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PLANNING for High Student Engagement

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1 PLANNING for High Student Engagement

2 Literacy Challenge #1 Design every lesson so that every student individually (not as a group) uses expressive language (writing and speaking) two times. Literacy Challenge #2 When using L2, to clarify instruction teachers restate the clarification in L2, and then immediately have students restate the clarification in L2. Literacy Challenge #7 Teachers have students read orally, (individually) after which Students must retell what they have read in their own words (in L2).

3 Literacy Challenge #3 Teachers will achieve 90% student engagement in every classroom which will increase student academic achievement.

4 Active Participation is essential to promote learning in classrooms.


In a classroom OR workshop should many or few participants respond? LEARNING is NOT A Spectator Sport! Signals—yes, many participants should make many responses!

7 OBJECTIVES: C.O. I will learn what high student engagement looks like and how to measure it while participating in it. L.O. I will orally discuss high student engagement, choose my favorite engagement activity, and use it in my teaching.

8 PEDAGOGY = Good Teaching
TEACHER STUDENTS PLANS High Student Engagement Strategies ALL students will be Actively Engaged in Academic Learning

9 A MIRROR!!! My teaching should be a mirror of what I want you to do.
SOOOOOO…Set this up! Some might learn more from what I do, than from what I say.

10 Make Appointments Make a 3:30 o’clock appointment with someone who is not sitting by you. --Your name is on their paper, --Their name is on your paper. Teacher must MODEL how this works.

11 CHOOSE A PARTNER Choose a partner who is sitting near you.
Decide: Partner A & Partner B Raise your hands together so I can see…

12 TICKET OUT THE DOOR Write your name on your “ticket.”
Write 3 high student engagement strategies. Circle your favorite strategy that you will encourage teachers to use ASAP. Give your “ticket” to Sister Rasmussen.

13 Can I EXPECT increased student engagement to improve academic learning in MY CLASSROOM???

14 What does SBR (Scientifically Based Research) say about student engagement?
Mastropieri & Scruggs, 1994 Schmoker, 2006 Bickel and Bickel, 1986 Group participants in fours. Pass out summaries of these research studies to participants, assuring that each group of four has one person reading each of the summaries. Direct participants to jigsaw the information with their group.

The more actively students participate in the instructional process, the more they achieve.” (Schmoker, 2006— p. 156 SIOP book)

16 Can I EXPECT increased student engagement to improve academic learning in MY SCHOOL???

17 SIOP FEATURE #25 Students Engaged Approximately 90% to 100% of the time. Following the lesson Responding to teacher directions Performing activities as expected How? ACTIVELY!....

18 Behaviors Covert Behavior— cannot be seen
Ex. Think, Visualize, Listening • Overt Behavior— can be seen Ex. Speak, Write, Signal, Perform

19 APPOINTMENT Covert Behavior— cannot be seen
Ex. Think, Visualize, Be Prepared • Overt Behavior— can be seen Ex. Speak, Write, Signal, Perform Talk about the difference Come up with one example of students performing OVERT behavior. Be prepared to SHARE…”Sticks in a Can” Use “Sticks in a Can” to

20 Covert or Overt ? SIGNAL CARDS
_Point to the word that correctly spells beehive. _Listen to me read this poem. _Circle the answer to number 4. _With your fingers show the answer, 1 or 2. _Think and decide if this is true or false. _Imagine you are the main character in the story—think what you would do next. _Chorally read our language objective.

21 How do you MEASURE Student Engagement?

22 How do we MEASURE Student Engagement?
Class of 30 students Class of 30 students The teacher poses a question to the class and asks two students to give their answer. 6% student engagement The teacher poses the question and asks partners to figure out the answer. All 30 students discuss their answers. 100% student engagement

23 Partner Chat: Your Turn—MEASURE Student Engagement
Class with 20 students Class with 24 students The students are sitting in 5 groups of 4 students. The teacher asks the students to talk about the meaning of a vocabulary word. 2 groups are not on task. What % Student Engagement? The students all have red/green cards. The teacher explains—green is for TRUE and red is for FALSE. 22 of the students hold up cards to answer his questions. What % Student Engagement? Calculator on your phone OR just figure out the fraction and reduce it.

