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CONCEPTUAL COMPARISON BETWEEN LHC SILICON DETECTORS AND SILICON SOLAR CELLS Dr. Adnan Ali Department of Physics Government College University Faisalabad.

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Presentation on theme: "CONCEPTUAL COMPARISON BETWEEN LHC SILICON DETECTORS AND SILICON SOLAR CELLS Dr. Adnan Ali Department of Physics Government College University Faisalabad."— Presentation transcript:

1 CONCEPTUAL COMPARISON BETWEEN LHC SILICON DETECTORS AND SILICON SOLAR CELLS Dr. Adnan Ali Department of Physics Government College University Faisalabad

2 What are Silicon Detectors? A pn junction formed by silicon is the Si detector.

3 Common applications of Si Detectors Nuclear Physics Medical Physics for Imaging Particle Physics Crystallography Astrophysics

4 Why Silicon? There are other materials that can be used for detector but due to some limitations they are not used for example  Germanium: small bandgap and needs cooling usually  Diamond: large bandgap, radiation resistant but low signal and high cost  other materials from III-V and II-VI group most of these are expensive and/or lack of equipment's required/less experience with industry.

5 Types of Silicon by Growth Mode Cz Silicon Fz-Silicon Mc-Silicon

6 Difference Between Si detector and Si Solar Cells The basic difference between a Silicon detector and a Si solar cells is: Si Detectors in LHC are reversed biased Si solar cells operate under forward bias conditions

7 Due to reverse biasing of the Si detectors, the reverse leakage current is very crucial parameter in the operation of Si detectors.

8 Schematic of Si Detector used in LHC

9 Operation of Si Detector/Solar Cell n-Si n ++ -Si p-Si

10 ICRES_2014 10 Passivated Emitter Rear Locally Diffused Cell

11 ICRES_2014 11 Absence of Front Metallization – IBC cell No Optical Shadow losses but electronic Shadow losses – IBC cells IBC Cell

12 Basic Steps in the fabrication of Silicon Solar Cell

13 Texturing Results on C-Si (Cz)

14 Optimization of Back Contacts by TCAD Simulations



17 Surface Recombination Velocity for Various Substrates ICRES_2014 17

18 Jsc response of different emitter Solar Cells

19 Comparison of IBC cells with Standard Cells ICRES_2014 19

20 Jsc vs Bulk life time for IBC Cells 20




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