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Kyoko Mariana Pilar Hans Pedro Emerson Patrick Chabela.

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Presentation on theme: "Kyoko Mariana Pilar Hans Pedro Emerson Patrick Chabela."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kyoko Mariana Pilar Hans Pedro Emerson Patrick Chabela

2 What’s her name? What’s his name? Her name is Kyoko. His name is Hans. Where is she from? Where is he from? She is from Japan. He is from Germany. What’s her nationality? What’s his nationality? She is Japanese. He is German. What’s his name? What’s her name? His name is Pedro. Her name is Pilar. Where is he from? Where is she from? He is from Guatemala. She is from Spain. What’s his nationality? What’s her nationality? He is Guatemalan. She is Spanish.

3 What’s her name? What’s his name? Her name is Mariana. His name is Emerson. Where is she from? Where is he from? She is from Chile. He is from Brazil. What’s her nationality? What’s his nationality? She is Chilean. He is Brazilian. What’s his name? What’s her name? His name is Patrick. Her name is Chabela. Where is he from? Where is she from? He is from the U.S. She is from Mexico. What’s his nationality? What’s her nationality? He is American. She is Mexican.

4 Nationality Flags Japanese German Mexican Guatemalan American
1 2 German Mexican 3 4 Guatemalan American 5 6 Brazilian Spanish 7 8 Chilean

5 Japanese American German Mexican Spanish Brazilian Chilean Guatemalan
6 4 Japanese American 2 German 5 7 Mexican Spanish 8 Brazilian 3 1 Chilean Guatemalan

6 Japanese American German Mexican Spanish Brazilian Chilean Guatemalan
What’s your nationality? 6 4 Japanese American 2 German 5 7 Mexican Spanish 8 Brazilian 3 1 Chilean Guatemalan


8 Hello! My name is Hans. My name is Chabela. Where are you from? I’m from Germany. What’s your nationality? I’m German. Where are you from? I’m from Mexico. What’s your nationality? I’m Mexican.

9 Hello! My name is Mariana. My name is Pedro. Where are you from? I’m from Chile. What’s your nationality? I’m Chilean. Where are you from? I’m from Guatemala. What’s your nationality? I’m Guatemalan.

10 Hello! My name is Pilar. My name is Emerson. Where are you from? I’m from Spain. What’s your nationality? I’m Spanish. Where are you from? I’m from Brazil. What’s your nationality? I’m Brazilian.

11 Hello! My name is Kyoko. My name is Patrick. Where are you from? I’m from Japan. What’s your nationality? I’m Japanese. Where are you from? I’m from the United States. What’s your nationality? I’m American.

12 Hello! My name is ________. My name is _________. Where are you from? I’m from ________. What’s your nationality? I’m _________. Where are you from? I’m from _______. What’s your nationality? I’m _________.

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