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Science and Research Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University.

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1 Science and Research Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University

2 Mission of IKBFU is to provide long-term competitiveness of the exclave Kaliningrad region surrounded by the EU states by means of establishing a reputable, high-level research and education centre in the Baltic Sea region. MISSION OF THE FEDERAL UNIVERSITY IS DETERMINED BY THE EXCLAVE NATURE OF THE KALININGRAD REGION Strategic Development Objective is to develop the University that would be renown and recognizable among other leading Russian universities, ensuring high technological standards in the region and training highly qualified specialists with excellent career perspectives in any place of the world.

3 Intensive modernization of research and laboratory facilities as well as human capacity building form the basis of the federal university development strategy IKBFU RESEARCH ACTIVITES IN FIGURES IKBFU occupies the 17th place (11.95 points) according to the research and publication activity ranking conducted among 474 universities in Russia. *highest score was reached by the Lomonosov Moscow State University — 34.08 points. **according to the monitoring data as of 2010 conducted by the Higher School of Economics. 140 professors and 500 associate professors, young scientists, post-diploma students and undergraduates are involved in the University research.

4 The University Publishing House releases research journals included in the list of periodicals recommended by the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles: “Vestnik of IKBFU”, “Kantovky Sbornik”, “The Baltic Region”, as well as journals “Baltijsky filologichesky kurier”, “ Baltijsky aktsent”. PUBLICATION ACTIVITY OF IKBFU Research results are published in national and international periodicals Each IKBFU student has access to data bases of various electronic resources including: IOP Historic Archive, Cambridge Journals Digital Archive Complete Collection, Oxford Online Reference, LexisNexis, Web of Knowledge, Science Direct Freedom Collection, Publishing, QUESTEL, Oxford Journals, JSTOR, etc. In the period 2008-2012, University researchers published 181 monographs, more than 340 study guides, more than 6000 research articles.

5 IKBFU VICE-RECTOR FOR RESEARCH His sphere of research interests includes theoretical physics, cosmology, theory of intergrable systems, field theory, high energy physics, and mathematical models in demography. He is an author of more than 100 research publications, including those in RAS journals. Prof. Yurov has 49 publications in leading international high impact journals indexed in Web of Science and Scopus. A number of papers has been published in co-authorship with the top scientists from Spain, USA, Germany, Brazil, UK, India and Poland. Prof. Yurov has built a team of specialists in relativistic cosmology that conduct research at IKBFU. In 2011 Prof. Dr. Yurov was awarded the title “Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education in the Russian Federation” Artem Yurov, Prof. Dr.

6 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 36 fields in post-diploma studies; 7 – internship and residency studies; 5 – higher doctorate; 140 doctors of science and 500 candidates of science; 610 post-diploma students; 10 Dissertation Councils. The University trains highly qualified research staff members – candidates of science and doctors of science Dynamics of increase in research MN RUR (prognosis)

7 Candidate of Science and Doctor of Science Dissertation Councils operating at IKBFU: Code and Title of Research Specialty, Field of Science: 25.00.24 – Economic, Social, Political and Recreational Geography (Geographical Sciences); 25.00.28 – Oceanology (Geographical Sciences); 25.00.36 – Geoecology (Geographical Sciences). 13.00.01 – General Pedagogics, History of Pedagogics and Education (Pedagogical Sciences); 13.00.08 – Theory and Methodology of Professional Education (Pedagogical Sciences). 03.02.08 – Ecology (Biological Sciences). 10.01.03 – Literature of Foreign Countries (Western European and American) (Philological Sciences); 10.02.01 – Russian Language (Philological Sciences). DISSERTATION COUNCILS

8 RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY PARK “FABRIKA” In 2014, the R&T Park “Fabrika” was opened. It includes research and development laboratories of various profile: Laboratory of Coherent and Optical Measuring Systems; Laboratory of Optical Radiation; Laboratory of Micro and Nano-Structures Research; Laboratory of Thin-Film Materials Deposition; Laboratory of 3d Prototyping and Intelligent Robotics; Laboratory of New Magnetic Materials; Centre for Energy Efficiency; Publishing House of IKBFU. Opening of the R&T Park “Fabrika” was named “Opening of the Year” by experts of the regional award “PROFI – Results of 2014”.

9 RESEARCH AND EDUCATION CENTRE “INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES” Established in June 2011. Director of the R&E Centre - Mikhail Plisov. Structure of the R&E Centre: Department of High-Performance Computing The Department was established for facilitation and exploitation of the high-performance computing cluster. The cluster was purchased within the National Priority Project “Education”. CISCO Academy Training of specialists with CCNA level in the framework of certified courses. International Testing Centre Prometric The Centre is aimed at professional certification in the IT sphere (nearest centres of such kind are situated in Moscow and St-Petersburg) The Centre offers certification opportunities not only for undergraduate and post-diploma students of IKBFU, but also for staff members of many leading regional organizations. International Testing Centre Pearson VUE Pearson VUE offers a full range of services in the data management tests elaboration and organizes examinations through the vast and most reliable testing centres network in the world covering 165 countries.

