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 Definition: A demonstrative pronoun points out a specific person, place or thing.  There are four demonstrative pronouns.

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Presentation on theme: " Definition: A demonstrative pronoun points out a specific person, place or thing.  There are four demonstrative pronouns."— Presentation transcript:


2  Definition: A demonstrative pronoun points out a specific person, place or thing.  There are four demonstrative pronouns.

3  This  That This and that are used for one person, place, or thing.

4  These  Those These and those are used for groups of things.

5  A demonstrative pronoun will not ever have a noun after it.

6 1. I saw this in a magazine. 2. This was a great day. 3. What are you doing with that? 4. I don’t want that in here. 5. Could we please buy these? 6. Where did you find those?

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