24 OBJECTIVES: C.O. I will learn what high student engagement looks like and how to measure it while participating in it. L.O. I will orally discuss high student engagement, choose my favorite engagement activity, and use it in my leadership training or teaching.

25 What does a teacher do to

26 3 Attributes of Student Engagement
The Teacher elicits students (simultaneously) 1. …to be engaged in academic learning 2. ALL at the same time, 3. And makes student engagement mandatory throughout the learning.

27 Thumbs up for yes and thumbs down for no
Which teacher is eliciting ALL students to be engaged at the same time? Thumbs up for yes and thumbs down for no _John, what is the answer to number 4? _What is the answer to number 4 Jill? Everyone listen to Jill’s answer and be ready to show me if you agree or disagree. _Let’s see who hasn’t answered yet? _On the overhead are some words we learned yesterday. Read the words to your partner if you want to while I take roll. _Write the vocabulary word that I define on your white board. On the count of 3 everyone show me your answer.

28 Ways to Make Engagement Mandatory
Be direct Reinforce students engaging in the desired behavior Set Time Limits Walk around the classroom/listen in Make frequent eye contact Move toward students not responding Speak to students not responding

29 “You get the biggest bang for your buck with high student engagement.”

30 Is there a way to let one child respond and maintain the engagement of the other students?
YES—It’s a Cueing Process…

31 CUEING PROCESS "All of you students need to listen because any one of you may be called on to the repeat the answer, add to the answer, or inform me if you agree with the response."

32 Research: Stahl, 1990 If THINK TIME lasts at least 3 seconds, benefits occur:
The length of correctness of students’ responses increases. The number of “I don’t know” or no responses decreases. Student achievement increases.

33 Student Engagement Strategy: Turn to Your Partner
When to Use this Strategy: when the students are expected to give an answer of one or a few sentences in length Teacher’s Role: Provide clear expectations of speaker and listener roles + walk around, listen in

34 Student Engagement Strategy: RESPONSE CARDS
When to Use This Strategy: This strategy works well for questions with 2-4 possible answers. Teacher’s Role: Provide wait time for students to think about their response + give a signal for all students to respond at the same time.

1 RESPONSE CARDS WITH NUMBERS When I say NUMBER hold up the correct number.

36 NUMBER Response Cards 1. because 1. 3 billion 2. smile 2. 1 trillion
WHICH WORD IS SPELLED WRONG? 1. because 2. smile 3. assignment 4. diferent WHICH IS THE LARGEST NUMBER? 1. 3 billion 2. 1 trillion 3. 8 hundred 4. 5 million


38 Student Engagement Strategy: Sticks in a Can
When to Use this Strategy: This strategy works well after partners or small groups have had a chance to discuss/share answers. Teacher’s Role: Select a stick to elicit an answer from an individual student + put the stick back into the can. After students have shared answers they will be more confident to share orally with the whole class. The students should believe that their stick could be drawn at any time, even after they have answered—so put the sticks back into the can! (You may have a “secret” divider in the can.)

39 Student Engagement Strategy: Appointment Clock
When to Use this Strategy: when the students are expected to give an answer of at least a few sentences, such as a retell, summary or opinion. Teacher’s Role: Direct students to meet with their 12:00 appointment + pose a question + provide wait time + walk around, listening in to discussions. It is recommended that the four appointments be spaced throughout the day rather than back-to-back.

40 Student Engagement is:
Continuous Involvement of Students in Learning & It’s a process PLANNED and DIRECTED by the teacher.

41 OBJECTIVES: C.O. I will learn what high student engagement looks like and how to measure it while participating in it. L.O. I will orally discuss high student engagement, choose my favorite engagement activity, and use it in my teaching.

42 TICKET OUT THE DOOR Write your name on your “ticket.”
Write 3 high student engagement strategies. Circle your favorite strategy that you will encourage teachers to use ASAP. Give your “ticket” to Sister Rasmussen.

43 THANK YOU “Remember to get the biggest bang for your buck by using

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