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Presentation on theme: "Glaciers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Glaciers

2 Types of Glaciers

3 Types of Glaciers 1. Alpine Forms in mountains and valleys
Flow downhill, widening and U-shaping valleys

4 2. Continental Ice sheets covering large areas of land
Antarctica is covered by one, big sheet 1.5 times the size of the U.S.

5 Ice in the World Ice Shelves
Ice attached to ice sheet that hangs over/rests on open water Ross Ice Shelf off of Antarctica lays on the ocean and is the size of Texas!

6 Iceberg Icebergs Large pieces of ice drifting in the ocean
Most of the iceberg is below the water level

7 Erosion and Deposition by Glaciers

8 Drift and Deposits Glacial Drift- material carried and deposited by glaciers Stratified Drift- material deposited in layers by size by the melting ice Till- unsorted, un-layer material of all sizes deposited as ice melts

9 Assignment Day 1 1. What are the two types of glaciers AND how do they differ? 2. What is the difference between ice sheets and icebergs? 3. What are the three types of deposits and drift from glaciers? 4. How do Stratified Drift and Till differ? 5. Where is a majority of the iceberg located?

10 Not necessary, but I love this picture!

11 Landforms of Glaciers

12 United States Glacial Coverage

13 Kettles- depressions left by chunks of ice
Often fill with water and form round lakes

14 Drumlins- sloping hills created as ice flow releases and pulls drift

15 Alpine Glacial Features
Horns- sharp peak formed when three or more cirques erode the mountain Cirques- bowl-shape depressions cut into the side of the mountain Arêtes- jagged ridges between two cirques

16 U- Shaped Valleys- created when glaciers round out the valley
Hanging Valleys- small U-shaped valleys that hang above deeper U- shaped valleys

17 Horn Cirque Arête U- Shaped Valley Hanging Valley

18 Moraines Medial- build up of debris between two glaciers
Lateral- build up of debris alongside the glacier Ground- build up of debris beneath glacier Terminal- build up of debris in front of the glacier

19 Medial Lateral Ground Terminal



22 Michigan and Glaciers

23 Michigan Michigan land features were carved primarily by Glacial Movement Michigan and Glaciers Video

24 Assignment Day 2 1. How are cirques, horns, and aretes related?
2. What water feature occurs when there is a hanging valley? 3. What are the four types of moraines? 4. Which type of moraine lines the edges of the glacier? 5. How are U-Shaped Valleys formed?

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