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March 21, 2015 1 March 21, 2015http://hodf.org2.

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2 March 21, 2015 1

3 March 21, 2015http://hodf.org2

4 March 21, 2015 3

5 March 21, 2015 4 Review Yom frequently includes the “dark portion” of the 24 hour planet rotation A new calendar date starts at the beginning of dark Between the “settings” is after high noon but before the sun has fully set.

6 March 21, 2015 5 Enoch & Hegg I Enoch has a calendar that has two 30 day months and one 31 day month. Tim Hegg has a paper entitled The Chronology of the Crucifixion: A Comparison of the Gospel Accounts Through the centuries, scholars have offered a wide variety of explanations for the apparent contradictions contained in the Gospel accounts, but there remains no consensus... (pg 8)

7 March 21, 2015 6 Enoch & Hegg Given these data, it seems clear that Yeshua was taken from the garden by the handlers of the scribes and high priests before the sun had arisen on the 15th of Nisan.

8 March 21, 2015 7 Enoch & Hegg Given these data, it seems clear that Yeshua was taken from the garden by the handlers of the scribes and high priests before the sun had arisen on the 15th of Nisan. It was in the early morning hours of this Festival Shabbat that he was brought to Caiaphas and when Peter denied him.

9 March 21, 2015 8 Enoch & Hegg Given these data, it seems clear that Yeshua was taken from the garden by the handlers of the scribes and high priests before the sun had arisen on the 15th of Nisan. It was in the early morning hours of this Festival Shabbat that he was brought to Caiaphas and when Peter denied him. As we shall see, the narrative of the Synoptics makes it clear that Yeshua was crucified on this same day, i.e., the 15th of Nisan. (p14)

10 We’ll start near the end, move forward a little, then move backward, allowing each gospel account to establish where it is on the timeline compared to the other three. Each gospel will be responsible to designate the day/night time period of the week. March 21, 2015http://hodf.org9

11 March 21, 2015 10 The Code Matthew 27:1 When the morning was come, all the chief priests and elders of the people took counsel against Yeshua to put him to death. Mark 15:1a And straightway in the morning the chief priests held a consultation with the elders and scribes and the whole council…

12 March 21, 2015 11 The Code Luke 22:66 And as soon as it was day [ light? ], the elders of the people and the chief priests and the scribes came together, and led him into their council, saying… John 18:28 Then led they Yeshua from Caiaphas unto the hall of judgment (Roman governor’s residence): and it was early…

13 March 21, 2015 12 The Code Matthew 27:1 When the morning was come… A27:1 Mark 15:1a And straightway in the morning B15:1a Luke 22:66 And as soon as it was day, C22:66 John 18:28 …and it was early D18:28 A27:1B15:1aC22:66D18:28

14 1. A27:1B15:1aC22:66D18:28* Morning has arrived 1 Sunrise Rising

15 March 21, 2015 14 The Code Matthew 27:1 When the morning was come… A27:1 Mark 15:1a And straightway in the morning B15:1a Luke 22:66 And as soon as it was day, C22:66 John 18:28 …and it was early D18:28 A27:1B15:1aC22:66D18:28

16 March 21, 2015 15 The Code Matthew 27:2 And when they had bound him, they led him away, and delivered him to Pontius Pilate the governor. Mark 15:1b And straightway in the morning the chief priests held a consultation with the elders and scribes and the whole council, and bound Yeshua, and carried him away, and delivered him to Pilate.

17 March 21, 2015 16 The Code Luke 23:1 And the whole multitude of them arose, and led him unto Pilate. John 18:28-29 Then led they Yeshua from Caiaphas unto the hall of judgment… 29 Pilate then went out unto them, and said, What accusation bring ye against this man?

18 March 21, 2015 17 The Code Matthew 27:2 … and delivered him to Pontius Pilate the governor. A27:2 Mark 15:1b delivered him to Pilate B15:1b Luke 23:1 led him unto Pilate C23:1 John 18:28-29 … led Yeshua unto 29 Pilate D18:29 A27:2B15:1bC23:1D18:29

19 1. A27:1B15:1aC22:66D18:28* Morning has arrived setting ~yIB'r>[;h' !yB Between the Settings 2. A27:2B15:1bC23:1D18:29 Delivered to Pilate 3. A27:17B15:9C23:17D18:39 Pilate – The Custom - “Whom Shall I Release?” 4. A27:33B15:22C23:33D19:17 Led to Golgotha 5. A27:35B15:24C23:34D19:24 Parted my garments (Psalm 22:18) 6. A27:37B15:26C23:38D19:19 “King of the Jews” sign 7. A27:38B15:27C23:39-43D19:18 Two Thieves 8. A27:45B15:33C23:44 X Sixth hour to ninth hour darkness 9. A27:50B15:37C23:46D19:30 Yeshua gave up spirit 10. A27:57B15:42aC23:50D19:38 “When evening had come, Joseph of A...” 1 Sunrise Sunset Noon Rising 23 4 5 6 7 9 10 8

20 11. A27:62 Now the next day, that followed the Preparation Day… (27:57 - Joseph) setting ~yIB'r>[;h' !yB Between the Settings 12. B15:42a Now when evening was come, because it was the Preparation Day… 13. C23:54a And that day was the Preparation Day… (23:50 - Joseph) 14. D19:31a The Jews therefore, because it was the Preparation Day… (19:38 - Joseph) Sunrise Sunset Noon Rising 12. B15:42b that is, the day before the Sabbath, Joseph of A… 13. C23:54b And the Sabbath was about to begin… 14. D19:31b that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the Sabbath Day… 14. D19:31c (for that Sabbath Day was an high day,)… 11 Preparation Day-1 Next Day Sabbath Day 12 13 14 High Sabbath Preparation Day-3 Preparation Day-4 Preparation Day-2 1 - 10 15 th 14 th 2 3

