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Evaluation of the Multi-Store Model of Memory PSYA1 Lesson 5.

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Presentation on theme: "Evaluation of the Multi-Store Model of Memory PSYA1 Lesson 5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evaluation of the Multi-Store Model of Memory PSYA1 Lesson 5

2 What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of the multi-store model? Discuss this with your neighbour and write down one strength and one weakness Starter

3 Learning Objective To be able to evaluate the multi-store model of memory, giving strengths and weaknesses of the model. Success Criteria 1. Make notes about the weaknesses of the MSM by using pages 26-27 of the textbook. 2. Watch a video of Clive Wearing and analyse to see how it supports MSM.  Challenge Criteria  Consider why the MSM lacks validity. 3. Complete a set of practice questions on the MSM.

4 Strengths + The model was influential as it was one of the early models of memory. + Differences between STM and LTM are identified and separated, along with the sensory store. + Serial position effect – shows the existence of STM and LTM. + When there is a model it can be tested.

5 Clive Wearing You will watch a short video about Clive Wearing. Create a postcard case study of Clive. You should include an image of the multi-store model and what elements of the model do not exist or are broken in Clive’s memory. Interesting websites related to other case studies:

6 Video – Clive Wearing

7 Weaknesses You will need to use the textbook (page 26-27) to make some notes on the evaluation of MSM. There are so many weaknesses to choose, but you need just three to do well in the exam. Read through page 26-27 and see if you can make a note of three weaknesses, each in 30 words or less! Can you include Clive Wearing?

8 Weaknesses You will need to use the textbook (page 26-27) to make some notes on the evaluation of MSM. There are so many weaknesses to choose, but you need just three to do well in the exam. Read through page 26-27 and see if you can make a note of three weaknesses, each in 30 words or less! Can you include Clive Wearing?

9 Weaknesses KF Motorcycle accident Brain damaged Difficulty with verbal STM but not with visual STM This suggests that STM is not a single store like MSM suggests Another issue is that we cannot study before and after of brain damaged patients – the trauma could cause the change, not that the brain itself changed.

10 Weaknesses Transfer may be possible to LTM without rehearsal Craik & Tulving (1975) suggested that the processing was more important than the rehearsal. They found 3 types of processing: Shallow processing (‘are there any capital letters?’) Phonemic processing (‘does the word rhyme with train?’) Semantic processing (‘is the word a type of fruit?’) Found that deeper processing leads to enhanced memory. Does STM actually come first? Logie (1999) said that STM actually relies on LTM. Ruchkin (2003) found more activity in the brain with real words than pseudo-words, suggesting that STM is actually a part of LTM. Working memory model works on this criticism.

11 Quick Check Can you still label this diagram? Environmental stimuli Sensory Memory Short-term Memory Long-term Memory Attention Retrieval Elaborative Rehearsal Information Retrieval Maintenance Rehearsal

12 Practice Elaboration Evaluate the multi-store model of memory (6 marks) (1) One strength of the MSM is... Give some evidence or an example Link back... (2) One weakness of the MSM is... Give some evidence or an example Link back...

13 Validity The research on the MSM lacks validity – it is done using semantic memory and doesn’t account for other types of memory. The research used college students aged 18-21 and these may have different memories to other groups and perhaps are more intelligent. The experiments were mostly in a lab which could involve demand characteristics and experimenter bias, but as the experiment was in a lab all the extraneous variables could be controlled, knowing the IV really did influence the DV.

14 Practice questions 1. Distinguish one difference between STM and LTM as suggested by the multi-story model of memory. (3 Marks) 2. Describe the multi-store model of memory. (6 Marks) 3. Outline two weaknesses of the MSM. (2 Marks) 4. Using the MSM, outline the processes involved in storing and retrieving material in LTM. (4 Marks)

15 Extension Outline and evaluate the multi-store model of memory. (12 Marks)

16 Complete page 12 of your booklet researching KF Due: next lesson

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