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This is a slideshow by James Bate showing you all about a plant cell.

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1 This is a slideshow by James Bate showing you all about a plant cell

2 This is a model of a plant cell. In a plant cell there are chloroplasts, a cell wall, nucleus, vacuole, a cytoplasm and a cell membrane.(Remember the plant cell is very tiny, in fact microscopic.) We have been studying many different cells at school, but this fact file will provide you with a lot of information about a plant cell. I will be giving you pictures, bullet points and astonishing facts fixed deeply into each part of the plant cell. Here is the content of the fact file: 1.ChloroplastsChloroplasts 2.Cell wallCell wall 3.NucleusNucleus 4.VacuoleVacuole 5.CytoplasmCytoplasm 6.Cell membraneCell membrane I hope you enjoy my fact file and that you learn a lot. Described above (first line)

3 Chloroplasts are used in a plant cell to conduct photosynthesis. They do this by capturing light energy from the sun to produce free energy stored in the Adenosine triphosphate in other words the ATP and the Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate also known as NADPH. The reason that chloroplasts are green is because they contain a pigment called chlorophyll which is green. Chloroplast is a Greek word. Chloros meaning green and Plastis meaning the one who forms. They are about 2 to 10 micrometres in diameter and only one micrometre thick. To give you a sense of how big that is, there are 10, 000 micrometres in just 1 centimetre. The material in the chloroplast is called the Stroma. This is a model chloroplast

4 The cell wall is very tough and surprisingly flexible and it surrounds and protects other cells within the plant cell. It is also a filtering mechanism. It is located outside of the cell membrane. The cell wall doesn’t just operate for the plant cell it also operates on plants, bacteria, fungi, algae archaea. The cell wall also helps get less large molecules that are toxic into the plant cell. If the cell wall wasn’t there the plant cell will not be protected and it would be highly toxic which would result to danger and effectively the plant would die. Hydraulic turgor pressure is what makes the cell wall very rigid and strong. The highlighted green is the plant cell wall in this picture. Look how well protected the plant cell is.

5 The Nucleus contains most of the cell’s genetic material organised by lots of long linear DNA molecules. The job of the Nucleus is to keep the genes of the plant cell healthy. The nucleus is essentially the control panel of the plant cell, it’s job is to control what the cell does and puts the cell right when the cell is doing something wrong. The nucleus was the first ever organelle to be discovered. The nucleus contains chromosomes and the chromosomes actually store the DNA. The nucleus has a double membrane around it. It’s called the Nuclear envelope and it separates the Nucleus from the chloroplasts. In this diagram you can see the round brown nucleus near the middle you can also see the nuclear envelope Underneath it.

6 The vacuole’s job is to isolate materials that could be very harmful to the plant cell. The vacuole contains waste products and small molecules. The vacuole is a space inside the cell that is completely empty of Cytoplasm and the vacuole is filled with fluid. There are different types of vacuoles there are the food vacuoles the waste vacuoles and the water vacuoles. The vacuole is considered a reservoir for fluids within the plant cell. Another way the Vacuoles are considered is a storage bubble for the plant cell. The vacuoles water differs depending on how much water is available to the plant cell. The white bit in the middle is the vacuole surrounded by Chloroplasts.

7 The cytoplasm is a gel substance that holds all the organelles together apart from the nucleus. The cytoplasm is actually 80% water and usually clear in colour. Another name for the Cytoplasm is Cytosol and it means cell substance. The cytoplasm is found inside the cell membrane and it surrounds the nuclear envelope and the cytoplasmic organelles. The cytoplasm contains dissolved nutrients and helps dissolve waste products. The cytoplasm helps materials move around the cell by moving through a process called cytoplasmic streaming. The nucleus often flows with the cytoplasm changing the shape as it moves. The cytoplasm contains many salts and is an excellent conductor of electricity This is a Cytoplasm under a microscope

8 The cell membrane is also known as the plasma membrane and its job is to separate the inside of all cells from the outside environment. Ions and organic molecules can pass through the cell membrane and the cell membrane controls the movement of substances in and out of cells. In other words it protects the cell from outside dangerous forces. The cell membrane surrounds the cytoplasm of the plant cell and also surrounds all living cells. To sum up the cell membrane is that it controls how substances flow in an out of the plant cell. It’s held responsible for many other properties of the cell as well. The membranes that surround the nucleus and other organelles are almost identical to the cell membrane

9 The underlined words during the slideshow are words that you might not know the meaning of. Genetic = instructions on how to function or grow. Organelle = An organelle is a part of the cell e.g chloroplast. Chromosomes = The unique make up of the plant (the programme) Isolate = to single out. Molecule = The smallest physical unit of the plant cell. Reservoir = Container of something such as water. cytoplasmic streaming = the direct flow of the liquid forming the cytoplasm. Substance = an object or thing. Properties = The characteristics of something.

10 Thanks for watching and I hope you learnt something and that you enjoyed the show

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