21 1. A26:20B14:17C22:14 X When evening had come... 2. A26:22B14:19C22:22D13:2 Betrayer announced as Judas 3. A26:33B14:29C22:34 X Peter: “I will never be offended...” 4. A26:34B14:30C22:34D13:38 Yeshua: “Before cock crows 3 times...” 5. A26:36B14:32C22:39D18:1 They went to Gethsemane (Mount of Olives) 6. A26:47B14:42C22:48D18:2 Judas and guards arrive 7. A26:57B14:53C22:54D18:13 Taken to High Priest 8. A26:59B14:55 X D18:19 Examination of Lamb commences 9. A26:69B14:66C22:55D18:15 Peter denies three times 1 23 4 5 6 7 9 8 10. A27:1B15:1aC22:66D18:28 When morning had come 10 Preparation Day (night portion) 14 th

22 Every gospel agrees when the Preparation day was and when the Sabbath (15 th ) was. There are no conflicts with any gospels and the calendar so far. March 21, 2015http://hodf.org21

23 March 21, 2015 22 Mark 15:42b 15th was the Sabbath 15:1 – 15:42a light portion of 14 th - Yeshua examined, led to Golgotha, died around 3 PM, Joseph acquired the body before the day ended 14:17-72 night portion of 14 th - Judas, the garden, captured, Peter’s denial before morning arrived. (14:17 begins the 14 th ) And in the evening he cometh with the 12

24 March 21, 2015 23 Mark Since verse 17 is the beginning of the 14 th, whatever took place previously took place on the 13 th. What was that (14:12-16)? 12 Now the first day,

25 March 21, 2015 24 Mark Since verse 17 is the beginning of the 14 th, whatever took place previously took place on the 13 th. What was that (14:12-16)? 12 Now the first day, the unleavened,

26 March 21, 2015 25 Mark Since verse 17 is the beginning of the 14 th, whatever took place previously took place on the 13 th. What was that (14:12-16)? 12 Now the first day, the unleavened, when the Passover is sacrificed,

27 March 21, 2015 26 Mark Since verse 17 is the beginning of the 14 th, whatever took place previously took place on the 13 th. What was that (14:12-16)? 12 Now the first day, the unleavened, when the Passover is sacrificed, his disciples said unto him, “Where wilt thou that we go and prepare that thou mayest eat the Passover?”

28 March 21, 2015 27 Mark 13-16 Now send 2 disciples, go into the city, secure a room, and make ready the Passover. 17 When evening came (beginning of 14 th ), Yeshua arrived with the twelve. 18-41 meal, Peter, garden, etc. 42-72 Yeshua captured, examined

29 March 21, 2015 28 Mark 14:12a: And the “first day of unleavened bread” As this English stands, this is impossible 12b And the “first day of unleavened bread, when they killed the Passover…” Even more impossible What’s the solution?

30 March 21, 2015 29 Mark Greek of passage (14:12a) And prw,th| day of the unleavening, Kai. th/| prw,th| h`me,ra| tw/n avzu,mwn Friburg prw,th| first,

31 March 21, 2015 30 Mark Greek of passage (14:12a) And prw,th| day of the unleavening, Kai. th/| prw,th| h`me,ra| tw/n avzu,mwn Friburg prw,th| first, before And before the day of the unleavening… Also UBS United Bible Society and Louw-Nida Matthew 26:17 has identical problem

32 March 21, 2015 31 Matthew 26:17a Anchor Bible Commentary for Matthew W.F. Albright and C.S. Mann “It is possible to translate the Greek by ‘With reference to the first day of Unleavened Bread…’” (p.319) The disciples were asking Yeshua for guidance as to the procedures to be followed for the next day

33 March 21, 2015 32 Matthew (26:17a) Word Biblical Commentary “Some have attempted to understand ‘on the first’ as a misunderstanding of the underlying Aramaic, which would have been ‘before’, rather than ‘first’.” (p.764) In the end, an internal conflict resolved by the Weight of Evidence resulting in a unanimous agreement on the time period

34 March 21, 2015 33 Yom Kippur When is Yom Kippur? Leviticus 16:29 And this shall be a statute for ever unto you: that in the seventh month, on the tenth day of the month… Leviticus 23:27 Also on the tenth day of this seventh month… Numbers 29:7 And ye shall have on the tenth day of this seventh month…

35 March 21, 2015 34

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48 March 21, 2015 47

49 We’ve learned that the lamb can only be sacrificed in the afternoon of the 14 th of the 1 st or 2 nd month and the disciples knew this. Every gospel agrees when the Preparation day was and when the Sabbath (15 th ) was. There are no conflicts with any gospels anywhere if we translate prw,th| as before. March 21, 2015http://hodf.org48

50 xpanded Harmony And before the day of unleavening, when they killed the Passover, his disciples said unto him, “Where wilt thou that we go and prepare that thou mayest eat the passover”? March 21, 2015http://hodf.org49

51 There was no calendar conflict between the priests and the Pharisees concerning the 14 th sacrifice in the afternoon. (John 18:3,12,28) March 21, 2015http://hodf.org50

52 March 21, 2015http://hodf.org51 September 28, 2010 51

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