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Ramadan  Month of fasting (based on lunar cycle) Sawm  Time for: Inner reflection Learning self-control Devotion No eating from sun up to sun down Abstaining.

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Presentation on theme: "Ramadan  Month of fasting (based on lunar cycle) Sawm  Time for: Inner reflection Learning self-control Devotion No eating from sun up to sun down Abstaining."— Presentation transcript:


2 Ramadan  Month of fasting (based on lunar cycle) Sawm  Time for: Inner reflection Learning self-control Devotion No eating from sun up to sun down Abstaining from other pleasures like smoking, sex, etc. Develop empathy for poor and hungry

3 Quick Video  ramadan#history-of-ramadan ramadan#history-of-ramadan

4 When and What to Eat During Ramadan  when-its-ok-to-eat-and-94989 when-its-ok-to-eat-and-94989

5 Eid al-Fitr  “Festival of breaking of the fast” “Sweet Festival”  3 Day Festival  Leading up to it… Last couple days of month of Ramada, each family donates food to the poor (in order for them to be able to celebrate this holiday)  Day of… Early morning prayer Gathering of friends and family (calling distant relatives) Finest dress Gift giving to children Lights and decorations throughout home Eating treats! Fast is over!

6  uslims-break-fast-worldwide-after- ramadan-as-eid-al-fitr-festival-gets- underway/ uslims-break-fast-worldwide-after- ramadan-as-eid-al-fitr-festival-gets- underway/  17780/eid-alfitr-marked-by-many- muslim-nations/ 17780/eid-alfitr-marked-by-many- muslim-nations/

7 Eid al-Adha  “Festival of Sacrifice”  End of the Hajj (annual Pilgrimage to Mecca)  Commemorates trials and triumphs of Abraham  An animal is slaughtered in rememberance of Abraham’s sacrifice 1/3 goes to family 1/3 friends 1/3 poor

8  29653/iranian-muslims-celebrate-eid- aladha/ 29653/iranian-muslims-celebrate-eid- aladha/  2013/oct/16/eid-al-adha-muslims-india- pakistan-bangladesh-video 2013/oct/16/eid-al-adha-muslims-india- pakistan-bangladesh-video


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