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Calyx & Corolla Group 7. MARKET EVALUATION C & C needs to begin to see a steady profit margin Cut back on everything but catalog marketing (where most.

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1 Calyx & Corolla Group 7

2 MARKET EVALUATION C & C needs to begin to see a steady profit margin Cut back on everything but catalog marketing (where most revenue is derived) Build off catalog media, with memorable tagline & magazine ads


4 TARGET MARKET Focus marketing strategy on Home Decor Focus on continuity programs that bring in steady income o Active buyers that purchase 2-10 times a year, (pg. 105) 85% of these customers: Primary Target: Working women Disposable income Ages 30-55 StrengthsWeaknesses Quick deliverySmall market share Extensive catalog selectionExtensive marketing expenses OpportunitiesThreats Longevity of plantsStiff competition (FTD) Focus catalog marketingWeak brand image

5 Brand Image / Magazine Ads New Tagline: C & C – Catalog. Choose. Create. C & C must gain brand awareness (1800FLOWERS does it better) Use specified magazines to reach more catalog subscribers: (Data from MRI database Spring 2013, W=Women) (Total W sample population 121,967) MagazinesAudience (W)Median Age (W)Median HH Income (W) Glamour11,05037.4$65,388 Good Housekeeping17,05755.4$63,272 Hearst Magazine Gr.116,55048.2$62,041 Reader’s Digest14,55854.7$55,102 People30,17644.2$65,997

6 Mag Ad Purpose – promote catalog sales through targeted magazines Lead generation strategy (mailing form at bottom) Purchase behavior introduced with catalog choices

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