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Organizing for Content: How Companies Conduct Content in Harmony Sept 9, 2013 Rebecca Lieb Industry Photo Credit: Toronto.

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Presentation on theme: "Organizing for Content: How Companies Conduct Content in Harmony Sept 9, 2013 Rebecca Lieb Industry Photo Credit: Toronto."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organizing for Content: How Companies Conduct Content in Harmony Sept 9, 2013 Rebecca Lieb Industry Analyst | @lieblink @altimetergroup Photo Credit: Toronto Symphony Orchestra

2 Every brand is a publisher – there’s a need to “feed the beast” constantly, often in-real time

3 57% Percentage of companies that named Content Marketing as their top go-to-market strategy in 2013 Source: Altimeter Group. Social Business Survey, Q4 2012; n=130

4 “We’re not an editorial organization, but now we need to create content. We’re turning to our agency partners, but that’s not sufficient. How do we feed the beast, get the engagement for members, and make sense for the brand?” Kelly Colbert Staff VP, Advertising and Social Media

5 Content is created in silos – resulting in duplication and inconsistent messaging across the organization

6 How Companies Organize for Content Framework graphic placeholder

7 “We were not sharing, there was a lot of duplication. You'd have four teams building a very similar video.” Marketing Executive Fortune 500 Company

8 Increasing numbers of channels and platforms demand new skills and cross-functional coordination – compounding the problem



11 Altimeter Group has identified the following six enterprise models for governing the orchestration of content within organizations, to ensure that content is created in harmony. 11


13 Content Center of Excellence Who: A consortium of experts from a variety of organizational divisions What: Provides leadership, evangelization, best practices, research, support, and/or training

14 Editorial Board or Content Council Who: Content creators and/or marketing executives that meet frequently What: Align content around an editorial calendar, plan workflow, coordinate initiatives, and share and repurpose assets Examples: Intel, SAS, Dell

15 Content Lead Who/What: Executive who leads content initiatives editorially and/or strategically, without cross departmental authority Examples: Dell, Intel

16 Executive Steering Committee Who: A cross-functional strategic group comprised of senior executive What: Focused on gut checking and approving content from the perspective of product/subject matter expertise as well as marketing/creative Examples: Dell

17 Cross-Functional Content Chief Who: Executive with cross departmental authority and buy-in from senior management. Titles include: Chief Content Officer, Head of Digital Strategy What: Set a global content strategy Examples: Marketo

18 Content Department/Divisi on Who: In-house or agency What: Delivers large scale content creation that’s often heavily technical, with high demands for mobile, video, and images Examples: Marketo, Ford, Nissan, Amex Open

19 “Organizing for Content: Models to Incorporate Content Strategy and Content Marketing in the Enterprise” Published April 26, 2013 Based on 78 interviews with brands, content service providers, and experts Download at

20 Rebecca Lieb Twitter: lieblink Q&A Download at

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