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Biomes Chapter 6 page 152.

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1 Biomes Chapter 6 page 152

2 A. What is a biome? Biome – large region characterized by specific climates, plants, and animals Biomes and Climate Climate determines plant life Climate – weather condition over a long period of time Temp, precip, humidity, and winds Temp. and precip. are most important for determining climate


4 c. Temperature and Precipitation 1) Organisms adapt to survive certain temperature ranges 2) Growing season affects types of plants possible 3) Larger organisms need more water a) Determines if there are trees or shrubs b) Are there going to be shrubs or cacti

5 d. Latitude and Altitude 1) Latitude – distance north/south of equator 2) Altitude – height above sea level 3) Climate gets colder as latitude and altitude increase 4) Vegetation change with latitude and altitude which means biome changes as well


7 3. Biomes and vegetation Biomes described by their vegetation Vegetation determines organisms that live there Organisms have adaptations which allow them to live in a certain biome

8 B. Forest Biomes Tropical Rain Forests
Place of greatest plant and animal biodiversity b. Located on a “belt” by the equator c. Regulate climate, N, O, and C cycles d. 6.5ft – 14.8ft of rain/yr e. Maintain constant temperature year round


10 f. Nutrients 1) Found in the biomass NOT the soil 2) Warm wet temperatures allow decomposers to thrive 3) Plants immediately take up nutrients from decomposers 4) Areas used for farming – terrible idea


12 g. Layers of rain forest 1) Emergent Layer – top layer of trees w/direct line to sunlight 2) Canopy a) Absorbs most (95%) of sunlight b) Upper and lower canopy c) Most animals live here

13 3) Understory a) Below canopy b) Contains plants adapted for shade c) Shorter plants w/large broad leaves for catching sunlight


15 h. Threats to Rain Forests 1) Used to cover 20% now it is bout 7% 2) Habitat destruction – land inhabited by organisms is destroyed or altered



18 2. Temperate Forests a. Temperate rain forest 1) North America, Australia, and New Zealand 2) Large amounts of precip, high humidity, and moderate temperatures 3) Mostly conifers 4) Pacific Northwest is North America’s only location a) Pacific ocean helps b) Mountains help

19 3. Temperate Deciduous Forest a
3. Temperate Deciduous Forest a. Deciduous trees – trees which lose their leaves b. North America, Europe, and Asia c. 30° – 50° North latitudes d. Temp range is extreme (95°F + to below freezing) e. Growing season is 4-6 months f. Winter gives slower decomposition rates and increases soil nutrients

20 g. Plants 1) Trees – maple, oak, birch 2) Trees provide a canopy 3) More light reaches floor for ferns, mosses, and herbs 4) Plants go dormant during the winter

21 h. Animals 1) Squirrels, bears, deer, birds, etc
h. Animals 1) Squirrels, bears, deer, birds, etc. 2) Most birds are migratory 3) Some animals hibernate 4) There are adapted to extreme temperature ranges

22 4. Taiga a. Northern coniferous forest b. Winters 6-10 months c
4. Taiga a. Northern coniferous forest b. Winters 6-10 months c. Average temps below freezing d. Plants 1) Conifers – trees with needles and seeds with cones 2) Not many plants on forest floor


24 e. Animals 1) Many lakes and swamps 2) Birds which migrate south at winter 3) Jumping mice, showshoe hares, lynxes, wolves, foxes 4) Many have brown fur in summer and white in winter

25 C. Grassland, Desert, and Tundra Biomes
Savannas Tropical biome dominated by grasses, shrubs, and small trees Has wet and dry seasons Plants Can survive long periods w/o rain 2) Shallow widespread root systems 3) Many have thorns

26 d. Animals 1) Many migrate with rains 2) Give birth during wet seasons b/c of abundance of food 3) Elephants, gazelles, rhinos, giraffes, cheetahs, lions, hyenas

27 2. Temperate Grasslands a
2. Temperate Grasslands a. Large areas in the middle of continents with moderate rainfall b. Not enough rain for trees c. Prairies d. Plants 1) Dry out in summer and can start fires 2) Grasses and wildflowers 3) Roots systems are dense which can survive drought and fire


29 4) Most fertile soil in the world 5) Experience hot summers and cold winters e. Animals 1) Pronghorn antelope, bison, badgers, prairie dogs, etc. 2) Lots of grazers f. Threats 1) Farming and overgrazing 2) Erosion 3) Converted into farmland

30 Prairie in the past Mountains limit rainfall Moving east rainfall increases so there are more trees

31 3. Chaparral a. Temperate shrubland biome b
3. Chaparral a. Temperate shrubland biome b. Moderately dry, coastal climates w/little to no rain in the summer c. Plants – evergreen shrubs d. Animals – lizards, chipmunks, mule deer


33 4. Deserts a. Widely scattered vegetation and have very little rain b
4. Deserts a. Widely scattered vegetation and have very little rain b. Very extreme temperature ranges in 24 hrs (104°F to near freezing) c. Near mountains – rain shadow effect d. 30° N and 30° S – Hadley cells



36 e. Plants 1) Adaptations for conserving water 2) Very shallow roots which are widespread 3) Thorns f. Animals 1) Dry, scaly skin 2) Most nocturnal b/c it’s cooler

37 5. Tundra a. Northern arctic regions b. Too cold for trees c
5. Tundra a. Northern arctic regions b. Too cold for trees c. Permafrost – deeper layers of soil which remain frozen year round d. Contains bogs in summer e. Most fragile biome b/c of simplified food chains

38 f. Plants 1) Growing season is short 2) Grow close to ground to avoid wind and absorb heat g. Animals 1) Migratory birds 2) Insects and worms 3) Caribou, wolves, moose, elk, etc.

39 h. Threats 1) Damaged easily and slow to recover 2) Oil exploration and extraction 3) Pollution

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