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28. Alternating Current Circuits

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1 28. Alternating Current Circuits
Current Elements in AC Circuits LC Circuits Driven RLC Circuits & Resonance Power in AC Circuits Transformers & Power Supplies

2 Why does alternating current facilitate the transmission and distribution of electric power?
EM induction allows voltage transformation.

3 Alternating Current Reminder: All waves can be analyzed in terms of sinusoidal waves (Fourier analysis Chap 14). Sinusoidal wave (Chap 13) : Vp sin  Angular frequency : [] = rad/s  =  / 6  = phase

4 Example 28.1. Characterizing Household Voltage
Standard household wiring supplies 110 V rms at 60 Hz. Express this mathematically, assuming the voltage is rising through 0 at t = 0.

5 28.2. Current Elements in AC Circuits
Resistors Capacitors Inductors Phasor Diagrams Capacitors & Inductors: A Comparison

6 Displacing Functions g
g is moved to the right (forward) by  to give f. f x   x sin cos Displacement: sin is cos moved forward by /2. Phase: sin lags cos by /2. Derivative: moves sinusoidal functions backward by /2. phase is increased by /2. Integral: moves sinusoidal functions forward by /2. phase is decreased by /2.

7 Resistors When V(t) > 0 : I + + VR I & V in phase

8 Capacitors When V(t) > 0 : I Capacitive reactance + + VC  
I leads V by 90 I peaks ¼ cycle before V Capacitive reactance DC: open ckt. HF: short ckt.

9 Inductors When V(t) > 0 : I L + Inductive reactance + 
I trails V by 90 I peaks ¼ cycle after V Inductive reactance DC: short ckt. HF: open ckt.

10 Table 28.1. Amplitude & Phase in Circuit Elements
Peak Current vs Voltage Phase Relation Resistor V & I in phase Capacitor V lags I 90 V leads I 90 Inductor

11 GOT IT? A capacitor and an inductor are connected across separate but identical electric generators, and the same current flows in each. If the frequency of the generators is doubled, which will carry more current? Ans. is capacitor

12 Example 28.2. Equal Currents?
A capacitor is connected across a 60-Hz, 120-V rms power line, and an rms current of 200 mA flows. Find the capacitance. What inductance, connected across the same powerline, would result in the same current? (c) How would the phases of the inductor & capacitor currents compare? (a) (b) Capacitor: IC leads V by 90. Inductor: V leads IL by 90. (c)  IC leads IL by 180.

13 Phasor Diagrams V leads I by 0. ( same phase ) V leads I by 90.
Phasor = Arrow (vector) in complex plane. Length = mag. Angle = phase. V leads I by 0. ( same phase ) V leads I by 90. V leads I by 90. ( V lags I by 90 )

14 Capacitors Revisited I + VC  Vp e i t I leads V by 90
Taking the real part as physical Taking the imaginary part as physical Impedance

15 Inductors Revisited I  L + Vp e i t I lags V by 90
Taking the real part as physical Taking the imaginary part as physical

16 Capacitors & Inductors: A Comparison
C  L translator: E  B q  B V  I Z  Y

17 Table 28.2. Capacitors & Inductors
Defining relation Defining relation; differential form Opposes change in V I Energy storage Open circuit Short circuit Behavior in low freq limit Short circuit Open circuit Behavior in high freq limit Reactance Admittance / Impedance V leads by 90 Phase I leads by 90

18 Application: Loudspeaker Systems
C passes High freq Loudspeaker system with high & low frequency filters. L passes low freq

19 LC Circuits I V +

20 Analyzing the LC Circuit
V +

21 GOT IT? 28.2 You have an LC circuit that oscillates at a typical AM radio frequency of 1 MHz. You want to change the capacitor so it oscillates at a typical FM frequency , 100 MHz. Should you make the capacitor larger or smaller ? By what factor ? 104

22 Example 28.3. Tuning a Piano 
You wish to make an LC circuit oscillate at 440 Hz ( A above middle C ) to use in tuning pianos. You have a 20-mH inductor. What value of capacitance should you use ? If you charge the capacitor to 5.0 V, what will be the peak current in the circuit ? (a) (b)

23 Resistance in LC Circuits – Damping
+ VR  I VC + L + (see next page)

24 Resistance in LC Circuits – Damping
+ VR  I VC + L + (see next page)

25 Solutions to Damped Oscillator

26 28.4. Driven RLC Circuits & Resonance
+ VR  I + L +  VC + Driven damped oscillator : Long time: oscillates with frequency d. Resonance if d = 0.

27 Resonance in the RLC Circuit
VC & VL are 180 out of phase. if i.e.,

28 GOT IT? 28.3 You measure the capacitor & inductor voltage in adriven RLC circuit, and find 10 V for the rms capacitor voltage and 15 V for the rms inductor voltage. Is the driving frequency above or below resonance ? VCp < VLp

29 Frequency Response of the RLC Circuit
Series circuit  same I phasor for all. VR in phase with I. VC lags I by 90. VL leads I by 90. High Q Low Q See Prob 71 for definition of Q. At resonance,  = 0.

30 Example 28.4. Designing a Loud Speaker System
Current flows to the midrange speaker in a loudspeaker system through a 2.2-mH inductor in series with a capacitor. What should the capacitance be so that a given voltage produces the greatest current at 1 kHz ? If the same voltage produces half this current at 618 Hz, what is the speaker’s resistance ? If the peak output voltage of the amplifier is 20 V, what will be the peak capacitor voltage be at 1 kHz ? (a) Greatest I is at resonance:

31 (b) If the same voltage produces half this current at 618 Hz, what is the speaker’s resistance ?
At resonance: If the peak output voltage of the amplifier is 20 V, what will be the peak capacitor voltage be at 1 kHz ? Peak voltage is at resonance (1 kHz).

32 28.5. Power in AC Circuits Dissipative power = I2 R
Capacitor: I leads V by 90 ,  P  = 0 Resistor: I & V in phase ,  P  > 0 I & V out of phase ,  P   Power factor Dissipative power = I2 R  large power factor reduces I & hence heat loss.

33 Conceptual Example 28.1. Managing Power Factor
You’re chief engineer of a power company. Should you strive for a high or a low power factor on your lines? Power factor Generator : fixed Vrms . To maintain fixed <P>, Irms cos  = const. Smaller power factor  higher Irms .  higher power loss. Ans.: keep power factor close to 1.

34 Making the Connection Transmission losses on a well-managed electric grid average about 8% of the total power delivered. How does this figure change if the power factor drops from 1 to 0.71? To deliver the same power Transmission losses: ( doubles to 16% )

35 28.6. Transformers & Power Supplies
Transformer: pair of coils wound on the same (iron) core. Works only for AC.

36 Direct-Current Power Supplies
Diode passes + half of each cycle Diode Diode cuts off  half of each cycle RC (low freq) filter

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