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Curriculum for All: Universal Design for Learning EDST 498K ( July 21-25, 2014) University of British Columbia Okanagan Shelley Moore.

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum for All: Universal Design for Learning EDST 498K ( July 21-25, 2014) University of British Columbia Okanagan Shelley Moore."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum for All: Universal Design for Learning EDST 498K ( July 21-25, 2014) University of British Columbia Okanagan Shelley Moore

2 Day 4: How will I teach my students? Questions of the Day Exit Slip What is effective lesson design? How does it support inclusion?

3 Day 3: How will I support my students? Criteria Building Using the readings and lecture slides, build the following assignment criteria Lesson Matrix

4 Using the Readings Reading for today… Read – Lesson Planning: Brownlie, Judith & King (2000)Brownlie, Judith & King (2000) Read – Lesson Design: Brownlie, Feniak & Schnellert (2006)Brownlie, Feniak & Schnellert (2006) Read – Role of the EA: Downing (2010) (optional)Downing (2010) (optional) Read – Resource models: Brownlie & King (2000) (optional)Brownlie & King (2000) Reading Strategy: Synectics As a group determine a metaphor for lesson design Using tape and paper, build a paper sculpture of your metaphor Groups will present their sculpture metaphors as o Lesson design is like a ___________ because…

5 Learning Supports for All- CHOICE Multiple means of: o Connecting: Connecting to old information Prior knowledge Personal experience Engagement/ interests o Processing: Presenting the information Multiple texts (levels and text, pictures, movies, read aloud, internet) Organizing information (graphic organizers) Information going in/ understanding it o Transforming & Personalizing: Expressing the information learned Oral, visual, written Information going out Showing what you know Making it personally meaningful Brownlie & Schnellert 2011

6 Unit theme: Lesson: ConnectProcessTransform All Some Few

7 Unit theme: Pre Modern Era Lesson: Building Prior knowledge/vocabulary ConnectProcessTransform All Sort vocabulary words into I know/I don’t know categories Model reading: while reading identify vocabulary words and adjust their categories based on what you learned Based on the reading, make final adjustments about vocabulary: words you know/don’t know Some Organize new vocabulary words into given categories Guided reading activity Categories words were placed it Few Organize categories into own categories Independent reading activity Further research needed for words still not fully understood




11 All Moore & Watson: Planning for Diversity 2012


13 Most

14 Few Organize the words into your own categories and connect them!

15 Modifying- extending the “all”

16 Socials 9

17 Example lessons- input ActivityExtended

18 Example lessons- input ActivityExtended

19 Shelley Moore:Pr-all-gramming, 2012


21 The world was changing to a new modern era. The Modern Era, Shelley Moore 2012 Kings and rulers Farming Science Arts and culture Shelley Moore:Pr-all-gramming, 2012

22 During this time, people started to see the world differently. One reason for this was all the changes in science. The Modern Era, Shelley Moore 2012 Shelley Moore:Pr-all-gramming, 2012

23 Changes in science was a cause for the modern era. The Modern Era, Shelley Moore 2012 Science Shelley Moore:Pr-all-gramming, 2012

24 There were 5 key scientists that helped change science. These scientists were: 1. Copernicus 2. Galileo 3. Francis Bacon 4. Isaac Newton 5. Andreas Vesalius The Modern Era, Shelley Moore 2012 Shelley Moore:Pr-all-gramming, 2012

25 There were 5 important scientists. The Modern Era, Shelley Moore 2012 Copernicus Andreas VesaliusGalileoFrancis Bacon Isaac Newton Shelley Moore:Pr-all-gramming, 2012

26 Curriculum for ALL School: FerrisSubject: Social Studies Grade: 6/7Unit: Universal Human Rights Planning Team: Jean-Ann Stene (CT), Helena Klomp (RT), Nicole Widdess (CT)

27 Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Our Profile Co-planning for AllShelley Moore 2013 Crystal (modified) Jason Edward Mattias Arvin Emily (ESCW) (ESCW) (ESL 1) (ESL 1) Mikayla Nolan Chen Yan (ESCW) (ESL 2) (ESL 2) Serena Valery Jeryy Apple (ESCW) (ESCW) (ESL 3) (ESL 3) Tabish Gavin Josh (written output) (vision impairment) (motivation) Nicky Leon David Justin Daisy (executive functioning) Andre Martin Rachel Catrina Rowel Jamie Mabek Jayda Anie Our Profile

28 Our class goals Extended Goal(s) Modified Goal(s) Goals for ALL Goals for MOST Goal for FEW Co-planning for AllShelley Moore 2013 What are rights? What are responsibilities? What is fair? What is equal? What is just? What are the rights and responsibilities of Crystal’s life? Is it possible for me to be a human rights defender? What human rights issues affect me strongly enough to take action? Are systems necessary to ensure fairness?

