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 Reports (tables and publications)  Processes  Data uses.

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2  Reports (tables and publications)  Processes  Data uses

3  Data cleaning (Sept-Oct)  Draft Tables A & B for SM confirmation  Final Tables A & B after SM confirmation  Tables A1 – A16 show main destinations in terms of employment, labour market activity and further full- time study ◦ Based on ‘DEST’ variable – NOT ‘activity’ or ‘working’

4  Tables A1 – A16 include standardised results for bachelor degree graduates ◦ Domestics – all, male & female, under 25, honours ◦ Internationals ◦ Domestics + Internationals ◦ ATSI, NESB & disability (access & equity) ◦ Other levels of award including, graduate certificates, graduate & postgraduate diplomas, masters coursework & research and PhDs

5  Tables B1 – B16 show standardised labour market status of graduates available for full-time employment ◦ Based on ‘AVAILFT2’ variable – NOT ‘activity’ or ‘working’ variables ◦ ‘AVAILFT2’ is derived from ‘DEST’  1 In full-time employment  2 Working part-time & seeking full-time employment  3 Not working & seeking full-time employment

6  Tables B1 – B16 employ same categories as Tables A1 – A16  Tables B1 – B16 and ‘AVAILFT1’ and ‘AVAILFT2’ are best when examining full-time employment outcomes

7  Clean national data file late November  GradStats and GradFiles summary publications produced in December – Sent to SMs  Preliminary data file to DEEWR in December  Final national data file checks in January

8  Start work on AGS reports: AGS (new), Graduate Destinations, Graduate Salaries, Graduate Course Experience (CEQ), Postgraduate Destinations, Postgraduate Research Experience (PREQ) late January ◦ Summary reports, all tables and graphics still produced ◦ Sent to SMs  CEQ files for START February ◦ Mean and percentage agreement figures ◦ Tables show CEQ results by institution, level of award and field of education ◦ SMs advised

9  GDS files for START February ◦ Tables A – J ◦ Destinations, Employment and Salaries ◦ SMs advised  National AGS files available to institutions ◦ GDS+CEQ and GDS+PREQ ◦ Word document describing data files ◦ No institutional identification in GDS+PREQ files

10  Hobsons March ◦ To be discussed in more detail later ◦ VC authorisation ◦ Cut-down GDS file supplied by GCA (to all) ◦ CEQ tables supplied by GCA (to all)  Files for Careers Services March ◦ Employer details ◦ Further study information ◦ GDS information important to careers advisers

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