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Changes to Benefits What you need to know. Introduction There are lots of changes that are happening to benefits This is because the government wants.

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Presentation on theme: "Changes to Benefits What you need to know. Introduction There are lots of changes that are happening to benefits This is because the government wants."— Presentation transcript:

1 Changes to Benefits What you need to know

2 Introduction There are lots of changes that are happening to benefits This is because the government wants to save money The government also thinks that some of the changes will make the benefits system simpler

3 About this information The Government are making lots of changes to benefits over the next few years We have tried to give up to date information, but things might change so always ask for advice There are some useful contacts at the end of this guide

4 Personal Independence Payment This is also known as PIP It is a new benefit that will replace Disability Living Allowance (DLA) These changes will start to happen from April 2013, but will take until 2016 to happen for some people Like DLA, there are 2 parts to PIP. There is money for help with daily living, and money to help get around

5 Personal Independence Payment If you get DLA you will have to apply for PIP You will be a new test to see if you can get PIP Most people will need to meet with an independent doctor or nurse to find out if they can get PIP If you get DLA, The Department of Work and Pensions will write to you and ask if you want to apply for PIP

6 Universal Credit Universal Credit is a new benefit that will replace lots of other benefits It will replace: Income Support Income related Jobseeker’s Allowance Income related Employment and Support Allowance Housing Benefit Working Tax Credits and Child Tax Credits

7 Universal Credit Universal Credit will be paid once a month for the month just gone People will get their rent money and they will have to pay their landlord themselves. There may be ways of getting help with this. There will be more ‘testing’ of people’s health or whether they are looking for work These changes start in October and it will take 4 years for everyone to change to the new system

8 Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) ESA started to replace Incapacity Benefit in 2008. It will be 2014 before everyone has moved to getting ESA Lots of people are being told they should be able to work. This means they get less money You might need to give information to show that you are not able to work

9 Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) You may wish to join an ESA Activity or Support Group. An Activity Group is for people to learn new skills to help them find a job A Support group is for people who probably can’t work yet because of their illness or disability People in these groups will get more money than other people

10 Changes to Council Tax Benefit This is being replaced by Local Council Tax Reduction Most people who claim benefits will have to pay something towards council tax. This includes people who used to get all their council tax paid. This will be different in each Borough and District Council area. People of pension age are not affected

11 Size Criteria (Bedroom Tax) From April 2013, people who get Housing Benefit will have to pay some of their rent themselves if they have a spare bedroom If they have 1 spare bedroom, the Housing Benefit will be cut by 14% (this means if you get £100 it would be cut by £14) If they have 2 or more spare bedrooms it will be cut by 25% (this means if you get £100 it would be cut by £25 People will have to decide if they can afford to pay extra, or move somewhere smaller.

12 Size Criteria (Bedroom Tax) This will happen to all tenants in council or social housing Pensioners are not affected People who need a bedroom for a carer to stay overnight will not be affected Some help may be available from local councils. This is called Discretionary Housing Payments

13 Social Fund Community Care Grants and Crisis Loans were used to help people in trouble These stopped in April 2013 Northamptonshire County Council has to find a way to help people in serious need But there will be no cash payments or loans

14 Benefits Cap The total amount you can get in benefits will be ‘capped’ at £350 per week for single people and £500 per week for families This doesn’t affect pensioners, people getting DLA or some other benefits Some help may be available through ‘Discretionary Housing Payments’ This will happen by September 2013

15 Information for Family Carers Changes to Council Tax Benefit may mean that carers get charged more The move from DLA to PIP means that everyone will be ‘re-tested’. If the ‘cared for’ person doesn’t get PIP, this will affect other things such as Carers Allowance and blue badges. Carers might be affected by the ‘bedroom tax’

16 Where to get help Benefits can be very complicated Talk to your support worker if you need some help You can talk to a benefits advisor at the local Job Centre You could go the government website:

17 Where to get help Mencap Direct can provide advice and information 0808 808 1111 This is free even if you call from a mobile phone Or you can email:

18 Where to get help Citizens Advice Bureaus can give information and advice about benefits: 08444 111 444 The Northamptonshire CIL can help 01604 588501 Or you can talk to your local Community Legal Service

19 Produced by the Northamptonshire Learning Disability Partnership Board B McConnell April 2013

20 Thanks to... The information in this guide was gathered from lots of different places and organisations, including The DWP, The Housing and Support Alliance, United Response, Carers UK, Inclusion North, South Northants District Council, Mencap.

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