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Oct. 1, 1924 Plains, Georgia 39 th President of US Founder of Carter Center Independent Negotiator for Human Rights and World Peace Fast Facts Page / Slide.

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Presentation on theme: "Oct. 1, 1924 Plains, Georgia 39 th President of US Founder of Carter Center Independent Negotiator for Human Rights and World Peace Fast Facts Page / Slide."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oct. 1, 1924 Plains, Georgia 39 th President of US Founder of Carter Center Independent Negotiator for Human Rights and World Peace Fast Facts Page / Slide # ______ Name: ____________________ Period / Date: ______________ Directions: Use this story board to plan the text and images for your multi-media Freedom product. You should take the information from your note cards and put it in your own words; the only direct quotes should be direct quotations spoken by your person! Remember that you should not just be reciting facts or bullet points; take the information you have gathered and make sure you are answering the essential question: what did your individual do to fight for his/her freedom and/or the freedoms of others? Picture of Jimmy Carter from Peace Talks Sub Heading: President, Independent Statesman, Peacemaker

2 -Father – hard working peanut farmer -Mother –registered nurse who crossed racial divides to counsel black women on health issues (1920s) -Deeply religious –Southern Baptist -attended all white school but his two closest childhood friends were black -two of the most influential adults in his life were black – nanny Annie Mae Hollis and farm worker Jack Clark -Attended Naval Academy --Nuclear Submariner -Returned home to Georgia from the Navy in the 1950s during the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement. (1954 – Brown vs. Bd. Of Ed. forced desegregation of schools) -Carter refused to join a white segregationist group called “White Citizens Council”. Sign on his front door “Coons and Carter go together” 1962 – ran for Georgia State Senate and won because of the race was rigged for his opponent. This was because he favored equal rights for blacks, an idea that most Southern whites opposed. This was the beginning of his involvement in politics. “I say to you quite frankly that the time for racial discrimination is over”. Two term state senator – reputation for stopping wasteful spending in government and working to support civil rights. Became Governor of Georgia in 1970. Won the Presidency in 1976 because he was honest and promised to reduce government waste. (won bc people were angry after Watergate.) Early Life Page / Slide # ______ Time Period / Historical Context Page / Slide # ______ Picture of Jimmy Carter walking down Penn. Ave. during Inauguration Picture as a child?

3 - Oil Crisis- Middle East Oil Embargo - Citizens saw him as weak leader because he gave away the Panama Canal and suffered the Iran Hostage Crisis under his leadership - Poor relationship with Congress and the media Obstacles and Challenges Page / Slide # ______ - Fighting for human rights world wide- suspended economic and military aid to Chile, El Salvador and Nicaragua bc of their human rights abuses -Arab Israeli Peace Agreement – Israel withdrew from Sinai Peninsula and both sides agreed to recognize the other’s government -Post Presidency: 1. Works with Habitat for Humanity 2. Founded the Carter Center to promote human rights and alleviate suffering world wide 3.Worked as an ex-president to develop community based health care systems in Latin America and Africa, to oversee elections in fledgling democracies and to promote peace in the Middle East. “Human Rights is the soul of our foreign policy, because human rights is the very soul of our sense of nationhood”. Accomplishments Page / Slide # ______ Arab Israeli Peace Accord Picture Image of gas lines or hostage release

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