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Logical / Mathematical Intelligence

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Presentation on theme: "Logical / Mathematical Intelligence"— Presentation transcript:

1 Logical / Mathematical Intelligence
A. K. A. Logic / Math Smart!

2 If we are logic/math smart we…
Quantify Sequence Analyze Evaluate Synthesize Apply

3 We are Logic / Math smart when we…
Think in numbers, patterns, and algorithms. Think clearly and analytically. Learn by appeal to logic. Use abstract symbols.

4 We are Logic / Math smart when we…
Solve logic problems easily. Are good in math. Think in numbers and symbols. Make Lists Classify and categorize objects.

5 We are Logic / Math smart when we…
Figure things out (such as tips) Set priorities. Decipher codes. Find and create patterns. Outline, organize, and sequence

6 We are Logic / Math smart when we…
Play strategy games like Chess and Checkers. Ask questions in a logical manner. Solve problems. Estimate and predict.

7 People who put their logic/math smarts to work include…
Accountants Scientists Computer Programmers Mathematicians Detectives

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