10 RESEARCH AND EDUCATION CENTRE “FUNCTIONAL NANOMATERIALS” Director of the R&E Centre - Dr. Aleksandr Goikhman Nanotechnologies in Energy Saving: Elaboration of methods aimed at creation of nanostructures for energy saving systems controlling condition and management of technological processes as well as management of equipment and independent power supply systems. X-Ray Optics: Creation of appliances focalizing X-Ray Radiation; Creation of coverings for these appliances; Testing of elements and appliances in synchrotron sources; Creation of a Laboratory Synchrotron. X-Ray Optics: Creation of appliances focalizing X-Ray Radiation; Creation of coverings for these appliances; Testing of elements and appliances in synchrotron sources; Creation of a Laboratory Synchrotron. Nanobiotechnologies: Elaboration and production of functional bioactive coverings applicable in medical diagnostics. Nanoelectronics: Research and synthesis of functional polycrystal oxides as well as testing of their usage as tunnel isolators in crystal thin-film structures of magnetic tunnel transition. Nanoelectronics: Research and synthesis of functional polycrystal oxides as well as testing of their usage as tunnel isolators in crystal thin-film structures of magnetic tunnel transition. Main Competences:

11 STRUCTURE OF THE R&E CENTRE “FUNCTIONAL NANOMATERIALS” Laboratory of Pulsed Laser Deposition and Atomic Layer Deposition Laboratory of Ion Beam Assisted Deposition Laboratory of Micro- and Nanostructures

12 R&D INSTITUTE OF APPLIED INFORMATICS AND MATHEMATICAL GEOPHYSICS. Director: Gennady Erokhin, Prof. Dr. AIM: To conduct fundamental and applied research in the field of applied informatics and mathematical geophysics as well as introduce research results to the economic and social sphere of the Kaliningrad region and the Russian Federation as a whole. Research and innovative activity of the Institute is carried out within the following priority directions and spheres: mathematical geophysics; grid computing and super-computer technologies; applied information and space-based technologies of environment conservation; applied information systems for education, public health and management. Research and innovative activity of the Institute is carried out within the following priority directions and spheres: mathematical geophysics; grid computing and super-computer technologies; applied information and space-based technologies of environment conservation; applied information systems for education, public health and management.

13 LABORATORY “CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY” Head of the Laboratory - Dr. Svetlana Babak, Leading clinical pharmacologist of the Kaliningrad region. Laboratory capacities: therapeutic drug monitoring; determination of the nature of drug-protein interrelation; determination of a structural formula of the unknown target; determination of the bioavailability of a medical agent in a specified organism; determination of factors leading to undesirable side effects in the course of drug treatment; analysis of oligonucleotide substitution; analysis of the multidrug carriers activity; prognosis of pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of drugs on the basis of pharmacogenetical testing. Laboratory capacities: therapeutic drug monitoring; determination of the nature of drug-protein interrelation; determination of a structural formula of the unknown target; determination of the bioavailability of a medical agent in a specified organism; determination of factors leading to undesirable side effects in the course of drug treatment; analysis of oligonucleotide substitution; analysis of the multidrug carriers activity; prognosis of pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of drugs on the basis of pharmacogenetical testing.

14 LABORATORY OF PSYCHOIMMUNOLOGY Head of the Laboratory – Oleg Bukhtoyarov, MD. Main research directions: elaboration of the psychogenic blastomatosis concept; the essence of which is in the induction of malignant neoplastic process under the influence of chronic psychoemotional stress factors; elaboration of the life goal dominant idea disclosing the nature of chronic psychoemotional stress development in a human elaboration of a strategy of anti-relapsing psychoimmunological rehabilitation of oncology patients; Elaboration and clinical approbation of a skin test (antitumoral test) for specific antitumoral activity assessment of the immune system. Main research directions: elaboration of the psychogenic blastomatosis concept; the essence of which is in the induction of malignant neoplastic process under the influence of chronic psychoemotional stress factors; elaboration of the life goal dominant idea disclosing the nature of chronic psychoemotional stress development in a human elaboration of a strategy of anti-relapsing psychoimmunological rehabilitation of oncology patients; Elaboration and clinical approbation of a skin test (antitumoral test) for specific antitumoral activity assessment of the immune system. The Laboratory was established to study the chronic stress influence on higher nervous activity and immune system functions of a human.

15 LABORATORY OF MOLECULAR AND GENETIC TECHNOLOGIES Head of the Laboratory – Dr. Ilya Mazunin Main research directions: elaboration of molecular-genetic diagnostic methods for diseases related to mtDNA mutations; elaboration of an algorithm of differential diagnostics of diseases related to mtDNA mutations; development of methods of mtDNA pathogenic mutations suppression as well as methods of mitochondrial genome modification. Main research directions: elaboration of molecular-genetic diagnostic methods for diseases related to mtDNA mutations; elaboration of an algorithm of differential diagnostics of diseases related to mtDNA mutations; development of methods of mtDNA pathogenic mutations suppression as well as methods of mitochondrial genome modification. Molecular-genetic methods of the Laboratory: synthesis of oligonucleotide primers and hydrolysable probes; creation of plasmid vector molecules and cells transformation; determination of the heteroplasmy level of pathogenic mtDNA mutations by using drip in silico PCR and pyrosequencing; capillaceous sequencing; targeted modification of eukaryotic cells genome by using site-specific nucleases.

16 Thank you!

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