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By: Ashley Martin Adapted by Valerie Hunt

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1 By: Ashley Martin Adapted by Valerie Hunt
Parts of a Flower By: Ashley Martin Adapted by Valerie Hunt

2 What is a flower? A flower is the reproductive structure of an angiosperm or flowering plant.

3 What are the 4 main parts of a flower? calyx corolla stamen pistil

4 Calyx The calyx is the outer protection of the flower. It is made of the sepals and receptacle. sepals Calyx receptacle

5 Corolla The corolla is usually the most obvious part of the flower—the petals. Often scented and colorful, the petals attract pollinators to the flower.

6 Stamen (Male) The stamen is the male part of the flower and is usually located inside the petals. The stamen is composed of an anther and a filament. Anther – holds the pollen which contains the sperm cells. Filament- Thread-like part that supports the anthers

7 Pistil (Female) The carpel is the female part of the flower and is usually located in the center of the flower. The carpel is composed of a stigma, style, ovary, and ovules. Many flowers have only one carpel. But some have many. The collective term for the carpels of a flower is pistil.

8 The Pistil (female) Is the female part of the flower
Can be a single pistil consisting of several fused carpels (A) May contain several pistils each consisting of a single carpel (B) Contains the stigma, style, ovary and ovules.

9 Parts of the Pistil Stigma – The sticky surface at the top of the pistil which is the site where pollen is trapped and held. Style – The tube-like structure that supports the pistil Ovary– At the base of the pistil, contains the ovules, or the eggs of the plant.

10 What are the parts of a flower?
Stamen Pistil (Carpel) Ovule Corolla Calyx

11 Scientists classify a flowers based on these four basic parts of the flower—Calyx, corolla, stamen, and pistil. COMPLETE flower four parts: calyx, corolla, stamen and pistil INCOMPLETE flower Lacks any of the four parts

12 And… PERFECT flower IMPERFECT flower
Has a pistil and a stamen—male and female Male + Female = “A Perfect Marriage” IMPERFECT flower Has just a pistil or a stamen but NOT both.

13 True or False Test Can a flower be… Perfect and complete? TRUE Perfect and incomplete? Imperfect and complete? FALSE Imperfect and incomplete?

14 What are the parts of a flower?
Stamen Pistil (Carpel) Ovule Corolla Calyx Click on the flower to hear a little review song.

15 The End! Let’s illustrate the “Parts of the Flower” song!

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