evaluator Expert – someone who, through education or experience, has gained knowledge of a particular subject so that he or she could form an opinion that one without that knowledge could not.

47 47 Orientation Each speech-language therapist who is scheduled for formal evaluation must receive a comprehensive orientation prior to the initiation of the evaluation process. The orientation must include, but need not be limited to, written and oral explanations of –the performance dimensions, –the evaluation process, –the criteria for successfully completing the evaluation, and –the intended use of the evaluation results.

48 48 Formal Evaluation At-A-Glance

49 49 Formal Evaluation Process SLT Evaluator 1 (SLT) Evaluator 2 (Supervisor)Administrator Complete the LRP (PD 1) Review the LRP; complete the documenta- tion (PD 1) Review the LRP; complete the documenta- tion (PD 1)

50 50 Formal Evaluation Process SLT Evaluator 1 (SLT) Evaluator 2 (Supervisor)Administrator Make records available for review Review randomly selected records; complete the documenta- tion (PD 2) Review randomly selected records; complete the documenta- tion (PD 2)

51 51 Formal Evaluation Process SLT Evaluator 1 (SLT) Evaluator 2 (Supervisor)Administrator Conduct IEP meetings; participate in interviews (PDs 3 & 4) Attend an IEP meeting; conduct a follow-up interview with the SLT; complete the documenta- tion (PDs 3 & 4) Attend an IEP meeting; conduct a follow-up interview with the SLT; complete the documenta- tion (PDs 3 & 4)

52 52 Formal Evaluation Process SLT Evaluator 1 (SLT) Evaluator 2 (Supervisor)Administrator Complete a written “Reflection” following each observation (PD 7) Conduct the observation Review the “Reflection” Complete the documenta- tion (PDs 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9) Complete the documenta- tion (PDs 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9)

53 53 Formal Evaluation Process SLT Evaluator 1 (SLT) Evaluator 2 (Supervisor)Administrator Complete the Professional Self-Report (PD 10) Review the Professional Self-Report Complete the Professional Performance Description (PD 10) Review the Professional Performance Description; complete the documenta- tion (PD 10)

54 54 Formal Evaluation Process SLT Evaluator 1 (SLT) Evaluator 2 (Supervisor)Administrator Hold the consensus meeting; complete the consensus documentation and the Evaluation Summary

55 55 Formal Evaluation Process SLT Evaluator 1 (SLT) Evaluator 2 (Supervisor)Administrator Participate in the evaluation conference to discuss the evaluation results

56 56 Evaluation Judgments Consensus-based for each PD Issued twice during the year –Preliminary judgment prior to Winter holiday break to provide feedback (i.e., a progress report) to the speech-language therapist –Final judgment prior to April 15

57 57 Evaluation Judgments In order to meet the overall competency standard, the speech-language therapist must meet the standard on at least nine of the ten performance dimensions at the time of the final evaluation. In order to meet the overall competency standard, the speech-language therapist must meet the standard on at least nine of the ten performance dimensions at the time of the final evaluation.

58 58 EVALUATION CONFERENCES Conducted twice per year, following each consensus meeting. Evaluation team meets with the speech- language therapist to discuss –the SLT’s performance relative to each PD, and –The overall evaluation judgment.

59 59 EVALUATION CONFERENCES The SLT must receive written copies of –the consensus evidence documentation for each PD and –the completed Evaluation Summary form. If the SLT does not meet the overall standard at the time of the preliminary evaluation conference, the evaluation team must provide an assistance plan.

60 60 Diagnostic Assistance

61 61 Diagnostic Assistance Provided if needed at the annual contract level. One year only. For SLTs who show potential but who are not ready for formal evaluation. May be provided either after the induction year or after the first unsuccessful formal evaluation.

62 62 Diagnostic Assistance Interim Guidelines Assistance team (mentor and supervisor). Assistance plan, based on area(s) that need improvement. Observations by and formative oral and written feedback from assistance team. Other types of assistance, as needed. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the diagnostic assistance.

63 63 All Requirements Met Teaching Certificate  “License” issued by the State Department of Education. Professional Certificate Contract  Employment agreement issued by the local school district. Continuing  Full provisions of the Employment and Dismissal Act apply. ADEPT Process Informal Evaluation (GBE) OR OR Formal Evaluation

64 64 Informal Evaluation Goals-Based Evaluation (GBE)

65 65 INFORMAL EVALUATION (GBE) (Continuous Quality Improvement) DEVELOPMENT (Skill advancement) EVALUATION (Formative self-analysis) ASSISTANCE (Contributions to others and to the profession)

66 66 GBE For “successful” SLTs at the continuing contract level Goals must relate to –the performance dimensions for SLTs and –the overall mission and strategic plan for the school and district.

67 67 The GBE Process Identify the need Articulate the goal (i.e., the vision) Develop the action plan Determine the requirements –Professional development –Resources Identify the appropriate evidence for measuring progress. Establish ways for determining “success.”

68 68 Professional Growth Action research Mentoring Peer coaching Self-Directed Professional Growth Lead Therapist Supervising Therapist

69 69 For additional information, contact Kathryn R. Meeks, Ph.D. Office of Teacher Preparation, Support, and Evaluation Division of Teacher Quality South Carolina Department of Education 3700 Forest Drive, Suite 500 Columbia, South Carolina 29204 Telephone: (803) 734-4067 Facsimile: (803) 734-0872 E-Mail:

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