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Dady Rachmananta National Library of Indonesia

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Presentation on theme: "Dady Rachmananta National Library of Indonesia"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dady Rachmananta National Library of Indonesia

2 Keepers of national heritage National cultural heritage Formal Libraries Museums Galleries Archive Informal Individuals Families NGOs Kingdoms & sultanates

3 main task and functions of the Assisting the President in the development of libraries in their mission to collect and preserve reading materials as a national cultural heritage as a non-ministerial government institution ¶ to collect and preserve printed, written and recorded materials ¶ to carry out library service ¶ to develop all types of libraries Main task Functions National Library of Indonesia

4 National Library (est 1980) (Ministry of Education and Culture) Center for Library Development (est 1975) (Ministry of Education and Culture) National Library of Indonesia (6 March1989) Presidential Decree No. 11 / 1989 Provincial Libraries (26) ` Jl. Salemba Raya 28A, Jakarta National Library of Indonesia

5 National deposit collection Ex National Museum’s library collection Manuscripts collection Indonesian records at foreign libraries (LC, NLA dan KITLV) National data base (2,100,00 vols.) National Data Base Library automated system

6 Manuscripts palm-leave (lontar)

7 Manuscripts bamboo

8 Manuscripts animal horn

9 Manuscripts animal bone

10 Manuscripts dluwang (artificial paper)

11 to preserve Indonesia’s cultural documentary heritage Fundamental role of the National Library with the goal to promote public’s understanding of culture increase access to education in visual and performing arts serve as a focal point for the community and visitors to the area interested in culture and the arts

12 Problems facing cultural preservation  Minimal appreciation  Too many rituals requested from the owners  Suspicious of government effort  No national inventory of protected cultural items  Attempt to smuggle or sell to foreign syndicates  Geographical condition

13 ......................... Geographical condition

14 National network on the preservation of cultural heritage Museums Universities Integrated activities NGOs Individuals Private sector Galleries Libraries Archives

15  Contests of reading skills, public speaking, and others that deal with reading development  Book exhibition, book bazaar and book launching  Story-telling session  Services to the community such as book donations, developing various types of libraries, dispatching mobile libraries  Selection best performances for model library users  Activities to motivate the general public to visit and read in libraries  Using celebrities to spearhead library and reading promotion Cultural Events

16 Vielen dank

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