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The Vietnam War May 13, 2014 Note Packet K. Unrest in Asia Timeline  Sept. 1945  Ho Chi Minh (Communists) proclaims Democratic Republican of Vietnam.

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Presentation on theme: "The Vietnam War May 13, 2014 Note Packet K. Unrest in Asia Timeline  Sept. 1945  Ho Chi Minh (Communists) proclaims Democratic Republican of Vietnam."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Vietnam War May 13, 2014 Note Packet K

2 Unrest in Asia Timeline  Sept. 1945  Ho Chi Minh (Communists) proclaims Democratic Republican of Vietnam

3 Unrest in Asia Timeline  1946 - 1949  “Puppet leader” ineffective against Ho Chi Minh  Oct. 1949  Mao Zedong recognizes the gov’t under Ho Chi Minh

4 Unrest in Asia Timeline  1950-1953  US provides aid to French’s struggle in Vietnam  1953 – 1954  Eisenhower debates on how much aid, support to French

5 Unrest in Asia Timeline  1954  Geneva Accords divide Vietnam @ 17 th parallel  SEATO agrees to protect Vietnam  N & S Vietnam agree to hold elections, reunite the country

6 Unrest in Asia Timeline  1955  Aid increased to Vietnam  1956  S Vietnam refuses to hold elections  1960  Vietcong (communist guerrillas) recognized as the National Liberation Front (NLF) of Vietnam

7 Reasons for War 1.Prevent the spread of communism 2.Stop the rise of aggressor gov’ts 3.Protect the nation’s position as a superpower 4.Defend democracy

8 Kennedy’s Policy Towards Vietnam  Supported the Diem regime in beginning  Increased American military advisors to Vietnam  US didn’t object South Vietnam’s coup against Diem  Intended to withdraw US from Vietnam

9 Johnson’s Policy Towards Vietnam  Viet Cong & National Liberation Front  Henry Cabot Lodge – US ambassador to Vietnam  Gulf of Tonkin Resolution  US destroyers attacked by N Vietnam  President can take all necessary measures to repel any attack against US forces  Justified expansion of war  By 1965 President had control, no official declaration of war  resolution/videos/lbj-gulf-of-tonkin-incident

10 Fighting the War  Guerrilla Warfare  Enemy did not wear uniforms  Fought in the jungles of Southeast Asia  No clear battlefield  Land mines  tonkin-resolution/videos/vietnam-war- tactics?m=528e394da93ae&s=undefined&f=1&free =false

11 The Air War  Introduction of B-52s  Saturation bombing  Fragmentation bombs  Agent Organge – herbicide as chemical weapon  Napalm – jelly substance causing burns



14 Course of the War 1965 - 1968  Military escalation  Ho Chi Minh Trail  The Tet Offensive – Viet Cong & N Vietnam launch major offensive  Viet Cong capable of massive attacks  US citizens becoming discouraged  My Lai Massacre

15 Political Division & Resistance to the War  Hawks & Doves  Congress members divided on War  Hawks – win at any cost  Doves – immediate withdrawal

16 Political Division & Resistance to the War  Student Protests  University of Calif @ Berkeley  Students for Democratic Society  Anti-establishment  The Free Speech Movement  The Teach-In Movement  Special sessions held by professors

17 Political Division & Resistance to the War  Protest Marches  Washington DC  NYC  Pentagon

18 Political Division & Resistance to the War  Draft Resisters  Fled to Canada  Sought deferments to go to college  Large number of minorities went to war  American youth hostile towards Johnson’s policies

19 Political Division & Resistance to the War  Election of 1968  Anti-war democrats running against Johnson (Robert Kennedy)  Johnson decides not to run  unpopular  Democratic Convention chose pro-war candidate  Rallies  riots  Republican candidate Nixon wins

20 The End of the Vietnam War  Nation’s most costly war  Support at an all time low  Nixon widened military activities

21 The End of the Vietnam War  Vietnamization  Takeover of the ground fighting  Bombing Cambodia  Protest at Kent State Univ.  Support at an all time low


23 The End of the Vietnam War  Peace with Honor  Peace talks deadlocked  1973 “peace with honor” & cease-fire would take place soon

24 The End of the Vietnam War  The War Powers Act of 1973  Passed by Congress overriding Nixon’s veto  Reverse Gulf Tonkin Resolution  President had to notify Congress within 48 hrs of sending troops to foreign country  President had to bring troops home within 60 days unless congress voting them to stay  Gave Congress more power in dealing with international conflicts

25 The End of the Vietnam War  End of the Vietnam War  US withdrew, while N Vietnam overran S Vietnam  Saigon gov’t collapses  US aid finally ceases  Domino Theory becomes reality

26 The End of the Vietnam War  Conclusion on Vietnam War  US politics acted in response to variety of public pressures  US foreign policy supported view of US being involved in foreign affairs  US questioned its role as world police officer

27 The End of the Vietnam War  Conclusion on Vietnam War  Expansion of presidential powers during war time may not always be the best choice  Limited after war  26 th amendment passed  Voting age lowered to 18 (18 yr olds fighting should have a say)

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