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Use the GEDAE approach:  Good News  Explanation/ Details  Action  Echo Good News.

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Presentation on theme: "Use the GEDAE approach:  Good News  Explanation/ Details  Action  Echo Good News."— Presentation transcript:


2 Use the GEDAE approach:  Good News  Explanation/ Details  Action  Echo Good News

3  Per employee request, casual dress policy has been approved for Fridays at Tempe Bank effective this Friday.

4  Since most of us interact with customers and we want to maintain a professional appearance, casual attire means “dressy casual.” In order to maintain our professional image while enjoying more relaxed attire, please follow these general guidelines :

5  Men Women Sport or Polo Shirt Blouse or Polo Shirt Khaki Slacks Pants, Long Shorts Cargo Shorts Skirts Loafers Loafers or Sandals  Tennis shoes, jogging outfits, short shorts, tee shirts, halter- tops, and shirts exposing the belly are inappropriate. Formal business attire should be worn when meeting with clients outside the office.

6  Please visit the HR website for the complete casual attire policy and illustrations of appropriate casual attire. If you have any questions regarding what is and isn’t appropriate, please call me at 5555.

7  Enjoy our new “Casual Fridays” beginning this Friday !

8  Use the BEBE approach:  Buffer  Explanation  Bad News (Plus Alternative)  Exit Positively

9  Neutral Statement Example: Your application was reviewed separately by two loan officers.

10  I’m honored by your invitation to be a guest speaker at this year’s kick-off. Unfortunately, I have already committed to another speaking engagement in Houston that weekend.

11  You receive full refunds for merchandise returned within 10 days of receipt. For unsold merchandise returned after the primary selling season, a modest 15 percent restocking fee is charged to cover our costs of holding this merchandise until next season.

12  While relaxing from another great skiing season, take a look at our new HighFly skis and other items available in the enclosed catalog for next season. You can save 10 percent by ordering premium products before May 10 th.

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