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Global Climate Change Fact & Fiction. True – False? The “Greenhouse Effect” is GOOD for life on planet Earth.

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Presentation on theme: "Global Climate Change Fact & Fiction. True – False? The “Greenhouse Effect” is GOOD for life on planet Earth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Climate Change Fact & Fiction

2 True – False? The “Greenhouse Effect” is GOOD for life on planet Earth

3 Question What exactly are fossil fuels?

4 Word Game Put these words into two appropriate groups: Infrared rays (IR)* Ozone Visible light* CO 2 Ultra-violet* Greenhouse Effect

5 Word Game Ozone Depletion Greenhouse Effect

6 BIG QUESTION What are the scientific FACTS regarding the Greenhouse Effect/Global Climate change????

7 FACT #1 The Carbon Cycle (See board)  Humans DO engage in activities which affect atmospheric CO 2 e.g. combustion of fossil fuels, deforestation, lowering rates of photosynthesis  Not in dispute!!

8 Fact #2 Greenhouse Effect  Verified by: –Actual greenhouses –Hot car/ cold day phenomenon –Greenhouse gasses on Earth and other planets  Not in dispute!!

9 Review: The Greenhouse Effect Step 1: Earth’s surface absorbs short- wavelength solar radiation (visible lights), and become warmer Step 2: Earth’s surface re-radiates the energy as long-wavelength radiation (heat)

10 Fact #3 Does life on planet Earth benefit from the GE? Would life on planet Earth benefit from an enhanced GE?

11 Fact #4 IF carbon dioxide levels rise, more heat (IR) will be trapped  Not in dispute!

12 Fact #5 Carbon dioxide levels ARE rising…..  therefore…………..  Not in dispute

13 Hawaii Data: Global CO2 levels!

14 Carbon Dioxide Levels ARE increasing Did you note TODAY’s level of CO2 on the last slide? How does that compare historically?

15 CO 2, Greenhouse Effect, and Global Warming Today: CO 2 concentration in our atmosphere is 0.037 % or 370 ppm



18 Review Global Carbon Dioxide levels ARE rising…. Therefore……

19 More heat IS being trapped

20 With respect to average temperature 1940-1980

21 Global average temperature 1855-2002


23 Rocky Mountains

24 Fact #6 Carbon dioxide is increasing at a RATE higher than any natural cycle ever recorded Current levels of CO 2 are higher than in all of recorded history

25 Long term Ice Core Data

26 Change in CO2 and Temperature Source:

27 Fact #7 Climates are determined by atmospheric and oceanic convection currents  Not in dispute!

28 Fact #8 If you increased the amount of IR (heat) being trapped, you will alter the convection currents  Not in dispute!

29 Uncertainties #1-4 How MUCH will the convection currents be altered? What areas of the globe will be hotter/colder/wetter/drier? How MUCH of the ice sheets will melt? How HIGH will sea level rise due to thermal expansion & melting ice?

30 Fact #9 The global climate IS changing! And this is called the THEORY of Global Climate Change because the evidence is so diverse….. For example, area of Arctic Ice cap:

31 is the increased greenhouse effect; I'd bet the mortgage it Mark Serreze, NSIDC ARCTIC SEA ICE EXTENT - SEPTEMBER TREND, 1978-2005 The area covered by sea ice

32 Arctic Ice Area

33 Data: Changes in Flowering Dates

34 Data: Mismatch of Bird Nesting & Food Availability

35 We have “Early Warning Signs”

36 Uncertainties #5 - 8 What can individuals do? What can our government do? Which actions are BEST to take? What are the consequences of inaction???

37 As of April 17, 2007 Question in front of UN Security Council: Is Global Climate Change a threat to global security????????

38 December 7, 2009 What is going on TODAY in Copenhagen????????

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