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Water Sector Investment Plan - Towards a Conceptual framework Presentation to MWI/Donor meeting 1.12.2005 by Eng. R. N. Gakubia Director of Water, MWI.

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Presentation on theme: "Water Sector Investment Plan - Towards a Conceptual framework Presentation to MWI/Donor meeting 1.12.2005 by Eng. R. N. Gakubia Director of Water, MWI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water Sector Investment Plan - Towards a Conceptual framework Presentation to MWI/Donor meeting 1.12.2005 by Eng. R. N. Gakubia Director of Water, MWI

2 Sector Investment Planning Project 1. Key Milestones  Core Management Staff in place  Draft TOR Developed  Draft Conceptual framework developed  Draft Work plan developed  Draft Budget Developed 2. Project Structure  Project Steering committee This will comprise the representatives of MoF, MoH, MoE, MoA, MoLG, CEOs of water institutions and representatives of private sector.  Project Management Team This has been established and seven officers attached (including two representatives of donors at advisory level). Additional staff from Dept. of Irrigation & Drainage, Land reclation (ASAL) and Support staff (Driver, Accounts Clerk, Secretary etc) to be attached

3 Conceptual Framework: Key Definitions  Water Supply Coverage  (based on the draft national water services strategy May, 2005) (i) Rural Water Coverage from est. 49% to 74% by 2015 Access:Max. distance to nearest standpipe/point source 2000m Quantity:Min. 20 liters per capita per day Quality:KBS (WHO) standards Reliability:60 % of the time Affordability:Monthly expenditure 5 % of av. income (ii) Urban Water Coverage from est. 68% to 74% by 2015 Access:Max. distance to nearest standpipe 100m Quantity:Min. 40 liters per capita per day Quality:KBS (WHO) standards Reliability:90 % of the time Affordability:Monthly expenditure 5 % of av. income

4 Conceptual framework: Key definitions (Contd.)  Sanitation Coverage (based on the draft national water services strategy May, 2005) (i) Urban Sanitation Coverage: From estimated 28% to 39% by 2015 Quality: KS 150  Reliability: 90 %  Affordability: Monthly expenditure 2 % of average income  (ii) Rural Sanitation Sewage From estimated 2.4% to 8.7% by 2015 Sewage From estimated 2.4% to 8.7% by 2015 On site sanitation From estimated 40% to 65 %by 2015 On site sanitation From estimated 40% to 65 %by 2015  Lowest level of data collection: Community Definition (still to be operationalised): A group of people in a given area with a common purpose to develop and/or manage a watsan project and have formed or have the potential to form WSPs, WUAs WRUAs.

5 Level of data coverage (a)Point sources  The level will be a point source (only sources capable of producing more than 25 m3/day or serving at least 25 households will be considered)  Appropriate conservation practices like rainwater harvesting will be captured at house hold level. (b) Piped schemes and sewerage works & Irrigation schemes,  Lowest level of data collection at WSP, WRUA, WUA, Irrigation schemes, ASAL project.  DWOs are interim WSPs, WUAs, WRUAs where such structures have not been formed. (c) Onsite sanitation The level is at household level. Sample regions will be selected and the results extrapolated  Data collection to be organized by WSBs, WRMA regional off., Provincial Irr. Off., CETRAD.  Data collection to be supervised by consultants and the staff from the institutions (Consultants estimated input ~300 person weeks)

6 Details of data to be collected  The investment requirement will comprise: –Hardware investment cost including capacity expansion and rehabilitation –Related investment specific costs like programme management costs, planning, design and supervision costs, community mobilization costs, and hygiene proportion costs, capacity building –Operation and Maintenance Costs Data to be collected will be  (1) Investment requirements by Reclamation departments  (2) Investment requirements by Irrigation and Drainage department  (3) Investment requirements by WRMA –Hydrological, hydro-geological and geological data

7 Data details (contd)  (4) Water Supply –Location –No. of un-served persons –Design reports including BQs of the proposed schemes –Production, condition of exiting facility (i)Point Sources Assessment of existing facilities –No. of typical water points feasible –Types of water point feasible –Hydrological, hydro-geological, and topographical conditions  (ii) Piped schemes –Rehabilitation needs/capacity expansion assessment –Components that need replacement

8 Data collection rapid assessment exercise 2004  Some baseline data were collected  The baseline data did not capture point sources  The data for identification, definition of schemes and quantitative parameters on the ground are usable.  The data that required assessment are however not reliable and will need to be collected again under the validation of a consultant. Way Forward  Lessons learnt from rapid assessment will be incorporated  Validation and quality control will be emphasized at all levels  A manual covering data collection, validation, entry etc. will be developed  All project participants at all levels will be given adequate training  The WSPs, WUAs and WRUAs, DIOs, POs will collect the basic data and assessment?.  Payment bonuses for data collected and entered in time

9 Data Entry and Validation  Data entry to be done at regional level: WSBs, WRMA regional offices, Provincial Irrigation Offices, CETRAD.  Six stages of data validation: –Pre-testing of survey instruments –Data to be validated before input –The data entry forms designed such that many inconsistent entries are rejected –Periodic checking by supervising consultants and institutional staff –Data Validation workshops at the regional level before completion of the exercise –Final validation of aggregated data at national level

10 Data Analysis  Baseline average unit cost data per service board have been developed for the Ministry by Frame consult. These will be used in estimating investment cost of various project components.  Unit costs of components will be used to estimated investment needs of each scheme  Investment cost arising from new facilities will be estimated using the project design documents.  The investment requirement per WSP, WUA, WRUA to be aggregated into WSB, WRMA regional office, Provincial irrigation investment plan

11 Reporting Reporting Structure  Report a collective summary of the institutional (WSB, WRMA reg. Off. PIO) reports  Two reports one three year rolling detailed plan to be incorporated in the MTEF and the other a plan ending 2015 to help track the MDGS  The Report will present options for phasing  Report to be linked to budget systems MTEF, PRSP, ERSWEC  Project priorities per year to be enlisted Database Structure  Databases to be set at institutional level  Data entry to be MS Excel  Data analysis in MS Access  Data shall be in stored in GIS at the Ministry Headquarters, the WRMA and the WRSB

12 Tentative Budget Activity, Services, Inputs Unit cost (USD)Quantity Costs (USD) Logistical support45,000.001 Preparatory trainings and development of data sheet outlines30,000.001 Consultants services (weeks)1,500.00312468,000.00 WSB/WRMA/NIB Conceptual framework workshops5,000.00315,000.00 WSB/WRMA/NIB training workshops5,000.001680,000.00 Facilitation for data collection (per district)600.007042,000.00 WSB/WRMA/NIB training workshops5,000.001680,000.00 Countrywide workshops15,000.00230,000.00 Travel20,000.00240,000.00 Communications/printing30,000.001 Contingencies 86,000.00 Total 946,000.00

13 Proposed Work plan  2006 DJFMAMJJASOND 1Develop Project structure 2 Preparation and Resource Mobilization for SIPP 3Procure Consultants 4 Conceptual framework for WSBs, WRMA, PIOs 5Train data collectors & entry clerks 6Pre-test data 7Data Collection 8Data Entry 9Data Validation by consultants 10 Aggregation of data by WSBs etc 11 Validation workshops 12 Compilation of SIP 13 Post review workshops

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