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Poe Center Healthful Living Essential Standards May 23, 2012 Les Spell - Health/Physical Education/Athletics Consultant, NCDPI.

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Presentation on theme: "Poe Center Healthful Living Essential Standards May 23, 2012 Les Spell - Health/Physical Education/Athletics Consultant, NCDPI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Poe Center Healthful Living Essential Standards May 23, 2012 Les Spell - Health/Physical Education/Athletics Consultant, NCDPI

2 Today’s Presenter Les Spell, MAEd Health/Physical Education/Athletics Consultant NCDPI

3 Expectations? What do you want to take away?

4 Agenda Introductions Legislation State Board Goal 21 st Century Themes and Skills Essential Standards Resources

5 Review from Healthful Living Summer Institute 2011 RESA Spring 2012

6 Healthful Living Education = Health Education and Physical Education

7 Legislative Mandates in North Carolina for Health Education Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Prevention, K- 12 CPR and the Heimlich Maneuver The Healthy Youth Act

8 Healthy Youth Act Replaces Teach Abstinence Until Marriage Includes teaching of abstinence as a positive choice Requires teaching of prevention of STDs (including HIV), unintended pregnancy, and prevention and reporting of sexual assault and abuse Requires teaching FDA-approved methods of prevention (condoms and contraceptives)

9 Healthy Youth Act Requirements in the Essential Standards Abstinence education 7, 8, 9 Prevention of STDs (HIV, HPV) 7, 9 FDA-approved methods of disease prevention 7, 9 Prevention of pregnancy 8, 9 FDA-approved contraception 8, 9 Prevention of sexual assault and abuse 7, 9 Reporting of sexual assault and abuse 7, 9

10 Legislative Mandates in North Carolina for Health and Physical Activity Bicycle Safety Fitness Testing Honors Courses in Healthful Living

11 Healthy Active Children’s Policy State Board Policy Requires 30 minutes of physical activity K-8 Requires all LEAs to have a School Health Advisory Council

12 NC State Board Goals: Public school students will be healthy and responsible. Healthy Responsible Students North Carolina State Board of Education

13 We ALL Win When We Have -- Healthy, Responsible Students In Class On Task Healthy--Physically, Emotionally Happy Ready to Learn

14 Intentional and unintentional injuries Lack of physical activity Use of tobacco Sexual risk taking Use of alcohol and other drugs Poor dietary behaviors Serious Health Risks (Identified by CDC)

15 National Standards

16 NC Youth Risk Behavior Survey Developed by CDC Given in NC each odd year since 1995 Used by NC public schools and public health Best data on risk taking by youth Middle school and high school data

17 Do You Know Your Students? Almost 20% of students do not get 8 hours of sleep/night; high school students, even more, 30%, do not sleep enough. * Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2010

18 Do You Know Your Students? 32% are home alone 3 or more hours * Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2010

19 Do you know your students? 20% feel alone in their lives * Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2010

20 How well do we know NC students?

21 Health Risk Behaviors & Academic Grades NC Middle Schools 2011 YRBS

22 Health Risk Behaviors & Academic Grades NC High Schools 2011 YRBS

23 BMI between 85 th and 95 th percentileBMI at or above 95 th percentile Unhealthy Weight & Academic Grades NC High Schools 2011 YRBS

24 21st Century Themes and Skills

25 Core Subjects (as identified in the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act and adopted by the Partnership for 21 st Century Skills in the Framework for 21 st Century Skills) English, Reading, or Language Arts World Languages Arts Mathematics Economics Science Geography History Government and Civics

26 21 st Century Themes Global Awareness Financial, Economic, Business, & Entrepreneurial Literacy Civic Literacy Health Literacy Environmental Literacy

27 Health Literacy -Obtaining, interpreting and understanding basic health information and services and using such information and services in ways that are health enhancing -Understanding preventive physical and mental health measures, including proper diet, nutrition, exercise, risk avoidance and stress reduction -Using available information to make appropriate health-related decisions -Establishing and monitoring personal and family health goals -Understanding national and international public health and safety issues

28 21 st Century Skills Learning and Innovation Skills Information, Media, and Technology Skills Life and Career Skills

29 21 st Century Themes and Skills Alignments Alignments

30 Essential Standards Strands: Health Education = 5 Physical Education = 4 ES = Essential Standards COs = Clarifying Objectives APs = Assessment Prototypes Crosswalks Unpacking

31 Health Education Curriculum Strands Mental and Emotional Health Personal and Consumer Health Interpersonal Communication and Relationships Nutrition and Physical Activity Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs

32 Physical Education Curriculum Strands Motor Skill Development Movement Concepts Health-Related Fitness Personal and Social Responsibility

33 Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Essential Standards in Health Education and Physical Education are based on the taxonomy approved by the State Board of Education Process is guided by Department of Public Instruction

34 Changes in Health Education and Physical Education Clarifying Objectives: from Bloom’s to Revised Bloom’s Clarifying objectives have only one verb Verbs in CO are aligned with verbs in ES Verb create is the highest level of learning Verbs enhance assessment and accountability

35 Matching Activity Work with others Arrange the verbs for Essential Standards into a hierarchy (remember at top) Match verbs for clarifying objectives in alignment with verbs for Essential Standards Check your work with the answer sheet Match new clarifying objectives in Health and P.E.

36 Coding of Essential Standards and Clarifying Objectives Kindergarten – 9 MEH = Mental and Emotional Health Number of standard Number of clarifying objective

37 Examples of Coding of Essential Standards and Clarifying Objectives 5.PCH.2.2 = PE.2.HF.3.1 = PE.9.PR.4.2 = 6.ATOD.3.2 = PE.1.MC.2.3 = 4.MEH.1.2 =

38 Essential Standards and Clarifying Objectives

39 Crosswalks Show conceptual changes between the previous Standard Course of Study and the new Essential Standards. –Answers the question, “How are the 2010 Essential Standards different from the 2006 Standard Course of Study objectives?”

40 Unpacking Provides deeper understanding and description of the standards –Answers the question, “What do the standards mean a student must know and be able to do?”

41 Resources NC Healthful Living Essential Standards Wiki Livebinders – search for NCHLRESA2012 Successfully Teaching Middle/High School Health – manuals and trainings from NCCSHTCNCCSHTC

42 Healthful Living Wiki

43 Livebinders

44 Wrap Up & Contact Information Les Spell Health/Physical Education/Athletics Consultant, NCDPI 919-807-3637 “ The digital tools used during the course of the NCDPI RESA trainings have been helpful to some educators across the state. However, due to the rapidly changing digital environment, NCDPI does not represent nor endorse that these tools are the exclusive digital tools for the purposes outlined during the RESA trainings. ”

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