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Culminating Project.  The first article is an informative piece in which the author gives a factual account of the murder. You will answer the basic.

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1 Culminating Project



4  The first article is an informative piece in which the author gives a factual account of the murder. You will answer the basic who, what, when, where, why and, if appropriate, how but give no interpretation or opinions.  Ideas for informative piece: 60 Second Shakespeare Ideas for informative piece: 60 Second Shakespeare

5  In article two, you will take on the perspective of one of the commoners to write an editorial or commentary of your own perspective of the murder.  Examples of editorials from Charleston Gazette; Examples of editorials; More editorials Examples of editorials from Charleston GazetteExamples of editorialsMore editorials

6  The third piece will be an advice column like Dear Abby or Ann Landers. You will write from the perspective of Portia asking for advice about how to handle her husband, Brutus’s dark mood and refusal to share with her what is troubling him. You will also write Abby’s or Ann’s reply.  Examples of Dear Abby column Examples of Dear Abby column

7 4321 Establishes a clear temporal order of essential & accurate details. Reports in appropriate order with accurate, but in some cases, unclear details. Somewhat confusing or inappropriate order for reporting. Confusing or inappropriate order for reporting. Demonstrates appropriate word choice & syntax for informative writing. Largely appropriate word choice & syntax. Some essential details may be lacking or are inaccurate. Essential details are lacking or inaccurate. Focuses on subject throughout. Focused, but may have some extraneous details. Focus is weak because of added unnecessary details. Demonstrates little or no understanding of word choice or syntax. Uses format characteristic of informative reports. Uses format characteristic of reports. Lapses in word choice, syntax that detract from nature of informative objective writing. Numerous errors in conventions & grammar may impede understanding. Command of conventions, grammar. Excellent use of conventions, grammar. May have a few non- critical errors. Errors in conventions & grammar may distract from overall report. Format is executed inadequately or is inappropriate. Maintains appropriate disinterested perspective. Largely maintains correct perspective. Format is appropriate but executed inadequately. Perspective is inconsistent. Little or no control of perspective

8 4321 Engages reader’s interest in a lively fashion. Writer’s voice is forceful. Writing attracts reader’s interest. Writer’s voice indicates engagement with the issue. Opening writing is correct, if pedestrian, not particularly attracting interest. Voice is weak. Writing does not engage reader. Has no sense of writer’s interest or commitment to the position taken. No voice evident. Provides appropriate context in an efficient manner. Provides enough context to assist the reader. Confusing or weak context provided. Little or no context provided. Formulates a position on the issue in a clearly stated and thought-provoking thesis. States a position on the issue in a clear manner. Stated position on the issue is somewhat vague or indefinite. Position is unclear, absent, or contradictory to the claims made. Offers specific reasons and/or evidence for the position that conveys writer’s own understanding and/or insight. Provides adequate, though slightly vague, reasons and/or evidence for the position that suggests understanding of the issue. Provides less than adequate or contradictory reasons or evidence for the position. Offers only the most general reasons or evidence or none for the position. Or offers evidence and reasons contradictory to the thesis. Makes claims about meaning in a convincing manner that may lend more credence than correctness to the argument. Uses appropriate tone to maintain credence. Makes claims about meaning that are mostly convincing, if somewhat weak, because of less skilled use of language and/or tone. Makes few or weak claims resulting from: the general nature of the claims, inadequate writing, failure to develop argument, or weak control of tone undermining credence. Makes few and weak claims that are inadequately written, undeveloped, and/or presented in a tone that undermines the writer’s credibility. Command of conventions exhibited. Correct use of conventions and grammar, for the most part, exhibited. Weak control of conventions and grammar is distracting. Conventions and grammar impede understanding. Format is appropriate for an editorial or commentary. Format is appropriate for the genre. Format may be appropriate but is executed carelessly. Format may be inappropriate or executed carelessly.

9 4321 Provides appropriate, adequate yet economical historical context for posing the problem. Provides appropriate and adequate historical context that may be overly long for purposes of an advice column letter. Problem is clearly posed within context. Provides appropriate historical context that is somewhat inadequate in detail. Problem is not clearly articulated. Little, confusing, or inappropriate historical context is provided. Problem is vaguely articulated. Diction and syntax create mature and sophisticated tone appropriate for a letter meant for publication. Voice is created for the character writing. Diction and syntax are largely appropriate for publication, but are, perhaps, less sophisticated in tone. An attempt is made to create a voice. Diction and syntax are inconsistent resulting in a decidedly unsophisticated tone. Little or no voice is evident. Diction and syntax indicate carelessness that results in immature tone and either the absence of voice or inappropriate voice. Appropriate letter format is used. Demonstrates attentiveness by interjecting follow-up questions. Appropriate letter format is used. Some lapses in letter format are evident though not critical. Letter format is sloppily executed and may exclude some of the elements. Demonstrates command of conventions. Excellent use of conventions. May have some, but insignificant errors. Inadequate control of conventions distracts from letter. Errors are so pronounced that they impede understanding.

10 Caesar Song/Scene Reenactment Video This assignment is worth 150 points. For this assignment, you will produce a 1-3 minute video of your choice. You have the option of acting out a favorite scene, monologue, or soliloquy, or you can tell about the play through song—rap, or some other form.

11 This assignment may be completed alone (you will probably still need assistance with the camera, etc.) or with one or more classmates. If you choose to work as a group, please understand that it is a group project and everyone must contribute equally, which means that every member must appear in the video as well as contribute to the script/song writing. All group members will receive the same grade. If you prefer to work alone, that is perfectly fine as well. We all have different preferences, so choose what makes you most comfortable. Keep in mind that this is an outside of class assignment and all work will be completed on your own. Of course, I am always available for assistance and will help you in any way possible, but regular class time will not be devoted to the project. In addition, I have several video cameras, microphones, etc. that can be signed out for use.

12 You will turn in a written script, song, or whatever it is you decide to do in your video. For example, if you do a rap song, I want a written copy of the lyrics. If you do a modern day reenactment of a scene, soliloquy, etc, then I will need the revised script. All videos should be saved to a MP4 format and will be viewed by the class. You may choose the software of your choice for editing, etc. Be creative and let this assignment highlight your technical as well as your creative talents. Have fun with it! I look forward to seeing those videos!!

13 Caesar Video Rubric HIGHLY PROFICIENT 47- 50 pts PROFICIENT 38-46 NOT YET PROFICIENT 37 and below CREATIVITY Your idea is original. Your product is highly creative. Your idea is somewhat original. Your product has some creative elements. Your idea is not very original. Your product has little creativity. QUALITY Your product is of high quality showing care and attention to details. The time, effort, and energy you put into your product are apparent. Your product is neat and aesthetically attractive. Your product shows some quality but lacks some of the care and attention to details. You put in some time, effort, and energy. Your product is neat in its presentation. Your product shows little quality. You created it quickly with little care and attention to details. Your product is sloppy in its presentation.. UNDERSTANDING You show minimal understanding of your topic. The product maintains the general idea of the assignment, but is weak in content, thought, language, or conventions You have an advanced familiarity with the subject, and your explanations are clear The product is, clearly organized, insightful, and technically correct. You have some familiarity with the subject, but your product is merely a summarization. The product is still impressive and interesting, but it is less thoroughly analyzed, more loosely organized, less insightful, and not as important as a superior product.

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