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What is effective technology integration? 3 4.

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2 What is effective technology integration?


4 3

5 4

6 5

7 The Reason You Feel Breathless… 6

8 Thoughts from Teachers 84 percent of teachers in the US say that computers and Internet access improve the quality of education. 7 NetDayNetDay, March 29, 2001

9 But… Two-thirds say the Internet and computers are not well integrated into their classroom. 8 NetDayNetDay, March 29, 2001

10 Let’s Group  By Web 2.0 Tools 8 Groups of 6 + 4 9 Web 2.0

11 The Best You Have Ever Seen..  provide a short description of the best use of technology you have ever seen in a classroom. 10

12 The Best Technology Lesson You Have Ever Seen  What did the teacher do?  What did the students do?  What did the students learn? 11

13 Is this the best? Newsome Park Elementary School uses a project-based approach to learning that integrates technology for higher level tasks. 12

14 “Technology will not have a significant impact on student learning until teachers change the way they teach.” Larry Cuban 13


16 LoTi (Levels of Teaching Innovation)  In 1994, Dr. Christopher Moersch developed the Level of Technology Implementation (LoTi) scale in a effort to accurately measure authentic classroom technology use.  Today it is called Levels of Teaching Innovation (LoTi)  This scale focuses on the use of technology as an interactive learning medium. 15

17 Keep in mind…… Teachers often fluctuate between LoTi levels throughout the school year. For example, a certain project may be a LoTi level 5 while other projects may be a LoTi level 2. The majority of teachers teach at a LoTi level 2. True effective technology integration begins at a level 3. 16

18 LoTi Breakdown  Level 0Non-Use Level 0  Level 1Awareness Level 1  Level 2Exploration Level 2  Level 3Infusion Level 3  Level 4aIntegration (Mechanical) Level 4a  Level 4bIntegration (Routine) Level 4b  Level 5Expansion Level 5  Level 6Refinement Level 6 17

19 Nonuse – Level 0  A perceived lack of access to technology-based tools or a lack of time to pursue electronic technology implementation.  Existing technology is predominately text-based (e.g., ditto sheets, chalkboard, overhead project 18

20 Level 0 – Classroom Observations  No visible evidence of computer access in the classroom  Classroom computers sit idle during the instructional day 19

21 Level 0- Non Use  Are cobwebs forming around your classroom computers?  Sort Teacher comments: 20  LoTi Breakdown LoTi Breakdown

22 Level 1 – Awareness  Technology is used by the teacher for management tasks like taking attendance.  Technology is used to embellish a teacher directed lesson. 21

23 Level 1 Classroom Observations  Available classroom computers are used exclusively for teacher productivity.  Multimedia applications are used to embellish classroom lectures or teacher presentations  Curriculum management tools are used extensively to generate standards-driven lesson 22

24 Level 1- Awareness  Who’s using the computers? The teacher or the students?  Sort Teacher’s Comments: 23 LoTi Breakdown

25 Level 2 - Exploration  Technology- based tools supplement the existing instructional program  The electronic technology is employed as an extension activity. 24

26 Level 2 Classroom Observations:  Student projects focus on lower levels of student cognition  There is greater emphasis on the technology rather than on the critical content  Computer use serves as a reward station or as a digital babysitter 25

27 Level 2 - Exploration 26 LoTi Breakdown  Is the focus more on computer use or on the critical content?  Sort Teacher’s Comments:

28 Level 3 - Infusion Technology-based tools, multimedia, Office products and internet use complement selected instructional events. 27

29 Level 3 Classroom Observations:  Student use of applications  Students are involved with different forms of "WebQuest" projects that require students to research information, draw conclusions from their research. 28

30 Level 3 - Infusion  Is higher order thinking and problem solving linked to critical content? What is the focus of computer use in the classroom?  Sort Teacher Comments 29 LoTi Breakdown

31 Level 4A Integration (Mechanical)  Real-world issues & solving authentic problems  Teacher may struggle with classroom management  Prepackaged materials and/or outside resources 30

32 Level 4A -Classroom Observations:  Students designed a school-based information kiosk to assist their classmates with various "safety" issues including map directions to school based on the time of day, neighborhood watch sites, and "just-say-no" strategies to use with strangers.  Students organized a school fund-raiser to raise money for one of the international "solar cooker" societies based on their research, experimentation, and data gathering with homemade solar cookers. 31

33 L evel 4A - Integration (Mechanical)  Do classroom management issues relating to authentic problem- based learning impede your progress with this type of teaching and learning approach?  Sort Teacher’s Comments: 32 LoTi Breakdown

34 Level 4B – Integration – Routine  Exploring real-world issues & students apply learning to real world situations  Technology-based tools are integrated in a routine manner that provides rich context for students' understanding of the pertinent concepts, themes, and processes.  Solve authentic problems  Emphasis on student action and on issues resolution that require higher levels of student cognitive processing and in-depth examination of the content.  Teacher is comfortable! 33

35 Level 4B- Classroom Observations  Based on the rise in student violence on campus, students prepared a multimedia presentation highlighting their recommended mediation strategies using data synthesized from school-wide surveys and from the internet.  Students created a web site devoted to exploring solutions to the steady increase in solid wastes entering the local landfill.  Students prepared a multimedia presentation highlighting the misconceptions and omissions in history text books concerning the contributions of their specific ethic group. 34

36 Level 4B – Integration (Routine) 35 LoTi Breakdown Is the teacher comfortable letting the students explore and use a variety of strategies in their learning? Are students applying their learning to real world situations? Sort Teacher’s Comments:

37 Level 5 - Expansion  Technology access is extended beyond the classroom.  Collaboration and students set personal goals.  Students self-monitor 36

38 Level 5 – Classroom Observations  Students started their online consumer awareness clearinghouse that provided up-to- date information on "best prices" for travel, goods and merchandise, and services based on data collected from their research and online.  Using video cameras, NASA and NOAA images, and related weather and mapping data, students assisted a hiker in his goal to conquer the Continental Divide Trail from Mexico to Canada. Communicating via email, students were able to provide daily information on the best routes. 37

39 Level 5 – Expansion LoTi Breakdown 38  Are you ready to advance into uncharted areas of powerful teaching strategies linked to advanced technology use?  Sort Teacher’s Comments:

40 Level 6 - Refinement  Technology is "real- world" problems.  The real world applied in the classroom.  Students have ready access to and a complete understanding of a vast array of technology-based tools. 39

41 Level 6 – Classroom Observations  Students designed an interactive web site for bilingual children to expedite their English language proficiency. The site included options for real-time conversations, tutorial sessions, and bilingual online bulletin boards.  Students created a new type of housing design using some sophisticated CAD programs to improve the amount of heat transfer in future homes. 40

42 Level 6 – Refinement  Have you reached the promise land involving the power and potential of instructional computing?  Sort Teacher’s Comments: 41 LoTi Breakdown

43 Reminder…… Teachers often fluctuate between LoTi levels throughout the school year. For example, a certain project may be a LoTi level 5 while other projects may be a LoTi level 2. The majority of teachers teach at a LoTi level 2. True effective technology integration begins at a level 3. Not an A, B, C scale or Rubric… 42

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