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CHRISTIANITY 101 Monotheistic Believe God manifests in three Persons Father (God) Son (Jesus Christ) – Son of God by human mother, the Virgin Mary Holy.

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3 CHRISTIANITY 101 Monotheistic Believe God manifests in three Persons Father (God) Son (Jesus Christ) – Son of God by human mother, the Virgin Mary Holy Spirit Sacred Scripture=Holy Bible

4 Holy Bible

5 Holy Bible: Old Testament Based on Hebrew Bible Writings by ancient Israelites prior to the coming of Christ Tells: – beginning of the world – history of the Israelites – stories and questions of good and evil – books of prophets warning of consequences of turning away from God.

6 Holy Bible: New Testament Anthology composed exclusively of 1 st & 2 nd century writings Narratives of life, teaching, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Gospels) Narratives of the apostles’ ministries in the early church 21 letters on Christian doctrine Book of Revelation which is a book of prophecy about the end of time

7 Jesus Christ Son of God Conceived by the Holy Spirit and born to a Virgin Mother (Mary) Gave teachings on love and forgiveness and performed miracles Arrested, tried, convicted and crucified Resurrected after 3 days

8 Christian Ministry Teachings on humility, love, charity, forgiveness, personal relationship with God, promise of life after death Poor, powerless drawn to faith Ministry spread despite persecutions

9 Christian Persecution

10 Persecutions Typically, persecutions were local and sporadic Set on fire, killed by animals, crucified Christianity was an underground religion – Earliest work in catacombs and on sarcophagi Constantine recognized Christianity – Issued Edict of Milan

11 Early Christianity in Rome Apostle Paul went outside Palestine to minister-spread belief in Christianity 1 st century CE-lower and lower-middle class began converting. – Aristocracy continued polytheism 2 nd century CE- educated Romans and upper class began to convert to Christianity

12 STYLE How was Jesus represented in Early Christian art?

13 During persecution, Jesus was represented as a young shepherd protecting his sheep After Christianity was officially recognized, Christ took on imperial attributes: the halo purple robe bearded face as a mature adult the throne- which denoted his ruling Constantine wanted Christ to be represented more like a king




17 Subjects Incarnation: birth and childhood Ministry and Miracles Passion: everything leading to his death and after – Crucifixion, resurrection, ascension

18 Constantine’s Patronage Protected and advanced Christianity in Empire Provided land, erected buildings(churches, basilicas, shrines, etc.) 1 st major patron to Christian architecture

19 The earlies t Christi an art

20 Early Christian Catacombs Underground cemeteries Catacombs in Rome 60-90 miles long, up to 5 levels deep From 2 nd -4 th c. used constantly cubicula carved out to serve as chapels

21 LOCULUS- niche for the bodies.

22 Catacomb Frescoes Frescoes are painted on ceilings and walls of the catacombs. quick, sketchy paintings of poor quality. Decomposing corpses spoiled the air, the humidity was excessive, and the lighting was poor.

23 Empire: Important dates 325 CE Christianity became the official religion of the empire. 383 CE Christian Emperor Theodosius specified Christianity as the sole religion of the Empire. All so-called pagan religions were made crimes against the state.

24 395 CE- The Roman Empire splits into Eastern and Western Empires. Split religions. 527 CE- Justinian ascended the throne of the Eastern Empire. He established Ravenna on the East coast of Italy, as the new center of power. “Golden Age of Byzantine” 1453 CE- Constantinople falls to the Ottoman Turks

25 Good Shepherd, Orants, and Story of Jonah, ceiling catacomb of Saint Pietro and Marcellino

26 Catacomb ceiling fresco Center circle is Jesus as a Good Shepherd Lines extend out, form cross Orants-figures with raised arms Lunettes-semi-circles at end of each arm of cross – tells story of Jonah and the whale Lived 3 days in belly of whale, emerged whole Jesus emerged after 3 days Prefiguration of Christ

27 Jesus-Greek ideal, youthful form, wearing a modest classic tunic, and contrapposto This shows Jesus with his flock, protecting his sheep--offering his life for his sheep, or his life for their sins. portrays the humble status the man represented—a carpenter. **appeal to the lower strata of society. Cross layout of design

28 Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus

29 Junius Bassus commissioned this sarcophagus acknowledging his conversion to Christianity. He was a wealthy Roman official. Artist uses architectural elements to separate the units. Ten scenes from the Bible in separate niches on the front

30 Both levels shallow stage spaces of equal width Top level has columns w/entablature Bottom level has columns w/alternating triangular and arched roof gables-like houses Poorly proportioned figures in all but one section are dressed like Romans with togas Christ is portrayed as youthful and unbearded

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