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Environmental Stewardship & & Every Day of Every Year Caring for the Earth AGRICULTURE GA Ag Ed Curriculum Office To accompany Georgia Agriculture Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental Stewardship & & Every Day of Every Year Caring for the Earth AGRICULTURE GA Ag Ed Curriculum Office To accompany Georgia Agriculture Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental Stewardship & & Every Day of Every Year Caring for the Earth AGRICULTURE GA Ag Ed Curriculum Office To accompany Georgia Agriculture Education Curriculum Lesson July 2002

2 AWARENESS G L O B A L Pollution Global Warming Toxic Waste

3 Relying on the Land & Water Protecting their Future Those in agriculture have more invested in Earth’s resources than any other industry in the world. A G R I C U L T U R E T h e E n v i r o n m e n t &

4 F e e d I n g T h e W o r l d P r e s e r v i n g O u r F u t u r e A G R I C U L T U R E  Conserve Soil  Protect Water  Reduce Chemicals  Protect Wildlife  Conserve Soil  Protect Water  Reduce Chemicals  Protect Wildlife

5 S t e w a r d s O f T H E L A N D Today’s farmers are truly stewards of the land and demonstrate this by adopting more environmentally sound methods of farming that reduce the risks involved with planting and harvesting the world’s food and fiber.


7  Land Conservation  Decreased Soil Erosion  Improve Water Quality  Efficient Chemical Use  Land Conservation  Decreased Soil Erosion  Improve Water Quality  Efficient Chemical Use Biotechnology 1 1 Environmental SOLUTIONS

8  Preserving the Land  Efficient Pest Control  Improving Soil  Milder Chemicals  Biological Integrity  Preserving the Land  Efficient Pest Control  Improving Soil  Milder Chemicals  Biological Integrity 2 2 Environmental SOLUTIONS IPM ( Integrated Pest Management)

9 Global Positioning Satellite  Variable-Rate Fertilizer  Variable-Rate Spraying  Targets Inputs  Improves Efficiency  Sustains the Land Global Positioning Satellite  Variable-Rate Fertilizer  Variable-Rate Spraying  Targets Inputs  Improves Efficiency  Sustains the Land 3 3 Environmental SOLUTIONS

10  Preserves the Land for the Future  Identifies Potential Environmental Hazards  Promotes Environmental Accountability  Preserves the Land for the Future  Identifies Potential Environmental Hazards  Promotes Environmental Accountability Sustainable Farming 4 4 Environmental SOLUTIONS

11 FARMING METHODS S U S T A I N A B L E  Conservation Tillage Improves Soil Quality and Productivity  Conservation Buffers Reduces Runoff, Protects Water  Cover Crops Reduces Soil Erosion  Wildlife Refuge Provides food & shelter for native wildlife  Conservation Tillage Improves Soil Quality and Productivity  Conservation Buffers Reduces Runoff, Protects Water  Cover Crops Reduces Soil Erosion  Wildlife Refuge Provides food & shelter for native wildlife

12 Preserving Our Future  31.4 million acres of farmland in government conservation programs  Farmers to install 2 million miles of conservation buffers  109 million acres of cropland using reduced tilling methods  90% reduction in soil erosion  Farmers provide food & habitat for 75 % of nation’s wildlife  Today’s farmer feeds 129 people, as compared to 25 people in 1960  31.4 million acres of farmland in government conservation programs  Farmers to install 2 million miles of conservation buffers  109 million acres of cropland using reduced tilling methods  90% reduction in soil erosion  Farmers provide food & habitat for 75 % of nation’s wildlife  Today’s farmer feeds 129 people, as compared to 25 people in 1960

13 As a producer of food and fiber, I pledge to: C onserve and improve our soil resources, leaving the land I farm productive and in good health for the benefit of future generations. P rotect the quality and supply of our water resources, always mindful of those who live down stream. R espect the diversity of nature and recognize my responsibility to provide habitat for animals and native plants whenever possible. R esponsibly use fertilizers, crop protection and animal health products, never using more than needed and always applying with care. H elp others in my community protect natural resources on their own farms. As a producer of food and fiber, I pledge to: C onserve and improve our soil resources, leaving the land I farm productive and in good health for the benefit of future generations. P rotect the quality and supply of our water resources, always mindful of those who live down stream. R espect the diversity of nature and recognize my responsibility to provide habitat for animals and native plants whenever possible. R esponsibly use fertilizers, crop protection and animal health products, never using more than needed and always applying with care. H elp others in my community protect natural resources on their own farms. A Farmer's Environmental Creed

14 A G R I C U L T U R E E A R T H F R I E N D L Y  Agriculture has more invested in Earth’s resources than any other industry in the world.  New technology allows farmers to conserve the soil, protect water, reduce chemical use and protect wildlife.  Agriculture commemorates the Earth and its resources every day of the year  Agriculture has more invested in Earth’s resources than any other industry in the world.  New technology allows farmers to conserve the soil, protect water, reduce chemical use and protect wildlife.  Agriculture commemorates the Earth and its resources every day of the year

15 Environmental Stewardship & & Every Day of Every Year Caring for the Earth AGRICULTURE

16 Everyone must get involved! Stewardship isn’t just for farmers –City and suburban workers & residents must act as stewards too.

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