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“This presentation is for informational purposes only and may not be incorporated into a contract or agreement.”

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Presentation on theme: "“This presentation is for informational purposes only and may not be incorporated into a contract or agreement.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “This presentation is for informational purposes only and may not be incorporated into a contract or agreement.”

2 The following is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decision. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for Oracle’s products remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.


4 John Richardson Director Oracle Corporation “This presentation is for informational purposes only and may not be incorporated into a contract or agreement.”

5 Web ADI: Extending the E-Business Suite with Desktop Applications Session ID: S1847 “This presentation is for informational purposes only and may not be incorporated into a contract or agreement.”

6 Agenda Desktop Integration Development Product Roadmap For More Information Questions

7 Desktop Integration the leveraging of Desktop Application functionality for performing E-business Suite tasks

8 Desktop Integration Motivators Productivity Through the Use of a Familiar User Interface Utilization of a Desktop Application Feature Addressing a Gap in the Functionality Provided by the IT Department

9 Desktop Integration Challenges Security Movement of Data Integration Maintenance Availability of Skills Legislative Compliance (Sarbanes-Oxley)

10 Applications Desktop Integrator General Ledger, Assets, Reporting 10 Year Anniversary Addressed Security, Movement of Data, Legislative Compliance Gaps In Maintenance, Integration, Availability Of Skills

11 Desktop Integration Objectives Use Internet Computing Architecture Minimize Footprint Enable Product Teams to Create Solutions Improve Performance Support Any Programmable Desktop Application Preserve Existing Functionality

12 Client Server Analysis General Ledger Journal Wizard Budget Wizard Report Wizard Analysis Wizard Fixed Assets Create Assets Record Physical Inventory Report Manager Publish Report Format Report Output Common Components Security Layout Definition Personalization List of Values Automation Upload Validation Concurrent Programs Feedback Download

13 Web ADI Enterprise Framework for Desktop Integration Meta Data Driven Client Side Application Generator Zero Client Install Reduced Bandwidth Requirements to Client Processing Is Performed on the Middle-Tier

14 Web ADI Implementations for Excel, Word and Projects Enhancements Benefit All Users First Released January 2001, 1 Solution 11 i 10 Released With Over 100 Solutions by 18 Teams

15 Solution Product Owners Advanced Product Catalog Assets Financial Intelligence General Ledger Human Resources Incentive Compensation Internal Controls Manager Projects Public Sector Budgeting Public Sector Financials International Public Sector HR Public Sector Payroll Sales Offline Student Systems Territories Trade Management Training Administrator Web Applications Desktop Integrator

16 Technology Stack Client Side Office 97 / 2000 / XP / 2003 Internet Explorer, Netscape, Firefox, Mozilla Oracle Applications 11.5.3 or Later Oracle Self Service Framework Version 5.6E or Later Oracle 9iAS Release Oracle 8.1 Database or Later

17 D E M O N S T R A T I O N Web ADI in Action

18 Superior Ownership Experience Integrated Workflow Secure Communication Product Enhancements Synchronized Lower Total Cost Of Ownership Business Rules Protected From Modification Part Of, Looks Like, & Works Like an E-business Suite Product

19 Development A Solution For Delivering Interactive Desktop Applications Without Needing Microsoft Tech Stack Skills Faster to Market Lower Maintenance Cost Basics are implemented using Meta-data Advanced Functionality using Java Extensibility

20 Technical Any Product In E-Business Suite That Requires A Full Cycle Workflow For Their Product Can Be Integrated With Web ADI Upload to PL/SQL, Open Interfaces, Base Tables, Java Download from Java, SQL, Text Import Concurrent Manager Support for Import Programs Single Sign on Compliant Java Framework Includes Many Factory Patterns To Allow Easy Adaptation With Other Java Frameworks

21 Database Tier Meta Data Open Interfaces PL/SQL API Base Tables Desktop Desktop Application Browser Middle Tier HTTP Server J2EE Engine Document Service Download Service Component Service Upload Service Application Service External Java Architecture

22 D E M O N S T R A T I O N Building a Solution

23 Product Roadmap – ADI Migration Journal Wizard GL 12 Production Create Assets Record Physical Inventory Report Publishing Format Reports OFA FRM 11i Financials.G 11i.10 + Patchset G Production ADI Feature Owner Base Release Status Budget Wizard Analysis Wizard Report Wizard 11i & 12 In Progress Q4CY2005 ADI Feature Release Status Devel Cmp GL Owner

24 Product Roadmap – Web ADI Release 12 Web ADI Shipping With ATG Family Pack Layout Definition Enhancements Formulas Graphs Multiple Sheets Fusion Tighter Integration with products

25 ADI - Current Releases ADI 7.2 – Terminal Release Patch 3966101 11i10 DVD Pack Electronic Delivery ( ADI 7.2 Rollup Patch 3 Patch 4444037

26 Web ADI - Current Releases Web ADI Patchset D Base – 3218526 Latest Patch – 4636671 Includes Support For All Browsers

27 A Q & Q U E S T I O N S A N S W E R S


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