29 Our inclusive supports Supports for ALL MORE Supports EVEN MORE Supports Co-planning for AllShelley Moore 2013 -Modified texts -Modeling -EA -Concrete and personal examples -Co-teaching -Guided practice -Manipulatives -Multi modalities (video, images, words, drama) -Independent practice -Discussion -Group work -Technology

30 Lesson: Universal Human Rights Objective: Identify and explain 12 universal human rights o Modified objective: Identify and explain the right of basic human needs of water, home, and family Student: Crystal Literacy level: transitional

31 The lesson

32 Lesson 1: Focused on first 4 human rights The right for basic needs: water, home, shelter, clothing The right for recreation and fun The right to an education The right of freedom to move between and within your country

33 Connec t Watch video vignette Identify images that align with video The Right to an Education




37 Proce ss Identify words that align with video and images Identify human right that align with video, image and words

38 School Learning Field trips Different kinds of jobs Make money Having your own business University Computers at school university Job support Being GM of the Canucks College A funny teacher Access to information A way to get to school Having an income Having a career Working part time

39 Everyone has the right to have a job or get help Everyone has the right marry whom they please and have a family Everyone has the right follow their own beliefs Everyone has the right to own things that others cannot take away Everyone has the right to express their opinions

40 Proce ss Identify words that align with video and images Identify human right that aligns with video, image and words For Crystal

41 1.Everyone has the right to food 2.Everyone has the right to a home 3.Everyone has the right to clothing 4.Everyone has the right to go to school 5.Everyone has the right to have fun 6.Everyone has the right to travel in and out of your country Some human rights are:

42 Some people do not have a home. This is not equal.

43 Everyone has the right to a home.

44 I have the right to a home. This is my home.

45 Transfo rm Create a group tableau to show a human right

46 For Crystal

47 Reflections and Debriefing

48 What worked??? What supports/ strategies/ resources were helpful for you and/or your team throughout this workshop series? Collaboration: Time as a team to talk and come together as a group The series, the framework and materials All being on the same page: hearing, seeing and understanding the information together so we could plan, design and implement together Time to practice and then coming back together to share

49 Planning for ALL/SOME/FEW Making modified goals curriculum based Using literacy levels Using multiple texts and modalities Videos, pictures, books at different levels Using technology SETBC Technology Inclusion Project What we tried??? What is something new that you tried or something you did differently than before based on your learning from this workshop series?

50 What did you notice were the effects of your changes? ALL the kids used the pictures, kids were engaged, and having fun The curriculum can be used for students on modified programs- and it also helps to meet the needs of other students (ELL) Multi modal- students the had opportunity to show their learning in so many ways (tableau, video, pictures, manipulatives) Technology made it possible for the teaching to be a shared experience for everyone “I always believed in UDL and inclusion, but planning this way, I feel like I’m meeting the students’ needs better” With Crystal having content goals, it showed the other kids what she CAN do and how different people learn and think. It gave permission for the other kids to learn and think differently too What we noticed!

51 What do you want to try again next time and/or what would you do differently? -Match the facilitated series unit planning with the implementation time -Collaboration- developing questions, concepts together etc. -Co-planning an entire unit -Think about how we can use created materials to help other students Next time…

52 resources

53 Break

54 Working in your Groups Using the readings and lecture slides, build the following assignment criteria (hand in) Lesson Matrix Unit Planning- Inclusion Triangle Using your class profile and UDL triangle and Inclusion triangle, design one lesson that meets the needs of all your learners

55 Homework Readings None! Bring ALL ASSIGNMENTS DUE Friday o Class review o RTI triangle o Goal planning template o Modified goal planning template o UDL triangle o Inclusion triangle o Lesson matrix Presentations!

56 Day 4: How will I teach my students? Questions of the Day Exit Slip What is effective lesson design? How does it support inclusion?

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