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- Soviet industries would be dismantled / the population would be worked to death by the Nazis. - Russians, Ukrainians, Belorussians (Slavs) were subhumans.

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Presentation on theme: "- Soviet industries would be dismantled / the population would be worked to death by the Nazis. - Russians, Ukrainians, Belorussians (Slavs) were subhumans."— Presentation transcript:


2 - Soviet industries would be dismantled / the population would be worked to death by the Nazis. - Russians, Ukrainians, Belorussians (Slavs) were subhumans and barbarians not worthy of being civilized EEEEastward colonial expansion - Lebensraum for German farming settlers - Raw materials and food produce from Ukraine, Russia.

3 JJJJune 22, 1941 – Germans launched Operation Barbarossa – the attack on the Soviet Union - Largest land-air invasion in military history: 190 divisions (5.5 million troops) of German, Romanian, Finnish, Hungarian, Slovakian and Italian troops along a 2,000 mile front - 4,000 tanks / 5,000 aircrafts, 47,000 artillery pieces 200 warships - The entire Eastern Front was 3,720 miles long. AAAAfter the invasion took place, Stalin disappeared from public view for more than a week.


5 3 Main Fronts of the War: North Leningrad Center Moscow South Kiev, Rostov-on-Don


7 AAAArmy Group North > Leningrad / The Siege of Leningrad - By September 8, 1941 the Germans had fully encircled Leningrad and the blockade began. - The siege lasted for a total of 900 days, from September 8 1941 until January 27 1944. - Hundred thousand people were evacuated from the city across Lake Ladoga via the famous "Road of Life" - In January 1943 the Siege was broken and a year later, on January 27 1944 it was fully lifted. At least 641,000 people died in Leningrad during the Siege (some estimates put this figure closer to 800,000).

8 - Although the Germans occupied much Soviet territory, they failed to take Leningrad, Moscow or the rich oil reserves in the Caucasus. - over 500,000 officers and soldiers. The Nazis lost a total of 300,000 troops in the first two years of WWII. In the first four months of the Great Patriotic War:

9 AAAApril 1945 began the Battle for Berlin - More than 6,000 tanks, 8,000 aircrafts and 40,000 guns of all types were used by the Red Army. AAAApril 25, 1945, Soviet forces crossed the Elba River and established contact with units of the American First Army.


11 1) W hat are the reasons for Germany's attack on the USSR? 2) W hat was the main idea of the Operation Barbarossa? 3) W hat new facts about the Siege of Leningrad have you discovered for yourself? 4) W hen did the Battle for Berlin take place?


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