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Section 1: Forces in Earth’s Crust

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1 Section 1: Forces in Earth’s Crust
Chapter 6 – Earthquakes Section 1: Forces in Earth’s Crust

2 Stress & plate boundaries
Types of Stress Stress & plate boundaries

3 Types of Stress What type of landform results from tension? valley
What type of landform results from compression? mountain

4 Silly Putty Stress

5 Silly Putty Which part of this activity models the type of stress that would produce anticlines and synclines? When we pushed the ends together – compression

6 Folding Earth’s Crust

7 Folding Earth’s Crust Who can point out an anticline?
Where is a syncline in this picture?

8 How can I tell the difference among the three types of faults?
Normal fault Tension Hanging wall moves down Reverse fault Compression Hanging wall moves up Strike-Slip fault Shearing Movement is side-to-side w/ very little up/down Do hand models here.

9 Types of Faults What type of fault is this? Normal fault
What stress causes this? tension Which wall moves – the hanging wall or the footwall? The hanging wall In what direction? down.

10 Types of Faults What type of fault is this? reverse fault
What stress causes this? compression Which wall moves – the hanging wall or the footwall? The hanging wall In what direction? Up and over the footwall Types of Faults

11 Types of Faults What type of fault is this? Strike-slip fault
What stress causes this? shearing How is this fault different from the other two? Rocks slip past each other with very little up/down movement.

12 Fault Block Mountains

13 Candy Bar Review

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