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European Committee of Electrical Installation Equipment Manufacturers Comité Européen des Constructeurs d'Appareillage Electrique d'Installation 2011-05-12.

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Presentation on theme: "European Committee of Electrical Installation Equipment Manufacturers Comité Européen des Constructeurs d'Appareillage Electrique d'Installation 2011-05-12."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Committee of Electrical Installation Equipment Manufacturers Comité Européen des Constructeurs d'Appareillage Electrique d'Installation 2011-05-12 Page 1 CECAPI Introduction

2 European Committee of Electrical Installation Equipment Manufacturers Comité Européen des Constructeurs d'Appareillage Electrique d'Installation 2011-05-12 Page 2 European Committee of Electrical Installation Equipment Manufacturers CECAPI European Committee of Electrical Installation Equipment Manufacturers  Members are the major manufacturer‘s associations of Europemajor manufacturer‘s associations  Tasks of CECAPI: -Encouraging and developing good relations between members -Facilitating exchanges of information between member associations on technical and commercial matters of common interest -Arranging meetings between members to consider their views and to seek common positions -Representing the views of the European CECAPI Industry to all relevant European and International bodies. Especially the European Commission and other important European Institutions

3 European Committee of Electrical Installation Equipment Manufacturers Comité Européen des Constructeurs d'Appareillage Electrique d'Installation 2011-05-12 Page 3 The following products fall within the scope of CECAPI:  Components for electrical installations/appliances (e.g. Plugs, Sockets, Boxes, Switches, Fuses; etc.)  Cable management systems;  Circuit breakers, residual current devices, arc fault detecting devices for domestic and commercial use.  Home and Building Electronic Systems Products;  Intercom and Videointercom;

4 European Committee of Electrical Installation Equipment Manufacturers Comité Européen des Constructeurs d'Appareillage Electrique d'Installation 2011-05-12 Page 4 Organisation  The organisation of CECAPI consists of:  The Presidents' Conference  A General Secretariat  Working Groups and specific Task Forces will be set up by Presidents’ Conference or the President, if and when appropriate. They will work within a framework defined by the Presidents' Conference.

5 European Committee of Electrical Installation Equipment Manufacturers Comité Européen des Constructeurs d'Appareillage Electrique d'Installation 2011-05-12 Page 5 Key current and future activities  Conformity Assessment and Market Surveillance  Conformity Assessment, Cooperation with Certification Bodies  Fight against dangerous products and counterfeits  Contributing to market suveillance in the European countries  Contacts to EU as an umbrella for national actions  Best practice sharing and information exchange within the associations  New Challenges and Opportunities for Electrical Installation  Smart Meters  Smart Homes – Communication, Ambient Assisted Living, Security, etc.  Smart Grids  Connecting Electric Vehicles to the fixed installation  Energy Efficiency, Carbon and Energy Saving  Connection of new technologies to the fixed installation: -Photo Voltaic -Heat Pumps -Fuel Cells -New Loads like Electronic Ballast, LED-light etc.  Renovation and regular inspection of electrical installation

6 European Committee of Electrical Installation Equipment Manufacturers Comité Européen des Constructeurs d'Appareillage Electrique d'Installation 2011-05-12 Page 6 Structure President Georg Luber (ZVEI) President‘s Meeting National Delegation of all Member Associations Secretary Terry. Rowbury (BEAMA) Working Groups:  Conformity Assessment & Market Surveillance  Cord Extension Sets  Dimmers  Plugs & Sockets Projects:  Market Surveillance  Renovation  Smart Homes

7 European Committee of Electrical Installation Equipment Manufacturers Comité Européen des Constructeurs d'Appareillage Electrique d'Installation 2011-05-12 Page 7 Issue owners / responsibilities  For each new issue, an issue owner will be appointed by the Presidents Conference to represent CECAPI.  The issue owner is responsible for: -Coordinating the activity as well as the relevant CECAPI WG where required. -Participating in the related fora identified by the Presidents Conference, defending the positions agreed by the WG -Circulating the agenda and related documents to the WG in due time before the meetings he/she attends representing CECAPI. The agenda will be circulated with proposals for the position to be defended for each agenda item, for agreement within the WG. -Producing reports of all meetings attended representing CECAPI, highlighting the main decisions and circulating them to the WG within two weeks after the meeting. -Submitting written reports to the Presidents Conference and reporting verbally on the relevant matters.  These tasks may be delegated to a representative, but in any case the issue owner is responsible for watching over the observance of the above rules before the Presidents Conference.  The issue owners will be coordinated by the General Secretaryissue owners

8 European Committee of Electrical Installation Equipment Manufacturers Comité Européen des Constructeurs d'Appareillage Electrique d'Installation 2011-05-12 Page 8  Thank you for your attention

9 European Committee of Electrical Installation Equipment Manufacturers Comité Européen des Constructeurs d'Appareillage Electrique d'Installation 2011-05-12 Page 9 Member Associations  AUSTRIA: FEEI - Fachverband der Elektro- und Elektronikindustrie Österreichs  BELGIUM: AGORIA - La fédération de l'industrie technologique De federatie van de technologische industrie  FRANCE: IGNES - Industries Du GeniesNumerique, Energetique et Securitaire  GERMANY: ZVEI - Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie e.V.  ITALY: ANIE - Federazione Nazionale Industrie Elettrotecniche ed Elettroniche  PORTUGAL: ANIMEE - Associacao Portuguesa Das Empresas Do Sector Electrico e Electronico  SPAIN: AFME - Asociación de Fabricantes de Material Eléctrico  SWITZERLAND: IGEIM - Industriegemeinschaft Elektro-Installations Material  UNITED KINGDOM: BEAMA - British Electrotechnical and Allied Manufacturers Association Ltd

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